Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Bigly. Yuge.
Someone unlegalize this for those of us who aren't well versed in the nefarious art of legal mumbojumbification.
A golf buddy of mine sent me an email his wife got yesterday. She supported some MoveOn money raising or petition signing bullshit last fall. He is MAGA as fuck and she’s one of those Karen pub-turned-suburban bleeding heart neo-libs. Look at what these fuckers are filling peoples mind with:

We just launched an urgent campaign to remove Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and other GOP seditionists.

In shocking new reports, we are learning that QAnon-supporting Congresswoman Lauren Boebert live-tweeted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's location and movements during the white supremacist attack on Capitol Hill last week, in what appears to have been an effort to help the racist mob locate the speaker.

The Republicans like Boebert, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley who helped to motivate this deadly white supremacist mob to invade the Capitol, plant explosive devices, and murder a police officer, must be condemned, held accountable, and removed from office.

Which is why MoveOn has launched an urgent, nationwide campaign to immediately do just that.

From potentially buying newspaper, TV, and digital ads; holding rallies; flooding Congress with calls; putting up billboards; and more, we're ready and willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to get this done. Will you chip in $5 a month to hold these traitors accountable?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

On Monday, led by a coalition of our partners, MoveOn helped release a full-page ad in The New York Times calling on Congress to expel not only Trump but also the eight senators and 139 members of the House who voted to overturn the election results.

And MoveOn is strongly supporting Representative Cori Bush's resolution calling on the House to investigate and potentially expel Republican members who helped incite the deadly white supremacist mob.

There is already a groundswell of bipartisan support for removing these violent extremists from public office. The two largest newspapers in Hawley's home state of Missouri have called on him to resign for his despicable actions, his publisher has dropped his upcoming book deal, and hundreds of his constituents painted "Resign Hawley" in downtown St. Louis on Saturday.1,2 And over the weekend, the Houston Chroniclecalled on Ted Cruz to resign. In Colorado, Boebert's constituents even organized a rally and press conference calling for her resignation.3,4

Make no mistake: The calls for resignation, expulsion, and removal of these violent members of Congress are growing louder and clearer.

We can win this fight.

We can send a powerful message that white supremacist violence won't be tolerated.

But it won't be easy. People like Lindsey Graham are trying to sweep the deadly white supremacist violence under the rug and are saying "it is time to heal and move on."5 Despicable.

There can be no healing without accountability. And accountability means that the members of Congress who incited violence must be removed from Congress.

Doug, we urgently need your help to run this campaign. Will you chip in $5 a month to run this campaign for as long as it takes to ensure these violent extremists don't get away with inciting a deadly insurrection?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Thanks for all you do.

–Mohammad, Arvin, David, Erica, and the rest of the team
Let us know if your buddy needs help funding a good divorce attorney.
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I'm not sure whether to delete this or try and decode it.

Has @Rva been holding out on Assange's dead man switch?
Bigly. Yuge.
Damn do I love cutting off the CCP.

In a dream world we would buy our cheap shit from Mexico (how is it cheaper to ship to the opposite side of the world than across the Rio?) while selling China our agricultural goods so we can starve them if they don't bend the knee upon request.

I think the next move is already playing out with the UK and Germany telling China to kick rocks.

I know the EU is always the last to move, being the limp wrists they are, but even Italy is making moves economically and politically to distance themselves from China.

Turkey going hard in the Islamic paint is actually another big win for ending the Silk road bullshit China had planned.

With the Asian powers and Aussies already taking military action in sequence with the USA the communists are unraveling and our boy Putin is playing Xi like a drum.

Putin is always going to be the villain to sheep but damn does he play his role well to people with knowledge of Geo-pol. He has China eating out of his hand while simultaneously rubbing them out of the Artic and Middle East. 🤌
Nope, do it. Then day one of the
DON’T DO IT! That’s what they want. Enough dems will go along with it to get a president Harris. Screw that, they have to live with Joe until he dies.
Harris admin do it again. It should be done to every president from now on. It is purely a meaningless gesture now, much like censure. That used to mean something, now it doesn't It is time to play by their rules. Fire with Fire.
Been saying this for months. Austin,Texas checking in here.
What sphere of influence for the GOP members?

Also I just got a text from my super soaker buddy and another source I would trust (think West Point and Huntsville currently)...

Gosh darn it do I love FREEDOM 🇺🇸🦅🐸

A golf buddy of mine sent me an email his wife got yesterday. She supported some MoveOn money raising or petition signing bullshit last fall. He is MAGA as fuck and she’s one of those Karen pub-turned-suburban bleeding heart neo-libs. Look at what these fuckers are filling peoples mind with:

We just launched an urgent campaign to remove Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and other GOP seditionists.

In shocking new reports, we are learning that QAnon-supporting Congresswoman Lauren Boebert live-tweeted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's location and movements during the white supremacist attack on Capitol Hill last week, in what appears to have been an effort to help the racist mob locate the speaker.

The Republicans like Boebert, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley who helped to motivate this deadly white supremacist mob to invade the Capitol, plant explosive devices, and murder a police officer, must be condemned, held accountable, and removed from office.

Which is why MoveOn has launched an urgent, nationwide campaign to immediately do just that.

From potentially buying newspaper, TV, and digital ads; holding rallies; flooding Congress with calls; putting up billboards; and more, we're ready and willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to get this done. Will you chip in $5 a month to hold these traitors accountable?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

On Monday, led by a coalition of our partners, MoveOn helped release a full-page ad in The New York Times calling on Congress to expel not only Trump but also the eight senators and 139 members of the House who voted to overturn the election results.

And MoveOn is strongly supporting Representative Cori Bush's resolution calling on the House to investigate and potentially expel Republican members who helped incite the deadly white supremacist mob.

There is already a groundswell of bipartisan support for removing these violent extremists from public office. The two largest newspapers in Hawley's home state of Missouri have called on him to resign for his despicable actions, his publisher has dropped his upcoming book deal, and hundreds of his constituents painted "Resign Hawley" in downtown St. Louis on Saturday.1,2 And over the weekend, the Houston Chroniclecalled on Ted Cruz to resign. In Colorado, Boebert's constituents even organized a rally and press conference calling for her resignation.3,4

Make no mistake: The calls for resignation, expulsion, and removal of these violent members of Congress are growing louder and clearer.

We can win this fight.

We can send a powerful message that white supremacist violence won't be tolerated.

But it won't be easy. People like Lindsey Graham are trying to sweep the deadly white supremacist violence under the rug and are saying "it is time to heal and move on."5 Despicable.

There can be no healing without accountability. And accountability means that the members of Congress who incited violence must be removed from Congress.

Doug, we urgently need your help to run this campaign. Will you chip in $5 a month to run this campaign for as long as it takes to ensure these violent extremists don't get away with inciting a deadly insurrection?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Thanks for all you do.

–Mohammad, Arvin, David, Erica, and the rest of the team
I was thinking that the twatty Congressperson from NJ who said Pubs were letting violent psychopathic baby-eating protestors into areas of the Capitol looks like the lady who opened the window in the picture below. Some white dude proceeded to hand over two bats to what looked like Antifa queers. Their playbook seems to be blame the other side for the crime you committed. Jacki Sherill seems like the perfect twat to do that.

Appreciate your post, but I disagree with how the those in power (libs) would handle it. I'm not saying that it won't happen, but the libs have vastly underestimated the number of Patriots there are and they know it based on the numbers of votes for Trump in the past election. Moving quickly to push their agenda will surely result in conflict. They don't want any of that smoke. In order to truly get their way, they need the majority of society to be indoctrinated to their beliefs. That process has not been completed yet and would need several more decades to complete as Bezemenov stated. Also, what your friend alludes to is "end times" type kind of events. Personally, I believe the those in power would take the path of least resistance, allowing indoctrination to occur, and people willing accepting their twisted policies. Biblically, the end comes when we return to the days of Babylon and we are well on our way. Remember the anti-Christ comes to power across the entire world, all nations. What global event would lead the kings of all nations to put their power into one man to preside of the entire world? I believe this event will be the rapture that precedes tribulation as no one will be able to explain such an event and this will cause people to falsely turn back to God or the anti-Christ
I'll give you guys an opinion here.

I've shared before, one of my dearest friends is quite influential in the organizations that spread the Gospel. He's part of a large leadership team that is well coordinated, well funded, and God is doing some amazing, literally amazing, things with the work he is part of leading. Book of Acts type miracles are common with the circles he runs in (i.e. raising the dead, paralytics walking again, diseases healed through prayer, etc...) Sounds crazy, but I've met and looked the men in the eye that have been used by God to prove the power of the Gospel. It's much more common in the Eastern world than we realize. To that end, Jesus says he will return again when all nations, tribes, and tongues have heard the truth of the Gospel. During breakfast this morning, we discussed how we are within 5-7 years of that goal being achieved for an Unreached and Unengaged People Groups (UUPGs) in the entire world. He is a peer to the guys overseeing the work in Iran, NoKo, China, etc...

While we don't know the exact date and I would never proclaim to know, I can't help but notice that the entire Bible is a mirror. The OT is simply a reflection of the work Jesus does in the NT (There is nothing new under the sun). I also can't help but notice that we are coming up on the 2000 year anniversary of Christ going to the cross and conquering death through His resurrection sometime around 2033. That maybe nothing. Maybe we have another 3-4K years. But there is a milestone within shouting distance and I don't want any I encounter to not have heard the truth: God created the universe and everything in it. HIs finest creation was Man, but Man wanted to share in the Glory of God, something Man was not worthy of doing. As a result, Man Fell from the grace of God and sin and death entered the world. But God loved his finest creation so much he did not forsake it. He humbled himself and came into the world as a man and lived a perfect life, fulfilling the Law that no man could, offering himself up as the perfect and final sacrifice. He took that all to the cross, but that's not the end. Three days later he rose from the dead, conquering death itself., in order that all who repent (turn away) of their sin (and themselves) and follow Jesus, will have eternal life. He will return again to judge the world. These are all promises made, kept, and truths we can have confidence in.
In case ya’ll needed something to piss you right the fuck off:

Good parents already have their kids playing sports with the leo's kids so that they can ice pick that bitch's tires daily until she gets the hint and moves.

Getting her fired would be the politically correct thing to do and would simply allow her to move on with some popularity (and likely a settlement these days 🙄) to indoctrinate more children.
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DON’T DO IT! That’s what they want. Enough dems will go along with it to get a president Harris. Screw that, they have to live with Joe until he dies.
Should go after her for inciting violence over the summer.
Precedent has been set, she is the most dangerous vp elect in history!
Should request Maxine, aoc, pelosi, etc, etc to step down for same.
It's maddening
Damn do I love cutting off the CCP.

In a dream world we would buy our cheap shit from Mexico (how is it cheaper to ship to the opposite side of the world than across the Rio?) while selling China our agricultural goods so we can starve them if they don't bend the knee upon request.

I think the next move is already playing out with the UK and Germany telling China to kick rocks.

I know the EU is always the last to move, being the limp wrists they are, but even Italy is making moves economically and politically to distance themselves from China.

Turkey going hard in the Islamic paint is actually another big win for ending the Silk road bullshit China had planned.

With the Asian powers and Aussies already taking military action in sequence with the USA the communists are unraveling and our boy Putin is playing Xi like a drum.

Putin is always going to be the villain to sheep but damn does he play his role well to people with knowledge of Geo-pol. He has China eating out of his hand while simultaneously rubbing them out of the Artic and Middle East. 🤌
Don't forget, Putin isn't going to be there much longer. About a 5% chance the next Russian leader will be as "hands off" as Putin and Putin has been anything but hands off. Trump got him to play fair with us, to an extent. The next guy is much less likely to feel any compunction about doing so.
So Impeachment gets rushed through. Swamp hoping to stave off any criticism/justice so they can label it politcal incarceration.

They freaked the first time because they found out Joe was being investigated via Hunter.

If this actually does go to hearing in Senate, the discovery session will be amazing. Absolutely amazing.

It's going to be more amazing to see who is presiding over Senate in that event :)
Uhhh.. maybe I’m misunderstanding, but if the plan is to eliminate all debt, I’m way out. I sincerely hope that’s not the plan. The entire financial system would collapse, along with all other basic functions of society, shortly thereafter.

And if it includes foreign debt, ww3 would be triggered immediately. Surely I’m missing something bc that’s the literally the worst idea I’ve ever heard.

if your referring to nesera yes

my understanding is he plans on having the treasury dept take over the federal reserve bank (which is a private entity in and of its self), this will be done via the exchange stabilization fund

the fed has been stealing money from the american people since 1913 and hes gonna give back those stolen funds to us (nesera)

and hes gonna have other govs do the same for their countries because they have also stolen from their citizens (gesera)

it wont be lawless like your describing, there will be structure in place

in my last post i tried to post a twit link from (a tommy robinson or a tommy G), he explains nesera more eloquently then myself but the twit has been deleted

this is about all i can remember, i got all this info from our last thread 10 months ago so maybe someone will chime in and add to this

heres a 9 min video of the ESF, there are 4 other parts so lmk if you want those as well

Don't forget, Putin isn't going to be there much longer. About a 5% chance the next Russian leader will be as "hands off" as Putin and Putin has been anything but hands off. Trump got him to play fair with us, to an extent. The next guy is much less likely to feel any compunction about doing so.
Yeah dude loves his country and stabilized their shit hardcore.

Europe and China need that petro / nat-gas and he knows it.

It's pretty clear that 45 used him to outflank the ChiComs. Remember early when the US stopped the massive terror attack in Russia 😎

I think that was the beginning of what I described.
Holy shit! Trump just told the Swamp everything they have corruptly taken from China is now essentially worthless and if you continue to deal with them . . . yer more fucked than you already are. 😍
Uhhh.. maybe I’m misunderstanding, but if the plan is to eliminate all debt, I’m way out. I sincerely hope that’s not the plan. The entire financial system would collapse, along with all other basic functions of society, shortly thereafter.

And if it includes foreign debt, ww3 would be triggered immediately. Surely I’m missing something bc that’s the literally the worst idea I’ve ever heard.
Especially if you are in baking.
DON’T DO IT! That’s what they want. Enough dems will go along with it to get a president Harris. Screw that, they have to live with Joe until he dies.
They don't plan to impeach him. That would require a trial in Senate. That's the last thing they want. They would 25th amendment him if he were actually to become President. Or @died him.

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