Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Going to be a very unpopular post but Id appreciate looking at me as an ally and not a foe:

I'm not a Q believer. There's a lot of this stuff that I think is complete nonsense. I think Q is a successful psyop that has helped wake some people up to our country being snatched out from under us silently by our enemies.

I think the details being posted about all of this different stuff is fake, and I dont think theres some grand plan to save us all.

I think we will have to save ourselves. The military isnt going to arrest our enemies for us. The idea that Nesara or anything like it is going to bail us out economically is just fantasy. This is just my opinion.

So how do people like me fit in with the Q crowd? We want the same things.

I can answer that, at least as it pertains to this thread. You and I are in the same boat.

Challenge anyone on their positions, but once it gets to a matter of faith, let it go. Try to find common ground as opposed to highlighting things you believe to be nonsense. We are all on the same side in the end, and by that I mean that we have very similar values.

People in this thread are very open to others with similar values but like I said, don’t try to back anyone into a corner with logic because it does boil down to faith. You would get the same reaction from me if you tried to back me in the corner for proof that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the Cross to save us from our sins.

I also try to keep an open mind about everything that Anons say because that’s the thing about faith (or conspiracies)- you can’t really prove they aren’t true. And in the end, they may be way ahead of us. Cant hurt to listen and ask for more information, as long as you aren’t asking for the same thing over and over again.

Personally, I have a nihilistic view of the state of our government and politics in general and I try not to voice it because most people don’t want to read that shit. Cant help it sometimes though.
We need a overhaul of our politicians. Don't even know where the Oval Office is located unbelievable! Disgrace.

This is the uber intelligent paragon of leadership and grace who thinks we planted a flag on Mars and praised the peaceful reunification of North and South Korea.

Edit: that was Shelia Jackson Lee. I thought she was speaking today when I heard the moron say that. I wasn't actually watching, just had it on on the background. Should have looked at the tweet.
Going to be a very unpopular post but Id appreciate looking at me as an ally and not a foe:

I'm not a Q believer. There's a lot of this stuff that I think is complete nonsense. I think Q is a successful psyop that has helped wake some people up to our country being snatched out from under us silently by our enemies.

I think the details being posted about all of this different stuff is fake, and I dont think theres some grand plan to save us all.

I think we will have to save ourselves. The military isnt going to arrest our enemies for us. The idea that Nesara or anything like it is going to bail us out economically is just fantasy. This is just my opinion.

So how do people like me fit in with the Q crowd? We want the same things.
1) People who have seen the Q proofs

2) People who have not

You fall into camp #2

If Q is wrong about what will eventually happen, that just means Trumps team wasn't able to accomplish what they relayed to the masses through "Q".

Q isn't just some random in mom's basement. It's an impossibility. Again, check the proofs.
Going to be a very unpopular post but Id appreciate looking at me as an ally and not a foe:

I'm not a Q believer. There's a lot of this stuff that I think is complete nonsense. I think Q is a successful psyop that has helped wake some people up to our country being snatched out from under us silently by our enemies.

I think the details being posted about all of this different stuff is fake, and I dont think theres some grand plan to save us all.

I think we will have to save ourselves. The military isnt going to arrest our enemies for us. The idea that Nesara or anything like it is going to bail us out economically is just fantasy. This is just my opinion.

So how do people like me fit in with the Q crowd? We want the same things.
We respect those who think that way, as long as you aren’t a dick about it. Plus, you’ll have more fun when we turn out to be right. 😎
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I can answer that, at least as it pertains to this thread. You and I are in the same boat.

Challenge anyone on their positions, but once it gets to a matter of faith, let it go. Try to find common ground as opposed to highlighting things you believe to be nonsense. We are all on the same side in the end, and by that I mean that we have very similar values.

People in this thread are very open to others with similar values but like I said, don’t try to back anyone into a corner with logic because it does boil down to faith. You would get the same reaction from me if you tried to back me in the corner for proof that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the Cross to save us from our sins.

I also try to keep an open mind about everything that Anons say because that’s the thing about faith (or conspiracies)- you can’t really prove they aren’t true. And in the end, they may be way ahead of us. Cant hurt to listen and ask for more information, as long as you aren’t asking for the same thing over and over again.

Personally, I have a nihilistic view of the state of our government and politics in general and I try not to voice it because most people don’t want to read that shit. Cant help it sometimes though.
See, this why we hate @UNC71-00 . He’s such a dick about everything.
Going to be a very unpopular post but Id appreciate looking at me as an ally and not a foe:

I'm not a Q believer. There's a lot of this stuff that I think is complete nonsense. I think Q is a successful psyop that has helped wake some people up to our country being snatched out from under us silently by our enemies.

I think the details being posted about all of this different stuff is fake, and I dont think theres some grand plan to save us all.

I think we will have to save ourselves. The military isnt going to arrest our enemies for us. The idea that Nesara or anything like it is going to bail us out economically is just fantasy. This is just my opinion.

So how do people like me fit in with the Q crowd? We want the same things.

i feel exact same way. You aren’t alone here.
1) People who have seen the Q proofs

2) People who have not

You fall into camp #2

If Q is wrong about what will eventually happen, that just means Trumps team wasn't able to accomplish what they relayed to the masses through "Q".

Q isn't just some random in mom's basement. It's an impossibility. Again, check the proofs.
Maybe someone can post the link to that 2hr video that goes over it all. The Deltas and him saying “tip top” had me like...😳
Hey @WindyCityCoug , why did you delete your post? 😄 I wanted to use this for you jumping the gun:

So if Nesara, or Gesara occurred, what would that mean? I've heard it talk about wiping out debt, but what about bank accounts, stocks, etc? Would there be no currency? I just have no idea of what that would mean to the average middle class, or even wealthy individuals. Anyone know more about that whole scenario?

from my understanding all debt will be forgiven because those loans were invalid contracts. thats all debt eg car loans, home mortgages, student loans etc. dt has dissolved the united states as a corporation and its now a republic and has changed the banking laws via the take over of the fed (although its a private entity) by the treasury.

heres a twit link to describe nesera

also, thats an excellent video down below (war castle). discusses the united states as a corp and how it was taken back. its a long video but worth it if you want to understand

Here you go.

from my understanding all debt will be forgiven because those loans were invalid contracts. thats all debt eg car loans, home mortgages, student loans etc. dt has dissolved the united states as a corporation and its now a republic and has changed the banking laws via the take over of the fed (although its a private entity) by the treasury.

heres a twit link to describe nesera

also, thats an excellent video down below (war castle). discusses the united states as a corp and how it was taken back. its a long video but worth it if you want to understand

I’m going to finance a Raptor and RV tomorrow :).
In the end, I really don’t care who is a Q believer and who is not....I listen and observe what Q says and there are a lot of coincidences so I follow but I take it with a grade of Slaw...
In the end, the important attribute is that people ITT are Patriot truthseekers... that know there are globalists whom are not only looking to ruin this country but IMO are pure evil...for that, you are my virtual brothers and I appreciate the Patriot skeptics to keep us level headed for this is a forum for truth seeking...🇺🇸👊🏼

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