Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Yea Im definitely not here for debate or to state my own opinions or beliefs. Im here to keep track of yalls stuff because I know there is a lot of truth in what yall say is going on. There are just some things that are a bridge too far for me, but in the end it really doesnt even matter, as I think we are in the same boat. I just think it may be useful to start thinking about how you're going to red pill people in the post Trump world, because I personally just woke up, and I'm in it for the long haul. I want my freedom back.
from my understanding all debt will be forgiven because those loans were invalid contracts. thats all debt eg car loans, home mortgages, student loans etc. dt has dissolved the united states as a corporation and its now a republic and has changed the banking laws via the take over of the fed (although its a private entity) by the treasury.

heres a twit link to describe nesera

also, thats an excellent video down below (war castle). discusses the united states as a corp and how it was taken back. its a long video but worth it if you want to understand

Uhhh.. maybe I’m misunderstanding, but if the plan is to eliminate all debt, I’m way out. I sincerely hope that’s not the plan. The entire financial system would collapse, along with all other basic functions of society, shortly thereafter.

And if it includes foreign debt, ww3 would be triggered immediately. Surely I’m missing something bc that’s the literally the worst idea I’ve ever heard.
In the end, I really don’t care who is a Q believer and who is not....I listen and observe what Q says and there are a lot of coincidences so I follow but I take it with a grade of Slaw...
In the end, the important attribute is that people ITT are Patriot truthseekers... that know there are globalists whom are not only looking to ruin this country but IMO are pure evil...for that, you are my virtual brothers and I appreciate the Patriot skeptics to keep us level headed for this is a forum for truth seeking...🇺🇸👊🏼
My cat sent out a few teams messages earlier to one of the people who work for me.
from my understanding all debt will be forgiven because those loans were invalid contracts. thats all debt eg car loans, home mortgages, student loans etc. dt has dissolved the united states as a corporation and its now a republic and has changed the banking laws via the take over of the fed (although its a private entity) by the treasury.

heres a twit link to describe nesera

also, thats an excellent video down below (war castle). discusses the united states as a corp and how it was taken back. its a long video but worth it if you want to understand

Proper syntax grammar. Russell-J:Gould and the other dude who I always fail to mention. Thinking of changing my name Viking-Skol!;Tiger
Either, way, this shit is going down. I have always believed this is the ultimate end. Limited federal government and limited taxation. Limited regulation. Unlimited FREEDOM!! Skol!
This is from a friend of mine. We taught 5th grade boys together for years in Sunday school. His son was in the military and was killed in duty over in Afghanistan in April of 2013. Our Sunday School FaceTime him the Sunday before he got killed. This is his Father's statement today on Facebook.

The coming changes… you won’t be ready for. 2 Timothy 3:1 Be sure of this. In the last days hard times will come.

I am not defeated, but I am sad, angry, confused and incredibly frustrated. I am guilty of letting all of this affect my mood and how I am interacting with others, especially my family… and I am truly sorry for that.

I wish I could say I see an “exception clause” for the remnant in this verse, but I do not. I wish I could say the hard times will only be for the wicked, but I cannot. I wish I could say we (all) are not about to experience these hard times Paul is warning about, but I believe we are.

Change is coming. How do I know this? I have been listening to the in-coming Administration. They have told us exactly what they plan to do and now there will be no one to stop them. I also believe that as they begin to invoke these “changes” they will become even more emboldened as they indulge in their newfound limitless resources and power.

Yes, I know God could stop them or anyone else of his choosing, but if this is happening because he has lifted his hand of protection from America (not his children because that will never happen) then don’t expect him to stop it. This is not the end of hope for God’s children. Our hope remains in Jesus and our purpose remains the same. We are to live whatever time we have left being light to a dark world…it’s just going to be harder now. However, God is faithful to always, always, always to provide a way. So what can you expect? Here’s what I think:

If you identified as a Republican, or Christian or Trump supporter in any way, you have been put on a list and you will be targeted for retribution. It may not happen soon just because of the volume of people targeted (65 – 75 million) but its coming. They will focus first on the changes that affect the masses. The first wave will be in the form of laws, mandates and executive orders: Expansions in abortions Expansion to gay rights Restrictions (or worse) on guns and ammunition Restrictions (or worse) on churches. Increased regulations on businesses Taxes will be significantly raised to fund programs in green energy, free medical and education initiatives. More money will be sent to foreign nations in an attempt to get them to stop hating us. Laws will be passed to silence opposing positions and special arms of laws enforcement will be formed to enforce those laws. Existing groups (NSA, FBI and Justice Dept) will receive new marching orders to prioritize their efforts to identifying and prosecuting “homeland treats”. Opposing political representatives will be portrayed as traitors to the nation and will be prosecuted, forced to resign or will resign because they grow weary.

The second wave will take concentrate on individuals: The ability to travel and make purchases will require proof of conformity to “the Party”. They will come up with either special documents or embedded chips. Social Security will be eliminated and replaced with a true entitlement program. Government food banks will be setup across the country. Priority will go to the cities already loyal to “the Party”. A government sponsored church and one world religion will be established.

I could go on and on with the possibilities, but just imagine for yourself what is possible for them now and ask yourself who can stop them?

So what do we do? I don’t have that answer…. yet. But I do know the Father should be sought out for his answers to our problems. That has not changed. Until then I do know I will not live in fear, I will not conform to evil, I will not go away quietly, I will not call wrong right regardless of what they say is truth and I will not forget the “laws” the Lord has laid down. I will put a new priority on my family and friends to pray for them, care for them and protect them at all cost. I will continue to seek discernment from God and will try my best to encourage my brothers and sisters. I will continue to blame all of this on Satan the father of deception and lies and will pray for those he continues to blind.

Hold on. Be careful of what you hear and who you trust but lean on you fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. You will need them. Help those who need it but be weary. There will be many more now who will mean you harm.

Stay safe, stay strong.

Some of his sons obituary. RIP

PFC Barrett Lyle Austin, 20, of Easley, S.C., died April 21, 2013 in Landstuhl, Germany, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by an enemy improvised explosive device in Wardak Province, Afghanistan, April 17, 2013. He was assigned to the 4th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.

We're going have to fight!
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Going to be a very unpopular post but Id appreciate looking at me as an ally and not a foe:

I'm not a Q believer. There's a lot of this stuff that I think is complete nonsense. I think Q is a successful psyop that has helped wake some people up to our country being snatched out from under us silently by our enemies.

I think the details being posted about all of this different stuff is fake, and I dont think theres some grand plan to save us all.

I think we will have to save ourselves. The military isnt going to arrest our enemies for us. The idea that Nesara or anything like it is going to bail us out economically is just fantasy. This is just my opinion.

So how do people like me fit in with the Q crowd? We want the same things.
You're fine. If you're open-minded and haven't seen the video in my sig, you could watch it but that's up to you. I would caution that unless you've looked closely at Q's posts, 95% of what you've seen is extremely questionable at best and utter garbage at worst. I was you for a long time until I took the time to find out what Q proofs were, among other things. The proofs would have been enough.

Either way, though, you're perfectly fine. It's one thing to disagree with people and express your opinion, it's another thing to be a rude. Just make sure the opinion you have is informed.

Ignorant and explainative are not a great combination.

Case in point, if you were to try landing off the top rope with some mouth breathing asinine stupidity about Q being a pig farmer from the Philippines, the kind reception probably wouldn't happen. Then you get the cold shoulder like the condescending idiot who did that yesterday.
We respect those who think that way, as long as you aren’t a dick about it. Plus, you’ll have more fun when we turn out to be right. 😎

I think this is the correct counterpoint to the original post about not buying into Q. I find Q hard to believe myself. Some of it seems so far-fetched. But I am fascinated by it and want it to be true. And, if it does turn out to be true, I can look back on this thread and smile.

I’m not critical of those who believe in it, nor am I critical of those who don’t. None of us knows what the real truth is. Just don’t be an asshole about it, no matter what side you are on.
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My dream is for well known celebs/public figures who are helping the good guys to show up throughout the EBS loops, and blow lib minds. I want this shit to be a full studio production. “Hi, I’m Matthew McConaughey...what you are about to see and hear will seem unbelievable, but I assure you, everything you are seeing is true”

Solid point from X22 today...Q never said the “storm is upon us” tweet had to come from the president. Maybe Pompeo?
Uhhh.. maybe I’m misunderstanding, but if the plan is to eliminate all debt, I’m way out. I sincerely hope that’s not the plan. The entire financial system would collapse, along with all other basic functions of society, shortly thereafter.

And if it includes foreign debt, ww3 would be triggered immediately. Surely I’m missing something bc that’s the literally the worst idea I’ve ever heard.
The story continues that a new, gold backed financial system would be implemented. The rabbit hole is there if you want to jump in
A golf buddy of mine sent me an email his wife got yesterday. She supported some MoveOn money raising or petition signing bullshit last fall. He is MAGA as fuck and she’s one of those Karen pub-turned-suburban bleeding heart neo-libs. Look at what these fuckers are filling peoples mind with:

We just launched an urgent campaign to remove Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and other GOP seditionists.

In shocking new reports, we are learning that QAnon-supporting Congresswoman Lauren Boebert live-tweeted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's location and movements during the white supremacist attack on Capitol Hill last week, in what appears to have been an effort to help the racist mob locate the speaker.

The Republicans like Boebert, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley who helped to motivate this deadly white supremacist mob to invade the Capitol, plant explosive devices, and murder a police officer, must be condemned, held accountable, and removed from office.

Which is why MoveOn has launched an urgent, nationwide campaign to immediately do just that.

From potentially buying newspaper, TV, and digital ads; holding rallies; flooding Congress with calls; putting up billboards; and more, we're ready and willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to get this done. Will you chip in $5 a month to hold these traitors accountable?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

On Monday, led by a coalition of our partners, MoveOn helped release a full-page ad in The New York Times calling on Congress to expel not only Trump but also the eight senators and 139 members of the House who voted to overturn the election results.

And MoveOn is strongly supporting Representative Cori Bush's resolution calling on the House to investigate and potentially expel Republican members who helped incite the deadly white supremacist mob.

There is already a groundswell of bipartisan support for removing these violent extremists from public office. The two largest newspapers in Hawley's home state of Missouri have called on him to resign for his despicable actions, his publisher has dropped his upcoming book deal, and hundreds of his constituents painted "Resign Hawley" in downtown St. Louis on Saturday.1,2 And over the weekend, the Houston Chroniclecalled on Ted Cruz to resign. In Colorado, Boebert's constituents even organized a rally and press conference calling for her resignation.3,4

Make no mistake: The calls for resignation, expulsion, and removal of these violent members of Congress are growing louder and clearer.

We can win this fight.

We can send a powerful message that white supremacist violence won't be tolerated.

But it won't be easy. People like Lindsey Graham are trying to sweep the deadly white supremacist violence under the rug and are saying "it is time to heal and move on."5 Despicable.

There can be no healing without accountability. And accountability means that the members of Congress who incited violence must be removed from Congress.

Doug, we urgently need your help to run this campaign. Will you chip in $5 a month to run this campaign for as long as it takes to ensure these violent extremists don't get away with inciting a deadly insurrection?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Thanks for all you do.

–Mohammad, Arvin, David, Erica, and the rest of the team
"My fellow Americans"
Isn't that a saying that we've been waiting for...?

It will be a tweet. The exact phrase will be, "my fellow Americans, the storm is upon us..."

Repeat after me.

My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us...

My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us...

My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us...

Sorry, long day today. Still love yall. :D
I just got an text from the GOP asking me to participate in their 2021 American Priorities Survey. I swear, these are the very people that turned their back on my president yet here they are trying to convince me that they give a shit about my opinion. This is insanity.
Answer their survey. For every answer, write in "Trump is my President. You guys are giant traitors."

I switched my registration to Independent a couple weeks ago. I don't get crap anymore.
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This is from a friend of mine. We taught 5th grade boys together for years in Sunday school. His son was in the military and was killed in duty over in Afghanistan in April of 2013. Our Sunday School FaceTime him the Sunday before he got killed. This is his Father's statement today on Facebook.

The coming changes… you won’t be ready for. 2 Timothy 3:1 Be sure of this. In the last days hard times will come.

I am not defeated, but I am sad, angry, confused and incredibly frustrated. I am guilty of letting all of this affect my mood and how I am interacting with others, especially my family… and I am truly sorry for that.

I wish I could say I see an “exception clause” for the remnant in this verse, but I do not. I wish I could say the hard times will only be for the wicked, but I cannot. I wish I could say we (all) are not about to experience these hard times Paul is warning about, but I believe we are.

Change is coming. How do I know this? I have been listening to the in-coming Administration. They have told us exactly what they plan to do and now there will be no one to stop them. I also believe that as they begin to invoke these “changes” they will become even more emboldened as they indulge in their newfound limitless resources and power.

Yes, I know God could stop them or anyone else of his choosing, but if this is happening because he has lifted his hand of protection from America (not his children because that will never happen) then don’t expect him to stop it. This is not the end of hope for God’s children. Our hope remains in Jesus and our purpose remains the same. We are to live whatever time we have left being light to a dark world…it’s just going to be harder now. However, God is faithful to always, always, always to provide a way. So what can you expect? Here’s what I think:

If you identified as a Republican, or Christian or Trump supporter in any way, you have been put on a list and you will be targeted for retribution. It may not happen soon just because of the volume of people targeted (65 – 75 million) but its coming. They will focus first on the changes that affect the masses. The first wave will be in the form of laws, mandates and executive orders: Expansions in abortions Expansion to gay rights Restrictions (or worse) on guns and ammunition Restrictions (or worse) on churches. Increased regulations on businesses Taxes will be significantly raised to fund programs in green energy, free medical and education initiatives. More money will be sent to foreign nations in an attempt to get them to stop hating us. Laws will be passed to silence opposing positions and special arms of laws enforcement will be formed to enforce those laws. Existing groups (NSA, FBI and Justice Dept) will receive new marching orders to prioritize their efforts to identifying and prosecuting “homeland treats”. Opposing political representatives will be portrayed as traitors to the nation and will be prosecuted, forced to resign or will resign because they grow weary.

The second wave will take concentrate on individuals: The ability to travel and make purchases will require proof of conformity to “the Party”. They will come up with either special documents or embedded chips. Social Security will be eliminated and replaced with a true entitlement program. Government food banks will be setup across the country. Priority will go to the cities already loyal to “the Party”. A government sponsored church and one world religion will be established.

I could go on and on with the possibilities, but just imagine for yourself what is possible for them now and ask yourself who can stop them?

So what do we do? I don’t have that answer…. yet. But I do know the Father should be sought out for his answers to our problems. That has not changed. Until then I do know I will not live in fear, I will not conform to evil, I will not go away quietly, I will not call wrong right regardless of what they say is truth and I will not forget the “laws” the Lord has laid down. I will put a new priority on my family and friends to pray for them, care for them and protect them at all cost. I will continue to seek discernment from God and will try my best to encourage my brothers and sisters. I will continue to blame all of this on Satan the father of deception and lies and will pray for those he continues to blind.

Hold on. Be careful of what you hear and who you trust but lean on you fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. You will need them. Help those who need it but be weary. There will be many more now who will mean you harm.

Stay safe, stay strong.

Some of his sons obituary. RIP

PFC Barrett Lyle Austin, 20, of Easley, S.C., died April 21, 2013 in Landstuhl, Germany, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by an enemy improvised explosive device in Wardak Province, Afghanistan, April 17, 2013. He was assigned to the 4th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.

We're going have to fight!
Appreciate your post, but I disagree with how the those in power (libs) would handle it. I'm not saying that it won't happen, but the libs have vastly underestimated the number of Patriots there are and they know it based on the numbers of votes for Trump in the past election. Moving quickly to push their agenda will surely result in conflict. They don't want any of that smoke. In order to truly get their way, they need the majority of society to be indoctrinated to their beliefs. That process has not been completed yet and would need several more decades to complete as Bezemenov stated. Also, what your friend alludes to is "end times" type kind of events. Personally, I believe the those in power would take the path of least resistance, allowing indoctrination to occur, and people willing accepting their twisted policies. Biblically, the end comes when we return to the days of Babylon and we are well on our way. Remember the anti-Christ comes to power across the entire world, all nations. What global event would lead the kings of all nations to put their power into one man to preside of the entire world? I believe this event will be the rapture that precedes tribulation as no one will be able to explain such an event and this will cause people to falsely turn back to God or the anti-Christ
Uhhh.. maybe I’m misunderstanding, but if the plan is to eliminate all debt, I’m way out. I sincerely hope that’s not the plan. The entire financial system would collapse, along with all other basic functions of society, shortly thereafter.

And if it includes foreign debt, ww3 would be triggered immediately. Surely I’m missing something bc that’s the literally the worst idea I’ve ever heard.
There would be a period of time where all debt would end up having to be negotiated in some way, or you're right. But color me a NESARA skeptic.
Appreciate your post, but I disagree with how the those in power (libs) would handle it. I'm not saying that it won't happen, but the libs have vastly underestimated the number of Patriots there are and they know it based on the numbers of votes for Trump in the past election. Moving quickly to push their agenda will surely result in conflict. They don't want any of that smoke. In order to truly get their way, they need the majority of society to be indoctrinated to their beliefs. That process has not been completed yet and would need several more decades to complete as Bezemenov stated. Also, what your friend alludes to is "end times" type kind of events. Personally, I believe the those in power would take the path of least resistance, allowing indoctrination to occur, and people willing accepting their twisted policies. Biblically, the end comes when we return to the days of Babylon and we are well on our way. Remember the anti-Christ comes to power across the entire world, all nations. What global event would lead the kings of all nations to put their power into one man to preside of the entire world? I believe this event will be the rapture that precedes tribulation as no one will be able to explain such an event and this will cause people to falsely turn back to God or the anti-Christ
I agree with some of your post. But Christians are going to be persecuted (not crucified) just like Jesus was according to scripture. And I also believe believers will be raptured before we know who the Anti-Christ is. Then it will be literally Hell on Earth when the Holy Spirit is gone. I mainly posted because of the hurt and anger he has for his son giving his life for our country and what's happening now.

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