Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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“If you want us to help combat his supporters, I suggest you get him on the phone and tell him that. If he orders me to, I will. Otherwise, I suggest you listen really hard to the words escaping your cracked, poisonous lips; they’re tantamount to treason,” Gen. Berger allegedly told her.

I am harder than a diamond reading this. God bless that man! A true Patriot!
I mean, I love it but I have a hard time believing this was said in such the manner presented.
The EO that Trump invoked tonight on dealing with China.

Why would he do that if he’s leaving office in a week? Couldn’t Biden simply undo that on day 1? And all deals with China by anyone in Congress becomes valid? No concern then around getting out of those investments in the next year?

Doesn’t make sense.
No. He would need to not renew the national dec.

You can't just cancel EOs. Trump has explained this with regards to Barry's because otherwise he would have erased him day one.

There needs to be a legal basis to end it plus supported by the IC.
I was talking to some very wealthy Republicans this week that realize they are smack dab in the middle of this w the poor & middle classes.

Where is there to run to?

America is the last hope of the World.
Just curious, what’s “very wealthy” in your opinion? My landing spots will be Costa Rica and, weirdly, somewhere like Cambodia or Vietnam. Having lived in and or near the latter two, they are some of the most free counties I’ve been to despite technically being “communist”. Cambodia in particular. Lovely place with lovely people. Check out photos of the southern beaches.
I feel like this is the worst troll of all time or the matrix really is degrading before our eyes.

I mean goodness...
I thought the same thing when a friend of mine informed me of this....or the cock roaches feel comfortable coming out of hiding now that Pedo in Chief seems to be the man now. I would love for it to be a set up and get arrested on live can only hope.

Pretty good video. Not sure about the dude as I've never heard of him but the Fed prosecutor that nailed this dude was the one that got Ted Stephens... the guy our favorite fed judge said "prosecutors have to provide exculpatory evidence unless your last name is Flynn". Really weird video considering what we are going to see given what we know.

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