Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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ivermectin 3 MG Oral Tablet. take 5.5 tablets on day 1, take 5.5 tablets on day 3, and take 5.5 tablets every week for 3 weeks. #: 28 Tablet, Refills: 0. Effective: 2021-08-18.
Additional instructions: weight 190 lbs

Is that the way to take it if one of us gets sick?
This is what I was told:

1)ivermectin 3 MG Oral Tablet. Take 7 tabs by mouth on day 1, then day 3, then weekly thereafter for total of 12 doses. #: 84 Tablet
I am still doing research to see if this is the proper dosage.

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