Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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ivermectin 3 MG Oral Tablet. take 5.5 tablets on day 1, take 5.5 tablets on day 3, and take 5.5 tablets every week for 3 weeks. #: 28 Tablet, Refills: 0. Effective: 2021-08-18.
Additional instructions: weight 190 lbs

Is that the way to take it if one of us gets sick?
Go to the Ivermectin thread and I posted a Treatment Kit which explains everything is clear language.

Anyone else feel like our supposed reps, leaders and heroes are just doing the play by play while the other team shoves their limp cocks down our throats

I have no use for stenographer

2nd the motion on Afghanistan not being the distraction....the audits are the hopium distraction

China having the lithium as we barrel into the green new deal isn't a distraction

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