Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Just received a pretty harrowing text from a friend:

Damn, one of my sisters friends is in Afghanistan as a Christian missionary. She and her husband are stuck outside the military base and can't past the Taliban checkpoints to get to safety. If the Taliban get ahold of them, they'll be murdered immediately. They didn't get any warning or instructions on getting onto the base for safety reason/evacuation. Fucking disaster.

And didn't the idiot in chief say yesterday that Americans would not be given priority in regards to evacuation? Please say some prayers if you are so inclined. I don't even know these poor souls but that message hit me pretty hard.

Self quote follow up. Thankfully there was a little bit of misinformation in that first text. We have enough misinformation around that I don't need to bring it here. Here is the follow up message from my buddy:

Spoke to my sister. Turns out it’s just 1 guy, somehow my brother thought it was a married couple. Yesterday the Taliban was on the street searching door to door. They raided his next door neighbor but by some miracle they skipped his house, which is full of bibles he distributes. And nobody in the neighborhood ratted him out, which is a fucking miracle. He’s had zero contact from the State Department yet. He doesn’t have access to a safe house or an escape route. The organization that sponsors him is doing all they can to work the US channels to get help to him and their other missionaries. Ugh, this is gut wrenching.

God bless that man and prayers for his safe return.
1) I’m willing to let things play out through Trump’s 2nd term before I speculate on how I’m going to react to anything. And I have a secret for you: I have hit very low lows at times doubting things. But I don’t come here and shit all over everything. Plenty of people here who do that. I stay strong for myself, my family, and all of you. I’m not going through this blindly — but I also see multiple paths forward and almost all of them end in something biblical.

2) The Plan doesn’t involve killing millions. The Swamp’s reactions and tactical changes of their plans do. The Plan is forced to deal with this while still moving forward because the lives lost over future decades will make today’s casualties pale in comparison if we don’t continue to fight and eventually win.

3) There are a lot of people I quote into this thread — but that doesn’t mean I believe everything I post. I want full exposure to ideas and a robust conversation. That is also why I have never blocked anyone, and never will, nor have I ever asked someone to shut up. Even Vols make good points to consider every once in a while.

4) I’ll be fine regardless of the outcome because, at a minimum, I have spread the truth to as many people as possible about the evil realities of this world, our leaders, the MSM, et al., in an attempt to awaken as many people as possible. I am also at peace with my morality and with God.

Great post, Me being long on words, I’m with you in your thinking. I just have a gut feeling that the good guys are pulling the strings here, no way they can screw up this bad with 98% of the media in their pocket. I am beyond ready for some wins, beyond impatient, but still have faith that the best is yet to come. I think if we can get some momentum on our side out bickering will subside.
Where does the cia deposit cash they confiscate or get there hands on?
Same with all the cash the find in those big drug busts?
Serious question?
In private foundations that then end up distributing the money in all sorts of funds (hedge, private equity, venture capital, etc…)

That is how the money is laundered. It’s why the Clinton Foundation was such a big deal.
Really good friend, Becky Paul, a nurse from Charlotte was just on Tucker Carlson. She has resigned her position at her hospital because of their vaccine policy. True Patriot. Our sons grew up playing baseball together and we both served for years on the board of the local Little League. She has laid it all on the line...

I saw her. She did well in that segment.

Good for her.
Where does the cia deposit cash they confiscate or get there hands on?
Same with all the cash the find in those big drug busts?
Serious question?

I Know a "Little Bit" ;) About This Type of Work - From a Long-Long Time Ago In a Very Far & Different Galaxy

If You Have Ever Visited Luxembourg City, Which I Have Multiple Times, You Will See That There Are Over 130 Banks In An Area About The Size of a Small Downtown - Maybe a +/- 10 Block X 10 Block Area

I Can Still Clearly Hear The Words of the Person That "Introduced Me" to Banking In Luxembourg.

He Said, "Here Lies The World's Largest Laundromat, This Is Where "Little Orphan Dollars" Come to Get Their "Birth Certificates".

He Explained to Me That The Majority of the Money That Gets "Washed" Through All of Those Banks ,and Yes Even The "Vatican" Has a Bank There, Is Not From Private Citizens Looking to Avoid Paying Taxes, But Rather From The See-Eye-Ay/KGB/Mossad/MI6/The Vatican/ Etc Running All Their Illegal Operations So They Can Finance All Of Their Illegal Activities

See The Amateurs Go To The Caymans or Bahamas - The IRS Knows Almost Immediately After You Open Your Account - The Swiss Caved Long Ago

There Are Two Places Where The World's Illicit Organizations Like The See-Eye-Aye Launder All Their Ill-Gotten Gains

That's Luxembourg and Lichtenstein

One It Is THE Cash Crop Of Their Economies So They've Told the EU and Everyone Else to Fuck Off and Kept Their Bank Secrecy Intact

Two - These Illicit Organizations Mentioned Above - They Need That Secrecy MORE Than Any Private Citizen - They Cannot Let The World "See" The Massive Amounts of Cash They Make/Launder By Running Drugs/Guns/Humans/Stolen Tech Through Their Illegal Operations

And Yes The Banking Cartel is Real - Like I Said Vatican Bank is There, So Is Every Major American Bank JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, B of A, etc - So is Every Major Bank From South America, Mid-East, Asia, India - They Are All In On It - It's Too Big Not to Know - The Cartel "Protects" Their Own - How Do You Think "Investment Bankers" Get Paid All That Money For Getting a Measley 8% ROI

You Cannot Move Billions and Trillions of Illicit Money & Not Know What The Fuck is Going On

Does It Not Puzzle You That Even When Caught Like Most Recently UBS - NO ONE Goes to Prison?

You Don't Find It A Bit Odd That the Former Head of the FBI James Comey Worked at UBS

See Here Comey & UBS

Just a Coincidence That the Head of Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo Was One of the Main Causes of the Mortgage Melt-Down of 2006-2008 & Did the Loans for Barney Frank Who Was Fucking The Head of Freddie Mac - And He Didn't Spend ONE FUCKING DAY in Jail?

Watch the "Big Short" The Movie Was Right NOT ONE FUCKING BANKER WENT TO PRISON - Not From WAMU, B of A, New Century - NONE of THEM

Fuck Goldman Made $5 Billion and Only Paid a 10% "Fine"

Hell I'll Take That - You'd Take That!

Make $5 Billy Give Back $500 Milly & Spend The Rest of Your Life Laughing Your Ass Off In Monaco and Not A Prison Block

All Those Worldwide Drug Cartels ---> Banking Necessary
Human Trafficking ---> NGOs ---> Catholic Church/Vatican ---> Banking Necessary
CIA/ATF Worldwide Gun Running ---> Banking Necessary
Publishers Book Deals ---> Politicians ---> Banking Necessary

Another "Point to Ponder" Why the Fuck Does a Church Need Its' "Own Bank"

Mitt's Bunch The Fucking Whacko Mormon's Are In On This Gig Too - See Ownerhship of ZIONS BANK CORP - The Cot-Damn Mormon Chcurch!

Why Is It The Mormon Missionaries Are Always Around The Drug Cartels In Mexico - Drugs & Humans That's Why!

So How Do They Do It and Keep It on The QT

Let Me Explain to You The Concept of Corporations Set-Up In Luxembourg & Lichtenstein With "Bearer Shares"

See Here in the US and Other Countries for the Most Part Each Share of Stock is Registered to the Owner - Yes Financial Firms May Hold Your Shares in Trust - But The IRS/SEC and Every Other Government Organization Knows You Own The Stock and Can Track Buys and Sell for Taxes and Ownership

Corporations Set Up "Bearer Shares" Mean Those Shares Are Not Registered To Anyone - Who Ever is the "Bearer" or Has The Shares In Their Possession is the Owner.

Attorneys Set Up These Corporations and Use Attorney-Client Privilege So No One Knows Who Actually Set-Up or Has The Shares

Thus With "Bearer Shares" You Cannot Prove These Illicit Organizations Own These Corporations That Seem Legitimate But Are Financed With Ill-Gotten Gains of Drugs/Guns/Intellectual Property/Human Trafficking Etc

My Apologies It's Been a While

But That is a Rudimentary Explanation of as You Asked "How Does the See-Eye-Aye Deposit Cash" aka Launder Money for Ongoing Operations?

Nugget - They Issue Company Credit Cards - Which Don't Get Reconciled in the US or Any Other "Legit" Country - They Are Processed in Luxembourg by Banks That Don't Have to Report to Authorities and the "Bearer Corporation" Pays The Bill

Same Thing for Large Items These People Acquire - They Do a Purchase Order or bill of Lading and the "Bearer Share" Corp Has Its' Bank Protected by Bank Secrecy Wire the Money

Same if They Want to Purchase a "Legit" Company to Use as a Cover for Intel or Launder Money.

You Thought When Donal Rumsfeld on September 10th, 2001 the Day Before 9/11 Was Just Kidding Around When He Said, "The Pentagon is Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars"?

No Sir - He Wasn't - Check What Depatment at the Pentagon Was Hit By "A Plane" of a Fucking Towel Head That Couldn't Get His Solo License in A Fucking Cessna 152

Let Me Help You With the Answer to the Above - The ACCOUNTING Department.

Are You Starting to "Get It"?

Running "The Deep State" Ain't Cheap My Friend

See We All Have a "Special Skill-Set" ITT

This Concludes Tonight's Lesson of "Intro to Money Laundering 101" by Professor @MortgageHorn

Moral of The Story

Follow The Money - It Will Answer Any Question You Have In Life

From Why Is That Bald Fat Guy Banging the Super-Model to Why You Can Have a Multi-Million Dollar Net Worth Making $178,000 a Year in Congress With a Second Home to Live/Work In the Nation's Most Expensive City to Why Did 9/11 Happen - Why is Afghanistan Happening???

And On, And On, And On
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Easy to look back now in hind sight, but after 9/11 everyone was ready to go in and blow the fuck out of the taliban. Right or wrong it was a very popular war because we wanted blood for blood. The mistake was trying to install a democratic gov and being nursemaid to them.
What if the catalyst for war was known before the event occurred? I’m not 💯 on board but it would take less convincing now than five years ago.
Fuck I’m in a bad place. Lost too many in Afghanistan and someone I know just KTS last night.
You have friends here all worried about the same thing. Even some you disagree with are on your side. There are tens of millions of us. That is what has the evil worried and working insane plots. I have no idea what to say other than you are not alone; especially on this forum.

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