Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Pretty Sure This Photo is of @tgsio as a Young Girl
I did have to zoom in on the pic. That sweet little girl looks like my oldest at about that age.

She's cute as a button with obviously great parents.

Just in case you don’t believe we are hot and dry out west. Before you jump in remember many cattle feed yards and vegetables are grown here. Potatoes rely on hot days and cool nights. Expect potato grocery store ones to stink. McDonald’/Ore Ida contracts will get the better ones.

We grow our own.
I got banned early onView attachment 30748 for posting this pic on a tweet by Jennifer Rubin...nothing else...immediately banned.😂😂😂
I got banned for telling lebum he's an ignorant CCP whore.

I actually got banned twice. I immediately set up a second account to repeat my offensive tweet verbatim instead of taking it down to keep my original account. I was a little gratified to wake up the next morning to see the wave of comments echoing my sentiments just inundating the ignorant CCP whore's asinine, bs tweets. 🤣
That hadn’t really occurred to me. Great point. “Defund the Police” takes on more meaning if the goal is to get local police officers to leave the force and be replaced by federal police.
So much this. And all the, "OK" looting, letting criminals out with no bail, rampant violence against innocents. all designed for an eventual public outcry for "Someone to do something", like with the virus and they come in with a Federal Police Force.

Local law enforcement is a huge hindrance to their ultimate goal.

Weaken it and send in their own.

Obvious AF to those watching.
@MortgageHorn it looks like it’s yours. It has a bald head😂.

Reminds Me of a Brunette a Redhead and a Blonde All Talking About Being Pregnant

Brunette Says, "Oh I'm Having a Boy Because He Was on Top"

Redhead Says,, "Mine's a Girl Because I Was On Top"

The Blonde Breaks Out In Tears - The Other Two Ask, "What's Wrong?"

Blonde Says, "I'm Having a Puppy"
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I feel out of the loop, I haven't been banned anywhere. I'm going to post this pic to one of her tweets to see if I get similar treatment.
My twatter bans were the first time ever I've been banned. And I managed to get banned twice in a span of 10 minutes.

My kids and husband laughed their asses off. "You went at LeBron?!?!?!".

Uh, yeah. I couldn't help myself. Have y'all met me????🤣

What's pathetic is that I'm pretty sure I was banned for CCP part of the tweet. Ignorant whore was probably perfectly fine. And I'm pretty sure lebum is who reported the post.

Whiny twit bitch that he is.
Reminds Me of a Brunette a Redhead and a Blonde All Talking About Being Pregnant

Brunette Says, "Oh I'm Having a Boy Because He Was on Top"

Redhead Says,, "Mine's a Girl Because I Was On Top"

The Blonde Breaks Out In Tears - The Other Two Ask, "What's Wrong?"

Blonde Says, "I'm Having a Puppy"

Another one in that vein.

A Blonde, Brunette, and Redhead walk into a bar.
The Redhead says, "I'll have an MGD."
Lady bartender says, "I'm new and want to be sure, but I think that's Miller Genuine Draft, right ?"
Redhead says, "awesome"
Brunette then orders, "I'll have an ML"
Bartender confirms, "That's Miller Light, right?"
Brunette, "you're doing great"
Blonde orders, "I'll have a 15".
The bartender ponders this for a while and finally comes back, "I'm sorry, I don't know what that is".
Blonde in disgust, "Duuuuuh, 7 and 7".
Just checked my portal for final test results from heart transplant. Won’t bore with all the details but good to go and rejection is 2%. Can start work next Monday. Vitals are:

105/67 BP
HR 58
O2 98
lbs 172 and advised to gain 10 pounds. Time to up Biden and go for 3 scoops this summer😂.
So good to hear.

How was your vacation? I hope y'all had a blast.

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