Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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With this unconstitutional expansion of the Capitol Police outside of DC to "protect against threats", we are witnessing the exact playbook of early 30's Nazi Germany and the takeover of the police. This is the first step in federalizing the police force. Local police municipalities are the last line of defense against communism and they have started the clock on destroying that defense with their defund the police mantra followed by expanding the jurisdictions and powers of the Capitol Police.

They are using the "insurrection" as their Reichstag Fire. This should terrify any reasonable and educated American.
With this unconstitutional expansion of the Capitol Police outside of DC to "protect against threats", we are witnessing the exact playbook of early 30's Nazi Germany and the takeover of the police. This is the first step in federalizing the police force. Local police municipalities are the last line of defense against communism and they have started the clock on destroying that defense with their defund the police mantra followed by expanding the jurisdictions and powers of the Capitol Police.

They are using the "insurrection" as their Reichstag Fire. This should terrify any reasonable and educated American.

Anyone else getting the feeling our Deep state is preparing a big false flag? Spidey senses are up
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I agree, but what is he supposed to say? Almost anything else and the “inciting violence” crowd will be all over him. Plus his comments tie back to how the election was stolen in Georgia.

besides, I’ll be live senile joe is sending people door to door when I see it. That would be a disaster for those people.
Just when you thought being a telemarketer was the shittiest job on the planet.
With this unconstitutional expansion of the Capitol Police outside of DC to "protect against threats", we are witnessing the exact playbook of early 30's Nazi Germany and the takeover of the police. This is the first step in federalizing the police force. Local police municipalities are the last line of defense against communism and they have started the clock on destroying that defense with their defund the police mantra followed by expanding the jurisdictions and powers of the Capitol Police.

They are using the "insurrection" as their Reichstag Fire. This should terrify any reasonable and educated American.
That hadn’t really occurred to me. Great point. “Defund the Police” takes on more meaning if the goal is to get local police officers to leave the force and be replaced by federal police.
That hadn’t really occurred to me. Great point. “Defund the Police” takes on more meaning if the goal is to get local police officers to leave the force and be replaced by federal police.

We might all be joining antifa by the end of the year, lololol

And yes the dem mayor's are sabotaging their police departments so when it gets bad enough they can beg for federal help and the people will be so desperate they'll go along with it.
That hadn’t really occurred to me. Great point. “Defund the Police” takes on more meaning if the goal is to get local police officers to leave the force and be replaced by federal police.

And the military with the latest vaccine mandate. If cities start seeing guys running around in blue helmets speaking different languages, you best get ready to rumble.
They couldn’t make it through the first seconds of the opening scene. Not the speech . . . Seeing the huge flag alone would send them screaming!

Yup, with the doors locked


That sounds like scripture which automatically makes me skeptical of its actual meaning and purpose. Also it’s vague. Be careful folks.

our hope is in Christ and eternal life. Our hope is not in man or government. Our hope is NOT in some sort of salvation or glorious reign of good government where the evil cabal is overthrown. Read the Old Testament? The people wanted rulers so God gave them judges, then Kings. It’s been corrupt since the beginning and any hope fixed upon anything other than Christ and his saving grace is wrong. Of course I hope for ethical governance. But, Jesus came at a time where no such thing existed. He did so and fought a spiritual battle for our souls, while not arguing against the tyrannical reign of the Roman Empire.

again, just be careful what you put your trust in. Trump isn’t bringing us into the thousand year reign of Christ. We already have Christ living here among us. So much attention is focused on this end of the cabal. The cabal, evil and death have already been defeated!!!
That hadn’t really occurred to me. Great point. “Defund the Police” takes on more meaning if the goal is to get local police officers to leave the force and be replaced by federal police.
$#!t, I hadn't thought about that either, but damn, that's an interesting thought. I am pretty sure at least once tonight I'll have a chance to speak with a local LEO, I'll ask them if any/many are leaving their department.

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