Is it the horse paste?I guess I need to buy some more because after this Delta Covid mutation, they’re going to come up with a rectangular Covid Variant
Not a doctor but everything I’ve read is that it is the same as long as you don’t get the version that has additives. The plunger has 50lb click increments. My friend weighs 175 and used 4 clicks, then 3 clicks 48 hours later and then 3 clicks every 7 days without incident or covid. My friend did a lot of research on the internet to find the protocol.
Money launderingStraight cash from her publishers I'm sure. EDIT - While Justice Sleeps is the author - not politician.
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I've not heard of any issues with humans using it, and the dosage is the same per pound for humans and horses. I bought 3 syringes of it from my local Tractor Supply Store, but haven't needed to use it. This lady shows how simple it is:Just realized that you're pretty close to the ranch that we get our beef from. You familiar with Brady's Beef down in the Downey area? Not too far from Pocatello.
I know there's been some conversation on here in the past about using ivermectin as a treatment, but if you got the horse paste and needed to use it for covid, what sort of dosage would it take? Also, is that particular product confirmed okay for human ingestion?
Maybe that’s a good way to get rid of the criminals...ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
They have sex on the bike.I know it's fake but I would love to see the ending
Sometimes you have to show them.It will be immediately ridiculed and disregarded, no matter how poorly (or how well) it was conducted. I would add, don't trust anybody. Unless you really know this person's heart, take anything they tell you with a grain of salt. Look at the guy ITT who told us the GA Gov was salt of the earth people, who would stand up for right. Instead, he was a traitorous bastard who sold us out for a few Rothschild (or Chinese) shekels.
The media wouldn't report audit results (unless they were in Biden's favor) even if Arizona dems were on camera using aborted baby corpses as voters. Republican leadership wants Trump to just go away, they're not going to stand up for Trump voters, no matter what that or any other audit reveals.
The sooner American patriots realize their government is corrupt, spiritually dead, and completely unfixable, and that there is no one outside of God almighty and each other they can count on, the better. Fox News, most conservative pundits, most congressional republicans, most if not all senators, almost the entirety of federal law enforcement, almost the entirety of military leadership. All of them against us. Trump had 4 years, they cheated him out of office, swept most of his accomplishments under the rug in less than 6 months, and the country is in a worse state than ever.
Well, now he can sue her and get judgment liens on her properties.I have a friend whose nephew is a lawyer in GA. he did some work for her during her run for Governor. She stiffed him for over $150k.
Pudding brain doesn’t have a clue what to be mad about.Erik Erikson on radio today said that it pretty much blows away any chance from Biden’s deal trying to attack states like Georgia etc. with their new boating laws so yes they’re screwed, puPuddin brain is mad supposedly
We will hit Salmon River brewery tomorrow. Won’t do a circle back like Biden’s spokeswomen.Hefe!!! My favorite!!! And Kolsch! My second favorite! Hint: put a shot and a half of lemonade in the Kolsch on a hot day. Extremely refreshing!
There should be a massive campaign to report leftists as extremists. Report all your liberal friends. See how well that works out for zuckerface. View attachment 29673
Wife only had 3 hours sleep so:Chill time! Hope all have a safe and happy 4th. I’ll be chillin’!! SKOL Patriots!
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Oops.......Constitutional carry officially went into effect in Tennessee today.![]()
Get an air horn. Scares the shit out of them. I’ve blasted that within 40yards and they shit on the way out!! We pack bear spray and of course the ever present side arm. Never used either ( on bears) but have used that air horn a hundred times. Anyway. I’m drunk and rambling. Haha SKOL!Tomorrow morning we are hiking a 20 mile trail. The women have their bear spray and us guys just laugh. We will be packing our guns.