Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Heard a Guy On Hannity Said the Charges Are Because He Stayed Some Nights in a Trump Property and Drove a Company Car Without Declaring It on His Tax Return

Complete Bullshit - Every Exec at Every Company Does That

For Example The GMs and Sales Managers I Know at Dealerships Drive Whatever Car They Want - None of Them Report It

Do You Think The President of Hilton Corp Pays for a Hotel Room - Does The VP of United Pay for a 1st Class Ticket - Hell No and Not on Any Returns

BTW Do He Said Do You Think The Same DA is Reporting The Use of a City Car AND Driver + Security Detail on His Return?
I understand how they would charge that one person. I think it is a travesty, but I understand how that works. What I don’t understand is the organization being charged. How the fuck do you charge an organization with a crime?
Agreed, but back to my question. If a real war were to kick off, do you believe we would have the support of other countries?
Oh, there would be other countries coming to the aid of the "rebels". I believe they would have ulterior motives however. I think they would be looking to help the rebellion be successful, which further weakens the United States. A divided US would be ripe for the pickin' by Russia or China.
This Cosby “news conference” is a horrible mistake. They are acting as if he has been exonerated and never did anything wrong. A shitshow. If these people really cared for him they should be quietly ushering him into privacy and being thankful for a procedural mistake. Nobody on the planet thinks he is innocent and celebrating like this in public is not helping him.
CNN needs a story.

"Who is the Antichrist?" That's got to be one of the top two or three questions asked of Christians ever. And no, it's not Trump, for a few reasons.

You always wonder, though, when a new guy shows up on the world stage, right? Off the top of my head, I can remember the following people being seriously considered as the Antichrist in my lifetime:

Every Pope
Bill Gates
Prince Charles

There have been MANY more, but these candidates all fail several diagnostic tests:

1. They aren't popular enough. The Antichrist will have almost universal, worldwide appeal. He will charm cross-culturally like no other has before him. All of these men have far too many vocal critics.

2. He will rise from virtual obscurity to worldwide prominence overnight (side note - Obama's overnight rapid rise to stardom fueled a lot of the speculation around him), and his rise will coincide with a 7 year peace treaty with Israel that he personally champions.

3. He will sign the aforementioned 7 year peace treaty with Israel. While there are, have been, and will be many treaties with Israel, this one will be different, because it will coincide with the rebuilding and resumption of sacrifices in the Jewish Temple. 3.5 years into the treaty, however, the Antichrist will commit truly diabolical treachery against Israel, enter the Temple, and declare himself to be God, requiring the whole world to worship him.

4. His power will be exercised by his governance of a revived Roman Empire (think something like the EU or a UN, but with tremendous authority).

5. He will have 10 subordinate rulers who quickly gain power near the same time that he does. They will hold onto their power briefly, yet willingly put themselves under his control. The Bible describes them as "Kings," which means they are likely rulers of nations or large regions of the world. Interestingly, the UN already has the world divided into 10 regions to track its Sustainable Development Goals. I don't mean that the UN and its programs are in some way tied to the Antichrist; rather, it is interesting to see that the only current proxy for world government, the UN, views the world through the lens of a 10 region system. In the aftermath of incredible international chaos and the failure of weak countries, a system like this would make a lot of sense to a lot of the world.


6. He will be accompanied by his hype man, the False Prophet, who will perform Satanic miracles to convince the world to follow the Antichrist.

7. He will demand worship. The world will face a binary choice - worship Jesus or worship the Antichrist. Everyone will make one of those two choices.
someone posted this vid while back and i want to say thank you, bravo. stand up and take a bow. this should be a mandatory watch on here. most of us know these but wow, just amazing eye opening stuff

4hrs long so cliffs that i can remember, feel free to add if i missed anything

talks about the jfk assassination, he was murdered by the cia/mafia led by bush 41. cia/fbi/lbj, mafia, half of the dallas pd, military special forces, secret services, medical examiners, politicians were also involved

when he was assassinated his body was flown to dc on af2 but everyone thought it was on af1, they had another body on there and that body was surgically altered to appear like jfk and specifically the wounds he sustained via single bullet theory. the body that was surgically altered was a dallas policeman that resembled jfk a great deal, his nickname was actually "jfk" thats how much he resembled him

many people esp back then didnt believe it was a single bullet that killed jfk, most knew there were multiple shooters (people arent as stupid/naive back then as they are today)

several of the snipers failed to deliver the fatal shot, the coup de gras came from a storm drain 10 ft from the vehicle when the driver intentionally slowed the vehicle to an almost complete stop

watergate was an attempt to steal incriminating photographs of bush 41 and other on that fateful day

investigations post assassination showed many witness/co conspirators "die" or murdered to keep their mouths shut

the entire premise was to blame lbj as soley responsible since he passed away several years after and couldnt talk anymore

thats why the warren commission report cant be released because the same entities (cia, mafia et al) are still around and doing the same thing currently

there is so much info that jfk was killed and by whom out there that just boggles the mind why people arent being held responsible even today. the kennedy familys silence on the matter is because it would only implicated their dad joe kennedy and his evil ways back in his day. jfk and rfk were sincerely out for our best interest and were trying to right Joes wrongs

edward kennedy/chappaquidick was a set up so ed cant run for pres, set up by the same people resp for jfk murder

the rich/elites basically run this world and make money off the citizens by creating war, theyve been doing so at least since ww1, thats how they make their money

following ww2 europe was in tatters so they had to move the wars to another theatre. in come korea, vietnam and central america. thats why they wanted to kill jfk cause he wanted out of vietnam

the military industrial complex which is owned by the elites cant make money if bombs dont explode

the military needs to keep the money pumping via tax dollars so they create a boogie man

in comes the war on terror and 911

they allow radical muslims and pshycotic/literally derange muslims to infiltrate europe and the west in hopes it continues to scare everyone into thinking we have to wage war against the muslims, they were ecstatic when it was a muslim at fort hood who did the shooting

people esp americans will eventually come to the conclusion that we dont want to fund these endless wars/military budget unless there was a boogie man out there thats why the media is continuously trying to scare everyone, they want everyone to be obedient

a majority of the media is basically run/owned by the cia via operation mockingbird

media, politicians, military officers and put in incriminating situations the way the mafia does it (hookers, drug etc), once they have the vid or photos they are ask to either go to jail or play the game which they will be paid hansomly

deep state/shadow gov are just evil people

its getting to a point the only way to rid them is revolution

im sure i omitted a bunch of info but thats all i remember

please watch the vid and share, lets poke holes in this thing

love to hear yalls thoughts

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Why the fuck aren’t we doing the same!? We are liter Ali letting our enemies get bigger while we get weaker. Also who is funding all this over there, to include their booming infrastructure over the last 5 years? Is it all slave work?
someone posted this vid while back and i want to say thank you, bravo. stand up and take a bow. this should be a mandatory watch on here. most of us know these but wow, just amazing eye opening stuff

4hrs long so cliffs that i can remember, feel free to add if i missed anything

talks about the jfk assassination, he was murdered by the cia/mafia led by bush 41. cia/fbi/lbj, mafia, half of the dallas pd, military special forces, secret services, medical examiners, politicians were also involved

when he was assassinated his body was flown to dc on af2 but everyone thought it was on af1, they had another body on there and that body was surgically altered to appear like jfk and specifically the wounds he sustained via single bullet theory. the body that was surgically altered was a dallas policeman that resembled jfk a great deal, his nickname was actually "jfk" thats how much he resembled him

many people esp back then didnt believe it was a single bullet that killed jfk, most knew there were multiple shooters (people arent as stupid/naive back then as they are today)

several of the snipers failed to deliver the fatal shot, the coup de gras came from a storm drain 10 ft from the vehicle when the driver intentionally slowed the vehicle to an almost complete stop

watergate was an attempt to steal incriminating photographs of bush 41 and other on that fateful day

investigations post assassination showed many witness/co conspirators "die" or murdered to keep their mouths shut

the entire premise was to blame lbj as soley responsible since he passed away several years after and couldnt talk anymore

thats why the warren commission report cant be released because the same entities (cia, mafia et al) are still around and doing the same thing currently

there is so much info that jfk was killed and by whom out there that just boggles the mind why people arent being held responsible even today. the kennedy familys silence on the matter is because it would only implicated their dad joe kennedy and his evil ways back in his day. jfk and rfk were sincerely out for our best interest and were trying to right Joes wrongs

edward kennedy/chappaquidick was a set up so ed cant run for pres, set up by the same people resp for jfk murder

the rich/elites basically run this world and make money off the citizens by creating war, theyve been doing so at least since ww1, thats how they make their money

following ww2 europe was in tatters so they had to move the wars to another theatre. in come korea, vietnam and central america. thats why they wanted to kill jfk cause he wanted out of vietnam

the military industrial complex which is owned by the elites cant make money if bombs dont explode

the military needs to keep the money pumping via tax dollars so they create a boogie man

in comes the war on terror and 911

they allow radical muslims and pshycotic/literally derange muslims to infiltrate europe and the west in hopes it continues to scare everyone into thinking we have to wage war against the muslims, they were ecstatic when it was a muslim at fort hood who did the shooting

people esp americans will eventually come to the conclusion that we dont want to fund these endless wars/military budget unless there was a boogie man out there thats why the media is continuously trying to scare everyone, they want everyone to be obedient

a majority of the media is basically run/owned by the cia via operation mockingbird

media, politicians, military officers and put in incriminating situations the way the mafia does it (hookers, drug etc), once they have the vid or photos they are ask to either go to jail or play the game which they will be paid hansomly

deep state/shadow gov are just evil people

it getting to a point the only was to rid them is revolution

im sure i omitted a bunch of info but thats all i remember

please watch the vid and share, lets poke holes in this thing

love to hear yall thoughts

One thing you left out, the beginning talks about how the nazi regime never really was defeated, it was just moved to America. Prescott Bush in particular was the head American nazi.


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