I'm behind & trying to catch up, perhaps someone else has discussed this but I doubt it.
I have had this covid thought for awhile and this thread seems a good place to put it out there. We all know the death rate is complete BS, and we all know about comorbidities and "dying of" vs "dying with" covid. However, I think this argument loses alot of people in the weeds. Also, many of those comorbidities are covid related, or could be. Certainly pneumonia and blood clots, for example, are common comorbidities that are often related to the person having covid. Many of the listed comorbidities are not covid related, but again...getting in the weeds.
I say all that to say, my newest argument against the death rate is something like this. Someone mentions the survival rate for their age being, say 98%. I reply, yeah but it is actually much higher than 98%. That number is factoring in all the deaths since last spring(2020), when we were horribly mistreating people, and generally the outcomes were much worse than they are now. Just at the couple of hospitals I deal with at work, last summer we were full of covid patients, and almost out of vents. Now we almost never admit anyone with covid. I bet if you took even the BS cdc numbers, from just 2021, the rates would be right in line with the seasonal flu.