Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Way I read it is Bill Cosby agreed to testify in a civil trial with the law that says civil trials cannot result in criminal consequences. He said some incriminating shit in that trial.

That deal was made under DA1. DA2 gets in and said, not my deal and used incriminating statements from civil to charge and convict.

Judge called BS on it-original lawful deal holds.

5th and all.
Did the SCOTUS set new precedent or make a new rule/law? Or, did the SCOTUS reaffirm what the rule/law was? If the latter, then the 2nd DA should have known.
"Who is the Antichrist?" That's got to be one of the top two or three questions asked of Christians ever. And no, it's not Trump, for a few reasons.

You always wonder, though, when a new guy shows up on the world stage, right? Off the top of my head, I can remember the following people being seriously considered as the Antichrist in my lifetime:

Every Pope
Bill Gates
Prince Charles

There have been MANY more, but these candidates all fail several diagnostic tests:

1. They aren't popular enough. The Antichrist will have almost universal, worldwide appeal. He will charm cross-culturally like no other has before him. All of these men have far too many vocal critics.

2. He will rise from virtual obscurity to worldwide prominence overnight (side note - Obama's overnight rapid rise to stardom fueled a lot of the speculation around him), and his rise will coincide with a 7 year peace treaty with Israel that he personally champions.

3. He will sign the aforementioned 7 year peace treaty with Israel. While there are, have been, and will be many treaties with Israel, this one will be different, because it will coincide with the rebuilding and resumption of sacrifices in the Jewish Temple. 3.5 years into the treaty, however, the Antichrist will commit truly diabolical treachery against Israel, enter the Temple, and declare himself to be God, requiring the whole world to worship him.

4. His power will be exercised by his governance of a revived Roman Empire (think something like the EU or a UN, but with tremendous authority).

5. He will have 10 subordinate rulers who quickly gain power near the same time that he does. They will hold onto their power briefly, yet willingly put themselves under his control. The Bible describes them as "Kings," which means they are likely rulers of nations or large regions of the world. Interestingly, the UN already has the world divided into 10 regions to track its Sustainable Development Goals. I don't mean that the UN and its programs are in some way tied to the Antichrist; rather, it is interesting to see that the only current proxy for world government, the UN, views the world through the lens of a 10 region system. In the aftermath of incredible international chaos and the failure of weak countries, a system like this would make a lot of sense to a lot of the world.


6. He will be accompanied by his hype man, the False Prophet, who will perform Satanic miracles to convince the world to follow the Antichrist.

7. He will demand worship. The world will face a binary choice - worship Jesus or worship the Antichrist. Everyone will make one of those two choices.



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Did the SCOTUS set new precedent or make a new rule/law? Or, did the SCOTUS reaffirm what the rule/law was? If the latter, then the 2nd DA should have known.
It sounds like the prosecutors fucked up big time because, as usual, they were over aggressive and they think rules don’t apply to them. In a way, I think this is a good thing. Even though Cosby is a scumbag, he’s at deaths door anyway.
I agree with you for the most part that our military would for the MOST part not turn their barrels on their people, however comma, have you taken a gander at our military today? Full of weak soft woke garbage. I saw it happening as I was getting out. I still have friends that are in that tell me how pathetic it is right now. With that being said, the yuppies that are joining these days are woke ass idiots that don’t have that freedom loving patriotic motivation. That’s the way it was when I joined and throughout most of my time but things have changed.

Now, with that out of the way, and let’s just say for hypothetical purposes that the military decides to turn their backs on the people…yeah we the people have pride and guts and all that jazz, and we all have our small arms gats, but it’s not like we have artillery, tanks, an Air Force… without the support of someone else’s military, we’d get stomped. They wouldn’t even need to send in ground troops, they would use them for security purposes but it’d be too easy for them to just use the Air Force and drones to take out our militia.

With THAT being said, yes we would have a few mil stand the fuck up and decide to fight but i just have a hard time envisioning 75mil+ gathering the courage to fight an all out war. And if that WERE to happen, where is the organization? Who’s leading the charge? What are our preceptors as far as documents like a Declaration of Independence? I just think we as a country are 1. Too comfortable and don’t want to risk our comfortability 2. Too scared to risk our families 3. Too spread out and don’t have a good communication strategy nor do we have the other platforms such as intel and most importantly, a governing chain of command for leadership.

I really want to agree with you on how we would all just stand up and unite but there’s so much logistics and so many obstacles for that to happen.

the way I see it…if war was to happen, it would be a bunch of small local militias banding together and getting wiped out by air/drones, and they would shut down our regional power/water/cellular…all I’m saying is, without support from an established military/country who can help us with supply chains and weaponry, I think we’d be toast. The ones who had the balls to stand up would die patriots. It’d put the fear into the rest of the ones who are against the government enough to where nothing else would happen, and boom…we are the newest communist country. Sorry for the doom and gloom, just a thought. I pray that none of this ever has to happen, but things are just starting to really look like they did in the early 1770s.
well im ready for the freaking fight. I want a piece of the liberal assess that are destroying this once great country
Crootn lawyers, please explain to me how you can criminally charge an organization, as described in the below headline. Makes no sense.

6. He will be accompanied by his hype man, the False Prophet, who will perform Satanic miracles to convince the world to follow the Antichrist.

7. He will demand worship. The world will face a binary choice - worship Jesus or worship the Antichrist. Everyone will make one of those two choices.

Nick Saban Accompanied by Paul Finebaum?

When I was 12, I made the personal decision to accept Christ into my heart and into my life. Around this time, I vividly remember a dream I had, and it went like this.

I was standing in line, down a long dark hallway. There were flickering lights along the walls. Everyone was silent, just looking down at their feet. I could hear violent screaming up ahead, probably 30 yards or so.

As I approached the front of the line, I could see a y intersection. There was one door that was straight ahead, and another that veered off to the left. I remember the door to the left was lit up a little brighter than the one straight ahead. I could hear people in both lines going up to both doors, sobbing…sniffling. It’s like I knew what was happening. We were going to our death.

Getting closer to where the lines split I heard intense screaming coming from behind what I thought was the door to the right, or straight away. I didn’t hear such horrendous sound from the door to the left. I remember getting up to where the lines separated and suddenly noticing my dad was standing in front of me. He went to the left but something forced me to stay straight. I could now hear an evil tone of laughter coming from behind the door to the front. I was quickly approaching the door….so scared I was shaking.

I saw my dad one last time as he entered the door to the left. The door closed behind him, and I was never to see him again. Soon the door in front of me opened. It was pitch black, as I could not see in. I could only hear the nefarious cackling that shook me to my core. Once inside, the door closed behind me. The room was dimly lit. On the floor in front of me was a blood stained burlap sack. Surrounding it were 2 or 3 demonic looking figures holding swords. They were giggling as they threw me into the sack. I thought for sure I had been sent to Hell…like literal Hell. All the screaming I had heard must have been from the people in front of me being stabbed to death in the sack.

Then the unthinkable happened. I felt the swords pierce through me, but felt no pain. It was here where I realized what was happening. This was the doorway, the path to Heaven. The other door is where all the screaming was coming from. The other door was to Hell. My body went limp. Within just what seemed like a second or two, I felt the sack being taken off of me. The demons were no longer there but instead, there stood Christ. He was so bright I could barely look at him. He picked me up off the ground. There wasn’t a scratch on me. He had the gentlest smile on his face, and took my hand. We started walking away from the door and that’s when I woke up.

It was the most intense, vivid, realistic dream I ever have had to this day…and trust me, I used to have severe nightmares from my combat time. When I woke up, in a sweat mind you, I quickly realized what had happened. I had chosen to die for Christ just as he did for me. By physically dying for what I believe in, I became fully alive forever in Christ. I recognized all this at the young age of 12 and have remembered every detail of this dream my whole life. That was almost 25 years ago, this August.

I chose to replay this for y’all because of what @catfishpunter just posted. He’s right. In the end, nothing will matter except who we decide to follow…satan, or Christ. The decision is yours. Love you all!

When I was 12, I made the personal decision to accept Christ into my heart and into my life. Around this time, I vividly remember a dream I had, and it went like this.

I was standing in line, down a long dark hallway. There were flickering lights along the walls. Everyone was silent, just looking down at their feet. I could hear violent screaming up ahead, probably 30 yards or so.

As I approached the front of the line, I could see a y intersection. There was one door that was straight ahead, and another that veered off to the left. I remember the door to the left was lit up a little brighter than the one straight ahead. I could hear people in both lines going up to both doors, sobbing…sniffling. It’s like I knew what was happening. We were going to our death.

Getting closer to where the lines split I heard intense screaming coming from behind what I thought was the door to the right, or straight away. I didn’t hear such horrendous sound from the door to the left. I remember getting up to where the lines separated and suddenly noticing my dad was standing in front of me. He went to the left but something forced me to stay straight. I could now hear an evil tone of laughter coming from behind the door to the front. I was quickly approaching the door….so scared I was shaking.

I saw my dad one last time as he entered the door to the left. The door closed behind him, and I was never to see him again. Soon the door in front of me opened. It was pitch black, as I could not see in. I could only hear the nefarious cackling that shook me to my core. Once inside, the door closed behind me. The room was dimly lit. On the floor in front of me was a blood stained burlap sack. Surrounding it were 2 or 3 demonic looking figures holding swords. They were giggling as they threw me into the sack. I thought for sure I had been sent to Hell…like literal Hell. All the screaming I had heard must have been from the people in front of me being stabbed to death in the sack.

Then the unthinkable happened. I felt the swords pierce through me, but felt no pain. It was here where I realized what was happening. This was the doorway, the path to Heaven. The other door is where all the screaming was coming from. The other door was to Hell. My body went limp. Within just what seemed like a second or two, I felt the sack being taken off of me. The demons were no longer there but instead, there stood Christ. He was so bright I could barely look at him. He picked me up off the ground. There wasn’t a scratch on me. He had the gentlest smile on his face, and took my hand. We started walking away from the door and that’s when I woke up.

It was the most intense, vivid, realistic dream I ever have had to this day…and trust me, I used to have severe nightmares from my combat time. When I woke up, in a sweat mind you, I quickly realized what had happened. I had chosen to die for Christ just as he did for me. By physically dying for what I believe in, I became fully alive forever in Christ. I recognized all this at the young age of 12 and have remembered every detail of this dream my whole life. That was almost 25 years ago, this August.

I chose to replay this for y’all because of what @catfishpunter just posted. He’s right. In the end, nothing will matter except who we decide to follow…satan, or Christ. The decision is yours. Love you all!

That is just remarkable. Thanks for sharing something so personal. I don't know what all you went through overseas or since then, but I hope that your dream gave you courage and comfort in those times, knowing that no matter what you faced, Jesus had you and wouldn't let go.

I don't understand it, but God can use dreams to move people, and not just in old biblical stories.

Last week, our pastor's son came to talk at a Bible study I attended. He is a missionary to South Sudan, home to all sorts of displaced people, war, and refugees. He told us how one of the Sudanese pastors on his team left Islam and became a Christian due to a dream. This man had an illness that caused his head to hurt terribly. One night, he dreamt that some messengers came to him, put their hands on his head, and healed him. They told him, "You are healed. Now, go talk to the Christians tomorrow to learn about this God who sent us to heal you." He awoke healed, found some Christians, and has been following Jesus ever since and is now a pastor.

Another friend who is a missionary to Muslims in Indonesia regularly reports that Muslims in his community meet Jesus in a dream, and a good friend of mine who is a recent Iranian immigrant also saw Jesus in a dream prior to becoming a Christian.

In his dream, he saw a man standing outside a mosque. He didn't know the man's name, but knew somehow that he was the wisest man in the entire world. The man pointed at the mosque and said, "You will not find truth in there." My friend Ali woke up and decided to look elsewhere for faith and truth. He believes now that the man he saw in his dream was Jesus. He has been a Christian only a few years, and has already read the entire Bible three times cover to cover.

Your story is just as incredible. Thank you very much for sharing it.
That is just remarkable. Thanks for sharing something so personal. I don't know what all you went through overseas or since then, but I hope that your dream gave you courage and comfort in those times, knowing that no matter what you faced, Jesus had you and wouldn't let go.

I don't understand it, but God can use dreams to move people, and not just in old biblical stories.

Last week, our pastor's son came to talk at a Bible study I attended. He is a missionary to South Sudan, home to all sorts of displaced people, war, and refugees. He told us how one of the Sudanese pastors on his team left Islam and became a Christian due to a dream. This man had an illness that caused his head to hurt terribly. One night, he dreamt that some messengers came to him, put their hands on his head, and healed him. They told him, "You are healed. Now, go talk to the Christians tomorrow to learn about this God who sent us to heal you." He awoke healed, found some Christians, and has been following Jesus ever since and is now a pastor.

Another friend who is a missionary to Muslims in Indonesia regularly reports that Muslims in his community meet Jesus in a dream, and a good friend of mine who is a recent Iranian immigrant also saw Jesus in a dream prior to becoming a Christian.

In his dream, he saw a man standing outside a mosque. He didn't know the man's name, but knew somehow that he was the wisest man in the entire world. The man pointed at the mosque and said, "You will not find truth in there." My friend Ali woke up and decided to look elsewhere for faith and truth. He believes now that the man he saw in his dream was Jesus. He has been a Christian only a few years, and has already read the entire Bible three times cover to cover.

Your story is just as incredible. Thank you very much for sharing it.
I know a guy who is in his 70's now but was an active missionary and pastor trainer for 40+ years. He had a vivid dream (or vision) of muslim's being walked single file into hell. He devoted his life to helping muslim's find Christ.
Crootn lawyers, please explain to me how you can criminally charge an organization, as described in the below headline. Makes no sense.

Heard a Guy On Hannity Said the Charges Are Because He Stayed Some Nights in a Trump Property and Drove a Company Car Without Declaring It on His Tax Return

Complete Bullshit - Every Exec at Every Company Does That

For Example The GMs and Sales Managers I Know at Dealerships Drive Whatever Car They Want - None of Them Report It

Do You Think The President of Hilton Corp Pays for a Hotel Room - Does The VP of United Pay for a 1st Class Ticket - Hell No and Not on Any Returns

BTW Do He Said Do You Think The Same DA is Reporting The Use of a City Car AND Driver + Security Detail on His Return?
This Cosby “news conference” is a horrible mistake. They are acting as if he has been exonerated and never did anything wrong. A shitshow. If these people really cared for him they should be quietly ushering him into privacy and being thankful for a procedural mistake. Nobody on the planet thinks he is innocent and celebrating like this in public is not helping him.
Heard a Guy On Hannity Said the Charges Are Because He Stayed Some Nights in a Trump Property and Drove a Company Car Without Declaring It on His Tax Return

Complete Bullshit - Every Exec at Every Company Does That

For Example The GMs and Sales Managers I Know at Dealerships Drive Whatever Car They Want - None of Them Report It

Do You Think The President of Hilton Corp Pays for a Hotel Room - Does The VP of United Pay for a 1st Class Ticket - Hell No and Not on Any Returns

BTW Do He Said Do You Think The Same DA is Reporting The Use of a City Car AND Driver + Security Detail on His Return?
if that's the case they would be wise to let it go. If i am a NY taxpayer and that's all i come up with after 3 years and countless taxpayer dollars i'd be pissed.

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