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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
Taken from a buddy of mine, who has been “awake” for 10+ years.

Rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. Most of this has been mentioned in pieces over the years, but this nicely brings things together. Who knows!

TL/DR. Books written over 100 years ago by a guy named Lockwood are way too coincidental, and predict much of today’s events.
Also, White hats and Black Hats have been using Tesla technology “looking glass” to glimps into the future, and lay out their plans to benefit their desired future outcome. Since 2012, the only future view is one of black hat’s demise and nothing they do can stop what’s coming.

I learned of Ingersoll Lockwood about 4 years ago and the story was so fascinating that I kept thinking that there must be more to this. As I started to look deeper, I was amazed at what I found. The more I dug, the more I learned and the more unbelievable it all became. I would be remiss if I did not take a stab at putting together how it all connects to what is happening, because I assure you, it does. So here goes.

For those unaware and a refresher for those that are, Ingersoll Lockwood was a mysterious literary figure with futuristic and visionary content, well over a century ahead of his time. He authored many books, but a few stand out, for reasons that are truly unexplainable.

Lockwood wrote, ‘Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger’ in 1889. A few years later, in 1893, Lockwood authored, ‘‘Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey’. The stories are of a wealthy young Baron who lives in Trump Castle. The young Baron embarks on time travelling adventures through human history and his journey consists of traveling to Russia, “depicting a ‘World within a World’ which the young Baron explores with his dog using a guidebook provided by the ‘master of all masters’, coincidentally named Don. In summary, we have a boy named Baron, living in Trump castle, taught by a man named Don, using time travel technology. Now reconciling these were written over 100 years ago, the striking resemblance of the real Baron Trump and the ‘fictitious’ boy on the cover of ‘Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey’, it is all truly bizarre and I suppose, this all could be chalked up to random coincidence, if this was the end of the story.

In 1896 Lockwood went on to write his most famous book, ‘1900, Or The Last President’, which describes a politically charged New York City, where a political outsider has overcome stiff opposition to be elected President of the United States. Mob rule threatens, and marching protests rove up and down Fifth Avenue, where coincidentally, Trump Tower is currently located. The Last President even had the familiar name of Pence as a member of the president’s own cabinet. Still just coincidence?

This is where it begins to all tie together. In addition to the books mentioned above that defy logic, Ingersoll Lockwood passed on his knowledge to S. G. Samuels, who shared what was called….“The Great Awakening”. Sound familiar? To anyone that has been paying attention, undoubtedly. Where have we heard this before? The Great Awakening was made famous through the military operation known as Q. We began to see proof after proof and were asked time and time again, almost as if begging us to notice and dig deeper - ‘How many coincidences before MATHEMATICALly impossible?’ The answer is far less than what has been shown.

How could Ingersoll Lockwood, who died over 100 years ago, describe so many current events with such precise detail? Many think the likely answer is time travel and/or Looking Glass, Yellow book, or similar advanced technology. We know John Trump, MIT professor and one of the smartest humans in the country, was Donald Trump’s uncle. He was tasked with the collection of Tesla’s life’s work after his 1943 death. The Tesla papers are rumored to include instructions on how to make a time travel device, free energy and other exotic tech, which are all still under lock and key, to the public, for now. Surely, one doesn't find time travel tech and let it sit idle collecting dust. Recall the pictures of John Trump and Julian Assange, and with the knowledge of John Trump’s connection to time travel tech and also Assange’s present role in the Great Awakening and then draw your own conclusion and see if time travel fits into the puzzle.

I have mentioned Looking Glass several times over the years and for the sake of brevity, will try to keep it simple in this post. Basically, White hats and black hats were both using the Looking Glass tech for decades to see possible futures and would then deduce or backwards engineer the choices that must have had to be made in order to get to THAT timeline, which was the desired timeline. However, for the first time, ALL timelines converged on Dec. 21st 2012. The only timeline that could be seen after that date was a positive timeline. A timeline where we see dark to LIGHT, or, THE GREAT AWAKENING for humanity. It is said, no matter how many times the bad guys looked, desperately hoping for an opportunity to maintain control, the timeline remained set and never wavered, eventually becoming painfully obvious that nothing can stop what is coming.

As I began to dig even deeper, the more strange it all became. I learned of a company named Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. It is located at…1717 (KEK) Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC. The more I looked into this group the weirder yet clearer things became.

Their mission is “to build a brighter future for humanity, starting with the resurgence of American exceptionalism. We leverage what our founder called ‘future vision’ where we deliver solutions based on Trade Secret Predictive Intelligence Team/Technology (TSPI), a mix of futurist inventions, artificial intelligence and machine learning, all used for the good of humanity. We communicate publicly on our own Open Source Intelligence Platforms (OSINT) as trusted Media Sources (CDMG, CSMG, TTN, more to come…). We unleash New Technology Safeguards to Defend Humanity from novel Threats (NTSD) and to Accelerate the Great Awakening (NTAGA). We market our solutions first, on our own Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Media Platforms, then on strategic mainstream media (MSM) platforms.”

They state: “We must TRAVEL into the past, BEFORE we can explore our future in SPACE…” Sound familiar?

Take a look at their portfolio....very interdasting.

Space Force Labs
Ongoing R&D
Gravity Reduction & Anti-gravity (Easy work if you have the original designs of the Haunebu I-III)
Tesla-based Spacecraft Accelerator (Easy work if you have copies of the stolen Tesla Papers)

Does any of these topics sound familiar?

Diving deeper into the website I stumbled upon a page that states boldly - Trust The Plan. Sound familiar?

The Board of Directors of Ingersoll Lockwood consists of 8 members, almost all former military, all patriots. Sound familiar? Recall Q drop #60 ‘You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (LESS THAN 10 people) only three are non-military.’

Is Ingersoll Lockwood the keystone that connects it all? Who knows but Q, the Great Awakening, The Last President, Donald Trump, Tesla, time travel, space travel and much more, all connect, so maybe it is, as Q kept telling us ‘we have more than we know’ and ‘future proves past’!!! Or it is all just a bunch of random coincidences...🐸
Any idea what the countdown clock on their website indicates?

@Jayhox etal


Dec 9, 2020
can yall check this vid, 43 min but its sad and disturbing to me

james corbett reporting who i like very much

cliff notes:

trump is basically another puppet in the long line of puppets by the cabal (just like barry, bush, clinton et al), i dont believe this because of all the hatred towards him but if he was just another puppet well hes playing one hell of a role and we're being deceived more than we think :(

nesera/gesera is just a hoax

Q movement is just hoax

Yeah, I don't think I have to find it and post it but there's a Yuge list of promises made, promises kept from DJT that Barry and the rest can't come close to matching.

And he did it with 24/7 complete opposition from The Swamp and Fake News.

Corbett is way off here, IMO.

Dude only slept 4 hours a night and was continuously working for America.

What the eff else do you want ?

Q woke people up. Hoax or not. Huge backfire if it was supposed to pacify.

@Cincinattus91 is correct tho. No one can save you but you.

I agree whole heartedly with that.

And it's starting in these school board meetings.


Jan 8, 2021
If you guys haven't listened to the new Rogan podcast with Weinstein you are missing out bigly. Probably the most profound podcast I've ever heard.

Ivermectin is a cure and we've known for a while, but the couldn't roll out an experimental vaccine with a cure out there so they let millions die and buried it. No money in ivermectin. Also the vaccine is dangerous and big pharma has been lying about it.

The podcast is well worth it and I'll be shocked if they don't take it down.

Figured I'd post some highlights.



Jan 8, 2021
Trump wasn't a puppet, but the global elites used him like one anyway. Trump accomplished a lot of great things, but they were mostly things that didn't concern the globalists one whit because they knew they could undo them the moment they stole government away from the people. And they mostly have in less than 6 months. Crushing the economy, dismantling small business, all while empowering our geopolitical enemies.


Jan 8, 2021
Taken from a buddy of mine, who has been “awake” for 10+ years.

Rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. Most of this has been mentioned in pieces over the years, but this nicely brings things together. Who knows!

TL/DR. Books written over 100 years ago by a guy named Lockwood are way too coincidental, and predict much of today’s events.
Also, White hats and Black Hats have been using Tesla technology “looking glass” to glimps into the future, and lay out their plans to benefit their desired future outcome. Since 2012, the only future view is one of black hat’s demise and nothing they do can stop what’s coming.

I learned of Ingersoll Lockwood about 4 years ago and the story was so fascinating that I kept thinking that there must be more to this. As I started to look deeper, I was amazed at what I found. The more I dug, the more I learned and the more unbelievable it all became. I would be remiss if I did not take a stab at putting together how it all connects to what is happening, because I assure you, it does. So here goes.

For those unaware and a refresher for those that are, Ingersoll Lockwood was a mysterious literary figure with futuristic and visionary content, well over a century ahead of his time. He authored many books, but a few stand out, for reasons that are truly unexplainable.

Lockwood wrote, ‘Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger’ in 1889. A few years later, in 1893, Lockwood authored, ‘‘Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey’. The stories are of a wealthy young Baron who lives in Trump Castle. The young Baron embarks on time travelling adventures through human history and his journey consists of traveling to Russia, “depicting a ‘World within a World’ which the young Baron explores with his dog using a guidebook provided by the ‘master of all masters’, coincidentally named Don. In summary, we have a boy named Baron, living in Trump castle, taught by a man named Don, using time travel technology. Now reconciling these were written over 100 years ago, the striking resemblance of the real Baron Trump and the ‘fictitious’ boy on the cover of ‘Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey’, it is all truly bizarre and I suppose, this all could be chalked up to random coincidence, if this was the end of the story.

In 1896 Lockwood went on to write his most famous book, ‘1900, Or The Last President’, which describes a politically charged New York City, where a political outsider has overcome stiff opposition to be elected President of the United States. Mob rule threatens, and marching protests rove up and down Fifth Avenue, where coincidentally, Trump Tower is currently located. The Last President even had the familiar name of Pence as a member of the president’s own cabinet. Still just coincidence?

This is where it begins to all tie together. In addition to the books mentioned above that defy logic, Ingersoll Lockwood passed on his knowledge to S. G. Samuels, who shared what was called….“The Great Awakening”. Sound familiar? To anyone that has been paying attention, undoubtedly. Where have we heard this before? The Great Awakening was made famous through the military operation known as Q. We began to see proof after proof and were asked time and time again, almost as if begging us to notice and dig deeper - ‘How many coincidences before MATHEMATICALly impossible?’ The answer is far less than what has been shown.

How could Ingersoll Lockwood, who died over 100 years ago, describe so many current events with such precise detail? Many think the likely answer is time travel and/or Looking Glass, Yellow book, or similar advanced technology. We know John Trump, MIT professor and one of the smartest humans in the country, was Donald Trump’s uncle. He was tasked with the collection of Tesla’s life’s work after his 1943 death. The Tesla papers are rumored to include instructions on how to make a time travel device, free energy and other exotic tech, which are all still under lock and key, to the public, for now. Surely, one doesn't find time travel tech and let it sit idle collecting dust. Recall the pictures of John Trump and Julian Assange, and with the knowledge of John Trump’s connection to time travel tech and also Assange’s present role in the Great Awakening and then draw your own conclusion and see if time travel fits into the puzzle.

I have mentioned Looking Glass several times over the years and for the sake of brevity, will try to keep it simple in this post. Basically, White hats and black hats were both using the Looking Glass tech for decades to see possible futures and would then deduce or backwards engineer the choices that must have had to be made in order to get to THAT timeline, which was the desired timeline. However, for the first time, ALL timelines converged on Dec. 21st 2012. The only timeline that could be seen after that date was a positive timeline. A timeline where we see dark to LIGHT, or, THE GREAT AWAKENING for humanity. It is said, no matter how many times the bad guys looked, desperately hoping for an opportunity to maintain control, the timeline remained set and never wavered, eventually becoming painfully obvious that nothing can stop what is coming.

As I began to dig even deeper, the more strange it all became. I learned of a company named Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. It is located at…1717 (KEK) Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC. The more I looked into this group the weirder yet clearer things became.

Their mission is “to build a brighter future for humanity, starting with the resurgence of American exceptionalism. We leverage what our founder called ‘future vision’ where we deliver solutions based on Trade Secret Predictive Intelligence Team/Technology (TSPI), a mix of futurist inventions, artificial intelligence and machine learning, all used for the good of humanity. We communicate publicly on our own Open Source Intelligence Platforms (OSINT) as trusted Media Sources (CDMG, CSMG, TTN, more to come…). We unleash New Technology Safeguards to Defend Humanity from novel Threats (NTSD) and to Accelerate the Great Awakening (NTAGA). We market our solutions first, on our own Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Media Platforms, then on strategic mainstream media (MSM) platforms.”

They state: “We must TRAVEL into the past, BEFORE we can explore our future in SPACE…” Sound familiar?

Take a look at their portfolio....very interdasting.

Space Force Labs
Ongoing R&D
Gravity Reduction & Anti-gravity (Easy work if you have the original designs of the Haunebu I-III)
Tesla-based Spacecraft Accelerator (Easy work if you have copies of the stolen Tesla Papers)

Does any of these topics sound familiar?

Diving deeper into the website I stumbled upon a page that states boldly - Trust The Plan. Sound familiar?

The Board of Directors of Ingersoll Lockwood consists of 8 members, almost all former military, all patriots. Sound familiar? Recall Q drop #60 ‘You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (LESS THAN 10 people) only three are non-military.’

Is Ingersoll Lockwood the keystone that connects it all? Who knows but Q, the Great Awakening, The Last President, Donald Trump, Tesla, time travel, space travel and much more, all connect, so maybe it is, as Q kept telling us ‘we have more than we know’ and ‘future proves past’!!! Or it is all just a bunch of random coincidences...🐸
What is Looking Glass?


Dec 1, 2020
Also, there appears to be hidden text on their website:

And . . .

Lower in that conversation:

AND, on this page https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/insights-access you can click a link on the period at the end of #4 to get to:

which has more invisible text you can highlight (above "these people are stupid"):
Where does the CIA keep the blackops money? Could it be hidden in many accounts in Tower Federal where no one would ever look?
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Dec 1, 2020
One of the hidden text passages:

What if? It was all stealth. It was FISA. Military Intelligence intercepted the Deepstate 16 year plan to destroy America. (8 years of Obama, then 8 years Hillary) White-Hats needed someone loyal for the role of president during this operation. After approving certain clearances, the Military installed Trump into the RNC. Think about that for a second: Military. Installed. Trump. The 2016 Election was rigged for Hillary. The Media was complicit. Algorithms weren’t strong enough to give her the win. White Hats controlled the election to give the people a fair vote. There was no way Trump could’ve won without this happening. That’s why they were SHOCKED when she lost. That’s why they didn’t cover their tracks. They never thought she would lose. Obama used FISA courts to secretly spy on Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election. It was the worst decision ever. He literally opened the door to EVERYTHING, by giving Trump the playbook for the next 4 years. FISA = Start. US Military has it all. That is why it looks like “nothing happened” for the last 4 years. It was all in the dark. It looks like these people will get away with all their crimes. They will not. Trump and our military have been dismantling this web of criminals all in the dark. Top levels of corruption are under control. We had to let them complete their crimes in order to charge them to the fullest extent under the rule of law at a tribunal. The election was a trap. Trump ran uncontested. An Election Monitoring (Surveillance) System was installed by the US Cyber Command, Space Force, and the Shadow Warriors of the Cyber Brigade. Soon we will see the real numbers. Every part of this operation is strategically planned. Not everything will be clean. But there is no escaping it. That is why congress did everything they could to remove Trump before he was even inaugurated, with zero success. He is untouchable. It may look like he is gone from the public eye, but in reality this needed to happen. Now that he is completely out of the picture, and with the public thinking biden has full control, the military will soon be able to announce the takeover. The media was left in the dark. They are just trying to delay the military from making their next move. Everything on TV in politics right now is fake, and holds no legal standing. Define: [Self Destruction] They have been left in the dark during all this, which is explains all the blatant lies and desperation. They try to make Trumps administration look like they are weak. Don’t forget, Barr is a Patriot working behind the scenes. Anything stating otherwise is completely false. Durham is a Patriot burning the midnight oil. He will get the job done. Along with hundreds of others working behind the scenes to take down the establishment. There are more good than bad. B2. Stealth Bombers. Military Operation.


Dec 1, 2020

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. DECLAS: Turning Tesla’s Dream of Free Energy into a Weapon – In this case, Directed inward, at America, for greed and profit… We’re as Conservative as they come. We’re as Patriotic as they come. Our funding of Carbon Capture Shield is most likely the opposite of what you think it is. It’s sad so many of you are this close to being completely outside of the matrix and yet, you miss it, because of fossil fuel brainwashing. Yes, big cars, big boats, big planes and so much more – fun fun fun. However, climate crisis is real – but it’s not what you think it is. Forget about the New Green Deal and dumbed down socialist puppets like Greta and AOC – consider them way below your pay-grade.

Forget about how Globalists are creating Carbon treaties and Carbon tax as a new way to control you and steal what little wealth you have left, laboring day after day in your minute mobius strip of time.

Imagine you were traveling back in time, from a future date and were trying to explain THE REAL REALITY to folks who have so many misconceptions it was like talking to your 2 year old to explain why sticking a metal fork in the 110v outlet is not a smart move. Because of Monsanto, by 2030, all the Bees on planet Earth are gone. Organic and Natural farming is over. If you think Bill Gates pink slime burgers are a fad, they will be your future staple, if you survive, and if you don’t wake up and make some changes, immediately.

But I digress. Let me take you back from 2007 to 2010. Here are some documents you should look at:




Now let me tell you a story about High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). This is one of the US Government’s most powerful weapons. It can be used to control the weather. Nikola Tesla invented it as a means of transporting energy from one point on the earth to another point far away using what he called “Ether”. In reality, this microwave array aims potentially millions of watts of high energy microwaves at the upper atmosphere, which causes a rubber band like effect in the ionosphere, whereby billions of watts of high energy ‘snap back’ down towards the earth at an equal and opposite angle. If you wish to boil water underground and cause an earthquake, you need to test HAARP through triangulation by aiming it at three equidistant points. Then, you are ready to aim dead center at your target. Some of the effects of this level of radiation are:

weaken the ionosphere – the Creator, after much prayer, will cause a solar flare to encompass the earth – recharging the ionosphere because without it, we are all toast from gamma rays and x-rays. check the historic news cycle on this and you’ll see that right now – the FUTURE proves the PAST. glowing ‘clouds in the sky’ like these, when HAARP was used to attack China’s underground nuclear facility: and citizens in China noticed water flowing ‘uphill’ during this beautiful array of wonderful colors in the sky. birds falling out of the sky, cooked from the inside-out. fish floating in rivers, cooked from the inside-out. high pressure zones – can be used to steer hurricanes, create hurricanes and dissipate hurricanes, tornadoes and storms. …and so much more.

Your homework:

Why was Hillary Clinton invited to join the Board of Monsanto? Why did Barack Obama aka Barry Soetero, the Kenyan Muslim illegal manchurian president (Soros Puppet), pass HR 933, the Monsanto Protection Act? Why did FEMA and 3 states (triangulate) pre-plan for 7 million MRE’s to be delivered to farmers and citizens in the New Madrid Fault Zone for an upcoming exercise of a massive flooding in this area? What happened to all the farmers and their land? Who bought it? What kind of crops are there now and who owns them? What Air Force General ordered the HAARP strike on US Soil [TREASON for GREED] and where is his bank account? Who filled it and why? How deep is the swamp? If this is only one example of the lengths at which these (sick) people will go, now do you understand, Patriots, what we are up against in 2021? For each area in our 200+ year plan, we already know the outcome IF there is no dramatic change to the timeline BUT it still requires one variable – YOUR FREE WILL to help make it happen.

There are a certain number of totally awake Patriots we need to make everything we are doing ‘go viral’ or the future will be one in which population will be at 500 million or less, with no more than the Georgia Guidestones disclose in a soylent green distopian world, operated by the Elite luciferins merged with AI. Completely Soul-less. A bleak future ahead.

Re-read our ten goals, look at what we’ve begun funding and think how you might be able to help. It’s time to take the metal fork out of the socket, your baby hair is standing straight up. Enough juice for now.

Re-consider Carbon Capture Shield from a new perspective. We love carbon too. We must end Monsanto and save the Bees. Otherwise, the Planet’s food supply will be completely synthetic.

Do your part to save the Bee’s – consider it life and death for humanity. This is absolutely a message from one Future timeline you do not want to live to see – so CHANGE IT.

In the immediate future – look to Ohio. Support Q+

He NEVER quite. He works tirelessly every day. He’s still your POTUS. And the Best is Yet to Come.

These people are STUPID. Luckily, the NSA and MIL INTEL are on your side. We will disclose more. When you are ready.

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 10th Floor, Suite 1025 Washington, DC 20006 Office/Reception: 1-202-559-9157 (9-5) Fax: 1-202-204-6325 © 2021 Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Meanwhile, we have much work to do to fix the timeline and save humanity...



Jan 15, 2021

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. DECLAS: Turning Tesla’s Dream of Free Energy into a Weapon – In this case, Directed inward, at America, for greed and profit… We’re as Conservative as they come. We’re as Patriotic as they come. Our funding of Carbon Capture Shield is most likely the opposite of what you think it is. It’s sad so many of you are this close to being completely outside of the matrix and yet, you miss it, because of fossil fuel brainwashing. Yes, big cars, big boats, big planes and so much more – fun fun fun. However, climate crisis is real – but it’s not what you think it is. Forget about the New Green Deal and dumbed down socialist puppets like Greta and AOC – consider them way below your pay-grade.

Forget about how Globalists are creating Carbon treaties and Carbon tax as a new way to control you and steal what little wealth you have left, laboring day after day in your minute mobius strip of time.

Imagine you were traveling back in time, from a future date and were trying to explain THE REAL REALITY to folks who have so many misconceptions it was like talking to your 2 year old to explain why sticking a metal fork in the 110v outlet is not a smart move. Because of Monsanto, by 2030, all the Bees on planet Earth are gone. Organic and Natural farming is over. If you think Bill Gates pink slime burgers are a fad, they will be your future staple, if you survive, and if you don’t wake up and make some changes, immediately.

But I digress. Let me take you back from 2007 to 2010. Here are some documents you should look at:




Now let me tell you a story about High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). This is one of the US Government’s most powerful weapons. It can be used to control the weather. Nikola Tesla invented it as a means of transporting energy from one point on the earth to another point far away using what he called “Ether”. In reality, this microwave array aims potentially millions of watts of high energy microwaves at the upper atmosphere, which causes a rubber band like effect in the ionosphere, whereby billions of watts of high energy ‘snap back’ down towards the earth at an equal and opposite angle. If you wish to boil water underground and cause an earthquake, you need to test HAARP through triangulation by aiming it at three equidistant points. Then, you are ready to aim dead center at your target. Some of the effects of this level of radiation are:

weaken the ionosphere – the Creator, after much prayer, will cause a solar flare to encompass the earth – recharging the ionosphere because without it, we are all toast from gamma rays and x-rays. check the historic news cycle on this and you’ll see that right now – the FUTURE proves the PAST. glowing ‘clouds in the sky’ like these, when HAARP was used to attack China’s underground nuclear facility: and citizens in China noticed water flowing ‘uphill’ during this beautiful array of wonderful colors in the sky. birds falling out of the sky, cooked from the inside-out. fish floating in rivers, cooked from the inside-out. high pressure zones – can be used to steer hurricanes, create hurricanes and dissipate hurricanes, tornadoes and storms. …and so much more.

Your homework:

Why was Hillary Clinton invited to join the Board of Monsanto? Why did Barack Obama aka Barry Soetero, the Kenyan Muslim illegal manchurian president (Soros Puppet), pass HR 933, the Monsanto Protection Act? Why did FEMA and 3 states (triangulate) pre-plan for 7 million MRE’s to be delivered to farmers and citizens in the New Madrid Fault Zone for an upcoming exercise of a massive flooding in this area? What happened to all the farmers and their land? Who bought it? What kind of crops are there now and who owns them? What Air Force General ordered the HAARP strike on US Soil [TREASON for GREED] and where is his bank account? Who filled it and why? How deep is the swamp? If this is only one example of the lengths at which these (sick) people will go, now do you understand, Patriots, what we are up against in 2021? For each area in our 200+ year plan, we already know the outcome IF there is no dramatic change to the timeline BUT it still requires one variable – YOUR FREE WILL to help make it happen.

There are a certain number of totally awake Patriots we need to make everything we are doing ‘go viral’ or the future will be one in which population will be at 500 million or less, with no more than the Georgia Guidestones disclose in a soylent green distopian world, operated by the Elite luciferins merged with AI. Completely Soul-less. A bleak future ahead.

Re-read our ten goals, look at what we’ve begun funding and think how you might be able to help. It’s time to take the metal fork out of the socket, your baby hair is standing straight up. Enough juice for now.

Re-consider Carbon Capture Shield from a new perspective. We love carbon too. We must end Monsanto and save the Bees. Otherwise, the Planet’s food supply will be completely synthetic.

Do your part to save the Bee’s – consider it life and death for humanity. This is absolutely a message from one Future timeline you do not want to live to see – so CHANGE IT.

In the immediate future – look to Ohio. Support Q+

He NEVER quite. He works tirelessly every day. He’s still your POTUS. And the Best is Yet to Come.

These people are STUPID. Luckily, the NSA and MIL INTEL are on your side. We will disclose more. When you are ready.

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 10th Floor, Suite 1025 Washington, DC 20006 Office/Reception: 1-202-559-9157 (9-5) Fax: 1-202-204-6325 © 2021 Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Meanwhile, we have much work to do to fix the timeline and save humanity...


Sarah Connor could do it.


Dec 1, 2020
If you click the pause icons throughout the website they do different things. One of them has a patriotic sing followed by Trump talking and then a song called The Best Is Yet To Come. The Reading room is full of stuff So much here! Upcoming Unreleased Manuscripts

Blood Thirsty Monsters, Or, Beastly Bedtime Stories 2024, Or, The First President of New America Secrets of the Loquacious Luciferins Travails of Time Travelers in Twenty Thirty


Jan 8, 2021
Department of Justice suing the state of Georgia...Fuckers...
More so than Arizona, Georgia could be and likely is ground zero for election fraud. Not only does a decertification wipe out OBiden's electoral votes but it might also wipe out 2 dem Senators. Wiping out the Senators would flip the Senate faster than replacing the Chief Executive.
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Dec 1, 2020

which has more invisible text you can highlight (above "these people are stupid"):
Where does the CIA keep the blackops money? Could it be hidden in many accounts in Tower Federal where no one would ever look?

If you go to the our history page and highlight the board of directors, there is three extra highlights left blank. (don't know if its on purpose) but ".....3 are not military."


Jan 8, 2021
I hate these people...continually stealing people’s joy and ruining their lives...there needs to be an ultimate price paid for this fuckery...
Add the PGA to the list since they took a victory away from John Rahm after he had received the jab. It seems the jab gave him the positive test since he had tested negative before being jabbed.

Mello Yello

( . )( . )
Jan 8, 2021
Taken from a buddy of mine, who has been “awake” for 10+ years.

Rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. Most of this has been mentioned in pieces over the years, but this nicely brings things together. Who knows!

TL/DR. Books written over 100 years ago by a guy named Lockwood are way too coincidental, and predict much of today’s events.
Also, White hats and Black Hats have been using Tesla technology “looking glass” to glimps into the future, and lay out their plans to benefit their desired future outcome. Since 2012, the only future view is one of black hat’s demise and nothing they do can stop what’s coming.

I learned of Ingersoll Lockwood about 4 years ago and the story was so fascinating that I kept thinking that there must be more to this. As I started to look deeper, I was amazed at what I found. The more I dug, the more I learned and the more unbelievable it all became. I would be remiss if I did not take a stab at putting together how it all connects to what is happening, because I assure you, it does. So here goes.

For those unaware and a refresher for those that are, Ingersoll Lockwood was a mysterious literary figure with futuristic and visionary content, well over a century ahead of his time. He authored many books, but a few stand out, for reasons that are truly unexplainable.

Lockwood wrote, ‘Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger’ in 1889. A few years later, in 1893, Lockwood authored, ‘‘Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey’. The stories are of a wealthy young Baron who lives in Trump Castle. The young Baron embarks on time travelling adventures through human history and his journey consists of traveling to Russia, “depicting a ‘World within a World’ which the young Baron explores with his dog using a guidebook provided by the ‘master of all masters’, coincidentally named Don. In summary, we have a boy named Baron, living in Trump castle, taught by a man named Don, using time travel technology. Now reconciling these were written over 100 years ago, the striking resemblance of the real Baron Trump and the ‘fictitious’ boy on the cover of ‘Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey’, it is all truly bizarre and I suppose, this all could be chalked up to random coincidence, if this was the end of the story.

In 1896 Lockwood went on to write his most famous book, ‘1900, Or The Last President’, which describes a politically charged New York City, where a political outsider has overcome stiff opposition to be elected President of the United States. Mob rule threatens, and marching protests rove up and down Fifth Avenue, where coincidentally, Trump Tower is currently located. The Last President even had the familiar name of Pence as a member of the president’s own cabinet. Still just coincidence?

This is where it begins to all tie together. In addition to the books mentioned above that defy logic, Ingersoll Lockwood passed on his knowledge to S. G. Samuels, who shared what was called….“The Great Awakening”. Sound familiar? To anyone that has been paying attention, undoubtedly. Where have we heard this before? The Great Awakening was made famous through the military operation known as Q. We began to see proof after proof and were asked time and time again, almost as if begging us to notice and dig deeper - ‘How many coincidences before MATHEMATICALly impossible?’ The answer is far less than what has been shown.

How could Ingersoll Lockwood, who died over 100 years ago, describe so many current events with such precise detail? Many think the likely answer is time travel and/or Looking Glass, Yellow book, or similar advanced technology. We know John Trump, MIT professor and one of the smartest humans in the country, was Donald Trump’s uncle. He was tasked with the collection of Tesla’s life’s work after his 1943 death. The Tesla papers are rumored to include instructions on how to make a time travel device, free energy and other exotic tech, which are all still under lock and key, to the public, for now. Surely, one doesn't find time travel tech and let it sit idle collecting dust. Recall the pictures of John Trump and Julian Assange, and with the knowledge of John Trump’s connection to time travel tech and also Assange’s present role in the Great Awakening and then draw your own conclusion and see if time travel fits into the puzzle.

I have mentioned Looking Glass several times over the years and for the sake of brevity, will try to keep it simple in this post. Basically, White hats and black hats were both using the Looking Glass tech for decades to see possible futures and would then deduce or backwards engineer the choices that must have had to be made in order to get to THAT timeline, which was the desired timeline. However, for the first time, ALL timelines converged on Dec. 21st 2012. The only timeline that could be seen after that date was a positive timeline. A timeline where we see dark to LIGHT, or, THE GREAT AWAKENING for humanity. It is said, no matter how many times the bad guys looked, desperately hoping for an opportunity to maintain control, the timeline remained set and never wavered, eventually becoming painfully obvious that nothing can stop what is coming.

As I began to dig even deeper, the more strange it all became. I learned of a company named Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. It is located at…1717 (KEK) Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC. The more I looked into this group the weirder yet clearer things became.

Their mission is “to build a brighter future for humanity, starting with the resurgence of American exceptionalism. We leverage what our founder called ‘future vision’ where we deliver solutions based on Trade Secret Predictive Intelligence Team/Technology (TSPI), a mix of futurist inventions, artificial intelligence and machine learning, all used for the good of humanity. We communicate publicly on our own Open Source Intelligence Platforms (OSINT) as trusted Media Sources (CDMG, CSMG, TTN, more to come…). We unleash New Technology Safeguards to Defend Humanity from novel Threats (NTSD) and to Accelerate the Great Awakening (NTAGA). We market our solutions first, on our own Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Media Platforms, then on strategic mainstream media (MSM) platforms.”

They state: “We must TRAVEL into the past, BEFORE we can explore our future in SPACE…” Sound familiar?

Take a look at their portfolio....very interdasting.

Space Force Labs
Ongoing R&D
Gravity Reduction & Anti-gravity (Easy work if you have the original designs of the Haunebu I-III)
Tesla-based Spacecraft Accelerator (Easy work if you have copies of the stolen Tesla Papers)

Does any of these topics sound familiar?

Diving deeper into the website I stumbled upon a page that states boldly - Trust The Plan. Sound familiar?

The Board of Directors of Ingersoll Lockwood consists of 8 members, almost all former military, all patriots. Sound familiar? Recall Q drop #60 ‘You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (LESS THAN 10 people) only three are non-military.’

Is Ingersoll Lockwood the keystone that connects it all? Who knows but Q, the Great Awakening, The Last President, Donald Trump, Tesla, time travel, space travel and much more, all connect, so maybe it is, as Q kept telling us ‘we have more than we know’ and ‘future proves past’!!! Or it is all just a bunch of random coincidences...🐸


We ain't found shit!
Jan 8, 2021

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. DECLAS: Turning Tesla’s Dream of Free Energy into a Weapon – In this case, Directed inward, at America, for greed and profit… We’re as Conservative as they come. We’re as Patriotic as they come. Our funding of Carbon Capture Shield is most likely the opposite of what you think it is. It’s sad so many of you are this close to being completely outside of the matrix and yet, you miss it, because of fossil fuel brainwashing. Yes, big cars, big boats, big planes and so much more – fun fun fun. However, climate crisis is real – but it’s not what you think it is. Forget about the New Green Deal and dumbed down socialist puppets like Greta and AOC – consider them way below your pay-grade.

Forget about how Globalists are creating Carbon treaties and Carbon tax as a new way to control you and steal what little wealth you have left, laboring day after day in your minute mobius strip of time.

Imagine you were traveling back in time, from a future date and were trying to explain THE REAL REALITY to folks who have so many misconceptions it was like talking to your 2 year old to explain why sticking a metal fork in the 110v outlet is not a smart move. Because of Monsanto, by 2030, all the Bees on planet Earth are gone. Organic and Natural farming is over. If you think Bill Gates pink slime burgers are a fad, they will be your future staple, if you survive, and if you don’t wake up and make some changes, immediately.

But I digress. Let me take you back from 2007 to 2010. Here are some documents you should look at:




Now let me tell you a story about High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). This is one of the US Government’s most powerful weapons. It can be used to control the weather. Nikola Tesla invented it as a means of transporting energy from one point on the earth to another point far away using what he called “Ether”. In reality, this microwave array aims potentially millions of watts of high energy microwaves at the upper atmosphere, which causes a rubber band like effect in the ionosphere, whereby billions of watts of high energy ‘snap back’ down towards the earth at an equal and opposite angle. If you wish to boil water underground and cause an earthquake, you need to test HAARP through triangulation by aiming it at three equidistant points. Then, you are ready to aim dead center at your target. Some of the effects of this level of radiation are:

weaken the ionosphere – the Creator, after much prayer, will cause a solar flare to encompass the earth – recharging the ionosphere because without it, we are all toast from gamma rays and x-rays. check the historic news cycle on this and you’ll see that right now – the FUTURE proves the PAST. glowing ‘clouds in the sky’ like these, when HAARP was used to attack China’s underground nuclear facility: and citizens in China noticed water flowing ‘uphill’ during this beautiful array of wonderful colors in the sky. birds falling out of the sky, cooked from the inside-out. fish floating in rivers, cooked from the inside-out. high pressure zones – can be used to steer hurricanes, create hurricanes and dissipate hurricanes, tornadoes and storms. …and so much more.

Your homework:

Why was Hillary Clinton invited to join the Board of Monsanto? Why did Barack Obama aka Barry Soetero, the Kenyan Muslim illegal manchurian president (Soros Puppet), pass HR 933, the Monsanto Protection Act? Why did FEMA and 3 states (triangulate) pre-plan for 7 million MRE’s to be delivered to farmers and citizens in the New Madrid Fault Zone for an upcoming exercise of a massive flooding in this area? What happened to all the farmers and their land? Who bought it? What kind of crops are there now and who owns them? What Air Force General ordered the HAARP strike on US Soil [TREASON for GREED] and where is his bank account? Who filled it and why? How deep is the swamp? If this is only one example of the lengths at which these (sick) people will go, now do you understand, Patriots, what we are up against in 2021? For each area in our 200+ year plan, we already know the outcome IF there is no dramatic change to the timeline BUT it still requires one variable – YOUR FREE WILL to help make it happen.

There are a certain number of totally awake Patriots we need to make everything we are doing ‘go viral’ or the future will be one in which population will be at 500 million or less, with no more than the Georgia Guidestones disclose in a soylent green distopian world, operated by the Elite luciferins merged with AI. Completely Soul-less. A bleak future ahead.

Re-read our ten goals, look at what we’ve begun funding and think how you might be able to help. It’s time to take the metal fork out of the socket, your baby hair is standing straight up. Enough juice for now.

Re-consider Carbon Capture Shield from a new perspective. We love carbon too. We must end Monsanto and save the Bees. Otherwise, the Planet’s food supply will be completely synthetic.

Do your part to save the Bee’s – consider it life and death for humanity. This is absolutely a message from one Future timeline you do not want to live to see – so CHANGE IT.

In the immediate future – look to Ohio. Support Q+

He NEVER quite. He works tirelessly every day. He’s still your POTUS. And the Best is Yet to Come.

These people are STUPID. Luckily, the NSA and MIL INTEL are on your side. We will disclose more. When you are ready.

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 10th Floor, Suite 1025 Washington, DC 20006 Office/Reception: 1-202-559-9157 (9-5) Fax: 1-202-204-6325 © 2021 Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Meanwhile, we have much work to do to fix the timeline and save humanity...


So is someone going to call the number, 1-202-559-9157?

This website also shows up when I search the phone number in DDG: https://cyberdefenseventures.com

And that website appears incomplete as it has bunch of Lorem Ipsum place holder text.

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