Any idea what the countdown clock on their website indicates?Taken from a buddy of mine, who has been “awake” for 10+ years.
Rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. Most of this has been mentioned in pieces over the years, but this nicely brings things together. Who knows!
TL/DR. Books written over 100 years ago by a guy named Lockwood are way too coincidental, and predict much of today’s events.
Also, White hats and Black Hats have been using Tesla technology “looking glass” to glimps into the future, and lay out their plans to benefit their desired future outcome. Since 2012, the only future view is one of black hat’s demise and nothing they do can stop what’s coming.
I learned of Ingersoll Lockwood about 4 years ago and the story was so fascinating that I kept thinking that there must be more to this. As I started to look deeper, I was amazed at what I found. The more I dug, the more I learned and the more unbelievable it all became. I would be remiss if I did not take a stab at putting together how it all connects to what is happening, because I assure you, it does. So here goes.
For those unaware and a refresher for those that are, Ingersoll Lockwood was a mysterious literary figure with futuristic and visionary content, well over a century ahead of his time. He authored many books, but a few stand out, for reasons that are truly unexplainable.
Lockwood wrote, ‘Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger’ in 1889. A few years later, in 1893, Lockwood authored, ‘‘Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey’. The stories are of a wealthy young Baron who lives in Trump Castle. The young Baron embarks on time travelling adventures through human history and his journey consists of traveling to Russia, “depicting a ‘World within a World’ which the young Baron explores with his dog using a guidebook provided by the ‘master of all masters’, coincidentally named Don. In summary, we have a boy named Baron, living in Trump castle, taught by a man named Don, using time travel technology. Now reconciling these were written over 100 years ago, the striking resemblance of the real Baron Trump and the ‘fictitious’ boy on the cover of ‘Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey’, it is all truly bizarre and I suppose, this all could be chalked up to random coincidence, if this was the end of the story.
In 1896 Lockwood went on to write his most famous book, ‘1900, Or The Last President’, which describes a politically charged New York City, where a political outsider has overcome stiff opposition to be elected President of the United States. Mob rule threatens, and marching protests rove up and down Fifth Avenue, where coincidentally, Trump Tower is currently located. The Last President even had the familiar name of Pence as a member of the president’s own cabinet. Still just coincidence?
This is where it begins to all tie together. In addition to the books mentioned above that defy logic, Ingersoll Lockwood passed on his knowledge to S. G. Samuels, who shared what was called….“The Great Awakening”. Sound familiar? To anyone that has been paying attention, undoubtedly. Where have we heard this before? The Great Awakening was made famous through the military operation known as Q. We began to see proof after proof and were asked time and time again, almost as if begging us to notice and dig deeper - ‘How many coincidences before MATHEMATICALly impossible?’ The answer is far less than what has been shown.
How could Ingersoll Lockwood, who died over 100 years ago, describe so many current events with such precise detail? Many think the likely answer is time travel and/or Looking Glass, Yellow book, or similar advanced technology. We know John Trump, MIT professor and one of the smartest humans in the country, was Donald Trump’s uncle. He was tasked with the collection of Tesla’s life’s work after his 1943 death. The Tesla papers are rumored to include instructions on how to make a time travel device, free energy and other exotic tech, which are all still under lock and key, to the public, for now. Surely, one doesn't find time travel tech and let it sit idle collecting dust. Recall the pictures of John Trump and Julian Assange, and with the knowledge of John Trump’s connection to time travel tech and also Assange’s present role in the Great Awakening and then draw your own conclusion and see if time travel fits into the puzzle.
I have mentioned Looking Glass several times over the years and for the sake of brevity, will try to keep it simple in this post. Basically, White hats and black hats were both using the Looking Glass tech for decades to see possible futures and would then deduce or backwards engineer the choices that must have had to be made in order to get to THAT timeline, which was the desired timeline. However, for the first time, ALL timelines converged on Dec. 21st 2012. The only timeline that could be seen after that date was a positive timeline. A timeline where we see dark to LIGHT, or, THE GREAT AWAKENING for humanity. It is said, no matter how many times the bad guys looked, desperately hoping for an opportunity to maintain control, the timeline remained set and never wavered, eventually becoming painfully obvious that nothing can stop what is coming.
As I began to dig even deeper, the more strange it all became. I learned of a company named Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. It is located at…1717 (KEK) Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC. The more I looked into this group the weirder yet clearer things became.
Their mission is “to build a brighter future for humanity, starting with the resurgence of American exceptionalism. We leverage what our founder called ‘future vision’ where we deliver solutions based on Trade Secret Predictive Intelligence Team/Technology (TSPI), a mix of futurist inventions, artificial intelligence and machine learning, all used for the good of humanity. We communicate publicly on our own Open Source Intelligence Platforms (OSINT) as trusted Media Sources (CDMG, CSMG, TTN, more to come…). We unleash New Technology Safeguards to Defend Humanity from novel Threats (NTSD) and to Accelerate the Great Awakening (NTAGA). We market our solutions first, on our own Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Media Platforms, then on strategic mainstream media (MSM) platforms.”
They state: “We must TRAVEL into the past, BEFORE we can explore our future in SPACE…” Sound familiar?
Take a look at their portfolio....very interdasting.
Space Force Labs
Ongoing R&D
Gravity Reduction & Anti-gravity (Easy work if you have the original designs of the Haunebu I-III)
Tesla-based Spacecraft Accelerator (Easy work if you have copies of the stolen Tesla Papers)
Does any of these topics sound familiar?
Diving deeper into the website I stumbled upon a page that states boldly - Trust The Plan. Sound familiar?
The Board of Directors of Ingersoll Lockwood consists of 8 members, almost all former military, all patriots. Sound familiar? Recall Q drop #60 ‘You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (LESS THAN 10 people) only three are non-military.’
Is Ingersoll Lockwood the keystone that connects it all? Who knows but Q, the Great Awakening, The Last President, Donald Trump, Tesla, time travel, space travel and much more, all connect, so maybe it is, as Q kept telling us ‘we have more than we know’ and ‘future proves past’!!! Or it is all just a bunch of random coincidences...![]()
@Jayhox etal