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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
As much as I'd like to believe that to be true, Nancy would have to be a complete idiot to have such info on her personal laptop.

Sorry man gotta give u a WTF ya talking about on this one.

Weiner had a vid of his wife and hill dog doing the fodrizzy on it..aka wasn't on his wife's laptop but his..and she was the one In the vid...

Hunter had loads of stuff on his laptop.on several laptops in fact..

U hear all the time these pedos and pervs that get busted they find all this sh^t on their laptops...sure some have them backed up, but they always find stuff on thr laptops they use..it is called quick reference material to these pervs and pedos.

Nancy is an old school swamp rat and an alky, I would bet 100% she would have that type of stuff on her laptop...even her sons stuff. If nothing more than a reminder that she's getting black mailed or to send to someone she needs to black mail..and oh yeah shes an alky..she also believes she is untouchable.plus she's 80...lol

So why wouldn't she have that stuff on her laptop?

You think she knows how to backup data and do all that stuff by herself? And with the sensitive Info thats on it do u think she gonna hire someone to back it up for her..and find it? See: Hunters laptop. U think she wants someone to find her bank accounts in the Caymens and blackmail her along w the other stuff? Remember Hunter is still fresh in her mind.

So ask urself the question again and then realize "why" she likely has that type of stuff on her laptop..as well as other emails and communications that could get her in in crapload of trouble..
It is not as absurd as u think..


Jan 8, 2021
Got the EBS for amber alert on my phone just now. QUIT PLAYIN WIT ME


Jan 8, 2021
Starting to wonder if Simon Parkes is a larp. He said in the last video that he spoke to Q. He also said POTUS is in TX. Jack Poso tweeted earlier that a WH source told him POTUS and Pence came out of the Oval laughing about the 25th Amendment ordeal today.

Is Monkey Werx legit? I noticed Flynn follows him. He also stated IA had been signed, per a military source.

I never considered that all those military resources were in DC in anticipation of insurrection once POTUS remains in office post 1/20, which also aligns with the Emergency Act he signed today.

Oh, and sending a pic of my butthole to the poster who put his email address on here. I'll try to get you a good shot of the crowning.

Addendum: Am disappoint that I don't have flair after donating @Croot_Lord


Dec 9, 2020
Starting to wonder if Simon Parkes is a larp. He said in the last video that he spoke to Q. He also said POTUS is in TX. Jack Poso tweeted earlier that a WH source told him POTUS and Pence came out of the Oval laughing about the 25th Amendment ordeal today.

Is Monkey Werx legit? I noticed Flynn follows him. He also stated IA had been signed, per a military source.

I never considered that all those military resources were in DC in anticipation of insurrection once POTUS remains in office post 1/20, which also aligns with the Emergency Act he signed today.

Oh, and sending a pic of my butthole to the poster who put his email address on here. I'll try to get you a good shot of the crowning.
Monkey is 100% legit. IMO. One of the few that'll walk back BS info given to him.


Dec 9, 2020
Theory is SF stole her laptop on Jan 6th. She’s scared
Further, it's how the white hats found out the Dems were about to allow the sale of GE to China. Deal was to go down in Paki, and the white hats shut down like 40% of the power in Paki. It's confirmed that there were huge power outages in Paki as well as Italy, Germany and UK.

Not gonna link it cuz those confirmations are in here somewhere and I'm just trying to keep up.

GE deal was thwarted btw. Phew.


Jan 8, 2021
Starting to wonder if Simon Parkes is a larp. He said in the last video that he spoke to Q. He also said POTUS is in TX. Jack Poso tweeted earlier that a WH source told him POTUS and Pence came out of the Oval laughing about the 25th Amendment ordeal today.

Is Monkey Werx legit? I noticed Flynn follows him. He also stated IA had been signed, per a military source.

I never considered that all those military resources were in DC in anticipation of insurrection once POTUS remains in office post 1/20, which also aligns with the Emergency Act he signed today.

Oh, and sending a pic of my butthole to the poster who put his email address on here. I'll try to get you a good shot of the crowning.

Addendum: Am disappoint that I don't have flair after donating @Croot_Lord
B-hole? Me too please


Dec 9, 2020
I really hate to bring this but he has a good point. If MIL intelligence had everything before all this started why would they not have the following

1. already know what are the laptops
2. why need a capitol invasion to get what is on them

come on guys lets be honest, pelosi is 95 million years old, it would be pretty easy to sep these players from their laptops. I am one of those people that takes my laptop EVERYWHERE with me. Not because I have kiddie porn on it but because I have work stuff happening at all times. However there are times that it is not with me. So you are going to tell me Nancy has that thing with her at all times or in some operator proof location? Not saying Q isnt real but I do not buy the laptop story
All good points except Q hasn't posted since like 12/2 and therefore never said anything about NP laptop. Folks REALLY need to separate Q shit from non-Q shit. Be better. Carry on.


Jan 8, 2021
Starting to wonder if Simon Parkes is a larp. He said in the last video that he spoke to Q. He also said POTUS is in TX. Jack Poso tweeted earlier that a WH source told him POTUS and Pence came out of the Oval laughing about the 25th Amendment ordeal today.

Is Monkey Werx legit? I noticed Flynn follows him. He also stated IA had been signed, per a military source.

I never considered that all those military resources were in DC in anticipation of insurrection once POTUS remains in office post 1/20, which also aligns with the Emergency Act he signed today.

Oh, and sending a pic of my butthole to the poster who put his email address on here. I'll try to get you a good shot of the crowning.

Addendum: Am disappoint that I don't have flair after donating @Croot_Lord
Did you watch monkey’s video from tonight. He doesn’t know if IA has been signed and he said his sources are saying POTUS is still at WH. Not sure about Simon, he says POTUS is in TX so that makes me doubt his credibility a bit when you have Bret Baer and Jack Poso saying he’s in the WH.


Dec 2, 2020
Further, it's how the white hats found out the Dems were about to allow the sale of GE to China. Deal was to go down in Paki, and the white hats shut down like 40% of the power in Paki. It's confirmed that there were huge power outages in Paki as well as Italy, Germany and UK.

Not gonna link it cuz those confirmations are in here somewhere and I'm just trying to keep up.

GE deal was thwarted btw. Phew.
Don't go down this road here.

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