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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
This is a brand new, never before used technology that involves RNA. This is the first MRNA vaccine EVER approved in the history of the world. It was also rushed through clinical trials.

I also have no comorbidities, have had the KungFlu once already with no symptoms of note and my wife is a CRNA and she isn’t taking it. We are comfortable with our chances.

so that’s a no from me, dawg.

N. Pappagiorgio

Jan 10, 2021

What's your Lotus 123 and Wordperfect experience?
Pretty much an expert.


Dec 9, 2020
I hear ya, but you can't get to where she is by being anywhere close to being that dumb.
Explain Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Eric Swallowswell, Waddle Nadless....

Nancy Pelosi is the beneficiary of a literal crime family and is insulated by having the smallest district in the US that was specifically gerrymandered to keep the crypt keeper in power.

She's not smart. She's connected.

I'll never forget her talking about how it was un-American to require a search warrant. Police should be able to search, if they had reasonable suspicion, and if they found what they were looking for then they could get the search warrant to seize the evidence. I absolutely lost.my.shit.


Jan 8, 2021
Hey LAC. Tried to jump in our thread today but the Fucks @ rivals and yahoo have fucked us. Glad I found us over here.

Is it me or is this board super laggy and slow.
Two things. A lot of new traffic. Upgrades are on the way. And I think the national championship game tonight added even more traffic on other forms over here to slow things down even further. Help is on the way brother


One of the Main Maniacs for Sure
Dec 2, 2020
I learned how to program Basic on a TRS-80 in 1983 and backed everything up to a cassette.

hope this helps.
My science teacher brought one of those into class when I was in Jr. high about the same time. He sat us down in front of a hi lo program and showed us the code then ran the program. Of course being kids, we were delighted to play the game in class. He said if anyone could get the number right in 1 try he'd give us a bearclaw. 10 min later I had figured out how to rig it to print the number on the screen right before the input prompt. Everyone else in the class felt I was cheating.

I got the bearclaw.

I worked all of the next fall and early part of winter gleaning ears of corn that got missed by the picker out of a neighbors corn field until I had earned enough to buy my first Commodore 64.

My mom, who did a lot of writing in her spare time, called it "playing on the computer" and both of my parents thought computers were a waste of time until I bought a printer the following year and she watched me edit a document, complete with cut and paste, and then print it when I was done. Of course then she had to have one too.



Dec 1, 2020
Premature, since hopefully I'll be sawing logs, but congrats on our first 100 pages

Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh . . . New Board rule: Ya can’t throw out a century page shout 3 pages early. Shit. Shit no, man. Hell people were pushing this bullshit a single page early in the old thread and should have been bant on the spot for it. Git yer shit together, @Sgfeer !!!


One of the Main Maniacs for Sure
Dec 2, 2020
I was in until they started talking about 3 Gorges Dam. No way in hell China puts nukes or warheads in a dam that is on the verge of collapsing.
That would be par for the course for them. Any attempt to take them out would kill estimates up to 100 million people if it took out the dam. In fact, you just convinced me there are weapons there.

Long cat

Jan 10, 2021
The Space Ex rockets are still "conventional" in terms of propulsion. Fairly standard rocket fuel and specific impulse. The leap there is with light and reliable inertial sensors and "free" computing power for controls - like with drones. And they did that (returning the boosters) for $ savings like I was saying.

I'm open on someone to explain the phenomenon they are talking about even in my own Navy and what you saw in terms of propulsion that could give that ridiculous acceleration you likely saw and they showed on U Toob and Fox.

Also open due to the fact that our same human nature sadly used Nuclear Power for war first, civil use second.
Here’s my ufo story, I’ve posted it a couple times before.

Was at new Smyrna beach in 2001. My and mybuddy were sitting on the pool deck at about 9:00 at night. It was partly cloudy and close to a fool moon, so the clouds were kind of floating by in front of the moon.

all of the sudden this neon green light appears At the horizon and flies to near the beach and hovers over the surf at about 1000’. It went from horizon to beach in less than half a second. The clouds split open around this thing. It hovers there for 1-2 seconds, totally silent and still. Then it zooms back past the horizon in less than half a second. Them the clouds come back together. I always assumed it was military of some type and was taking a look at something around cape canaveral.

As far as spacex goes, I know you are probably right but honestly I’m kind of skeptical that they haven’t made some other type of significant advancement that isn’t public knowledge.


One of the Main Maniacs for Sure
Dec 2, 2020
Has anyone witnessed/ heard of planes that have taken off and appear to just be floating? Driving back to Atl from Auburn at Christmas and saw several planes that had taken off but were just "hanging" in the air for what seemed like minutes. They were way up there, but they were not moving.



Dec 9, 2020
Not getting it. Had the Rona in October. Don’t get the flu vaccine either a d have not had the flu since 2005....the last time I had to get the vaccine while in the military.

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