Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Not really. Just that if it exists it defies known laws of physics that have been empirically proven over and over.

Think the opposite of Global Warming. We know this shit.

You want to talk "unobtainium" materials and anti-gravity rockets to space.

You bet it could happen.

These "UFOs" we've seen here as of late do the same "no known physical ways" stuff so I am open.

Laws of physics don't get repealed often.
Well I have seen a UFO that seemed to defy those pesky Known laws of physics with my own eyes so maybe I come at it from a different angle. I’ve also seen the magic spacex rockets takeoff and have two boosters come back to earth and land simultaneously - a gigantic leap forward from what anybody has ever done before.

I have zero doubt that mankind has a lot of capabilities that most of us can only dream of.
Here is email breakdown. Reliable info getting hard to obtain. Deep state in panic mode and going after supporters. Sports writers wanting supporters arrested, 100s of law professors wanting cruz and hawley to be disbarred. Wall street banks freezing donations to Republicans. Trump supporters put on no fly list. Pga barring trump courses despite fans being 95% trump. We are part of the war. Boycott hostile to trump stores nfl nba etc. Should have been using Gab not twitter but now useless because they can't handle all the new people. ACLU comment about big tech being dangerous is crap they are for it. Martial law could last 30 days be ready in case but trump doesn't want it to. Expect 2-3 days not today or tomorrow so reduce expectations which is good because I want to watch the game tonight and sell some stocks tomorrow. Quebec full blown tyranny. UK locking people down allowing people out once a week. There is a video showing antifa being handed bats from inside cap bldg. Mitch and pelosi refused extra security. They got schumer laptop. China trying to stir up civil war. Russia flying very close to our airspace. Be ready for bad leaders to call for UN intervention when arrests happen. When arrests happen the BLM and Antifa main protestors are coming and they have military grade weapons. Simon not sure who that is confirmed we got the Pope. His personal physician supposedly died of Covid and they may use that for him. Italian pm has been arrested. Supposedly pakistan has 200 million without power that is not being reported. That is the highlights and still waiting for founder tag
Thank you for continuing to bring this to the board!
Is it a coincidence she was full on Patriot when she was hot and now is full of shit and mad at Patriots because she's fat?
Wait are you saying Rods From God isn't a thing? I was told many years ago about a machine shop in either Abilene or Midland that accepted a contract to make some of the supposed rods. From what I was told, they weren't tungsten, but were a form of stainless, and weren't telephone pole sized, but more like 6' X 18" sized. All of this was supposed to have been done during the Reagan administration. As far as cost to get to space, we are constantly sending shit into space. We send 15-20 heavy launches into space per year, and most of the time government shit is riding up with it.
Yeah, no.

Just do a bit of undergrad Aero math. Each Tungsten "telephone pole" would have to weigh 24,000 lb each. They say they would have to be made out of Tungsten so they can make it through the atmosphere from space at Mach 10 + and not burn up.

- It's technically and financially prohibitive to send that heavy of payload into space. Easily researched, the cost per pound to send payloads into space is $10,000 per lb. So even if we say we have 10 rounds up there, the cost would be 10,000 x 10 x 24,000 = $2.4B. If you think we sent 100 rounds, that's $24B. Not happening. Especially with no one knowing.

- Aerodynamic heating goes up with Mach^2. So, conservatively from basic Compressible Aerodynamics, Mach 10 would raise the static temp up by a factor of 700. A very low upper atmosphere temp is 100 Kelvin (K). Initial temps for the Rod from God to encounter is 70,000K. Melting point of Tungsten is 3695K.

Copy it could slow down like the Shuttle and get through but then the super kinetic weapon factor goes away. The Shuttle slowed quickly and continued to slow, subsonic in most of the real atmosphere, landed at 225 Kt, Mach 0.3ish.

Even Mach 5 is really fast and hot in the normal atmosphere. Hotter than 3695K.

Edited: for bad undergrad Aero math on the cost to space. Maybe...
Yeah, no.

Just do a bit of undergrad Aero math. Each Tungsten "telephone pole" would have to weigh 24,000 lb each. They say they would have to be made out of Tungsten so they can make it through the atmosphere from space at Mach 10 + and not burn up.

- It's technically and financially prohibitive to send that heavy of payload into space. Easily researched, the cost per pound to send payloads into space is $10,000 per lb. So even if we say we have 10 rounds up there, the cost would be 10,000 x 10 x 24,000 = $2.4B. If you think we sent 100 rounds, that's $24B. Not happening. Especially with no one knowing.

- Aerodynamic heating goes up with Mach^2. So, conservatively from basic Compressible Aerodynamics, Mach 10 would raise the static temp up by a factor of 700. A very low upper atmosphere temp is 100 Kelvin (K). Initial temps for the Rod from God to encounter is 70,000K. Melting point of Tungsten is 3695K.

Copy it could slow down like the Shuttle and get through but then the super kinetic weapon factor goes away. The Shuttle slowed quickly and continued to slow, subsonic in most of the real atmosphere, landed at 225 Kt, Mach 0.3ish.

Even Mach 5 is really fast and hot in the normal atmosphere. Hotter than 3695K.

Edited: for bad undergrad Aero math on the cost to space. Maybe...

...probably not, but i wanted to use this gif.
Yeah, no.

Just do a bit of undergrad Aero math. Each Tungsten "telephone pole" would have to weigh 24,000 lb each. They say they would have to be made out of Tungsten so they can make it through the atmosphere from space at Mach 10 + and not burn up.

- It's technically and financially prohibitive to send that heavy of payload into space. Easily researched, the cost per pound to send payloads into space is $10,000 per lb. So even if we say we have 10 rounds up there, the cost would be 10,000 x 10 x 24,000 = $2.4B. If you think we sent 100 rounds, that's $24B. Not happening. Especially with no one knowing.

- Aerodynamic heating goes up with Mach^2. So, conservatively from basic Compressible Aerodynamics, Mach 10 would raise the static temp up by a factor of 700. A very low upper atmosphere temp is 100 Kelvin (K). Initial temps for the Rod from God to encounter is 70,000K. Melting point of Tungsten is 3695K.

Copy it could slow down like the Shuttle and get through but then the super kinetic weapon factor goes away. The Shuttle slowed quickly and continued to slow, subsonic in most of the real atmosphere, landed at 225 Kt, Mach 0.3ish.

Even Mach 5 is really fast and hot in the normal atmosphere. Hotter than 3695K.

Edited: for bad undergrad Aero math on the cost to space. Maybe...

Just kidding, I love it
Well I have seen a UFO that seemed to defy those pesky Known laws of physics with my own eyes so maybe I come at it from a different angle. I’ve also seen the magic spacex rockets takeoff and have two boosters come back to earth and land simultaneously - a gigantic leap forward from what anybody has ever done before.

I have zero doubt that mankind has a lot of capabilities that most of us can only dream of.
The Space Ex rockets are still "conventional" in terms of propulsion. Fairly standard rocket fuel and specific impulse. The leap there is with light and reliable inertial sensors and "free" computing power for controls - like with drones. And they did that (returning the boosters) for $ savings like I was saying.

I'm open on someone to explain the phenomenon they are talking about even in my own Navy and what you saw in terms of propulsion that could give that ridiculous acceleration you likely saw and they showed on U Toob and Fox.

Also open due to the fact that our same human nature sadly used Nuclear Power for war first, civil use second.
I have an ER dr friend that has taken dose 1 and thinks being concerned about the vaccine is laughable. He, his wife and his kids get flu shots every year.

Zero chance I get it or any of my kids get it while it is being given under an emergency use authorization.

if they can make this vaccine in a year why aren’t there vaccines for other corona viruses that have been around for much longer?

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