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Who is the man? Picture of him on 4chan showing his phone looking at a Hunter Biden thread on /pol/


Apr 14, 2021
right....see this is where it starts to unravel for me.. I'm not sure which laptop hard drive is which and I'm not sure Hunter does either... I do know Mac Isaac confirmed 3 hard drives though

my theory is he had 3 drives for 3 completely different things
1- dick pics
3-shady business
1 TB worth of dick pics. That’s a lot of dick pics


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
One of the (if not the) largest expenses in standing up this site were legal fees. Mainly focused around building an appropriate business structure and securing intellectual property, but I’ve also established a very good relationship with the law office. From the very beginning, I felt like it was critical to make those legal connections so that when someone comes after us we are prepared.

I get the claims that the legal system is broken, but attempting to build something like this up blatantly illegal would have the legs cut right out from under it
Wtf just tell the judge you know Rebarcock. Have yall learnt nada mucho? No one is coming after us. And if they do steer them my way first. I've never asked for much


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Yeah they want everyone on the we knead two revolt / hang people schtick because it’s completely unrealistic.

Work strikes two for a Constitutional Convention.

Moore work strikes if other issues cum up. Whey Moore effective at dealing with government and public opinion that revolt / hangings. Most importantly knot illegal & peaceful.

They knot voting narrative is the cynicism the deep state wants. Voting mite knot fox everything as of today butt it’s a part of the solution inn the short and long term.

Work strikes are the solution. If every patriot sat at home four 2-3 weeks it wood destroy the economy (sea Chyna virus shut downs).

The best part is this can bee dun as many thymes as kneaded, peaceful, & legal.
Who pays mortgages in work strikes? Get that union rah rah shit the fuck outta here yankkkee noodle


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I’m just catching up to this latest laptop stuff.

Just saw that even CNN has been saying it’s “very very bad”

It is everything that has to do w why yahoo was scared of phildawg22 law abiding citizen. They thought the site was full of tards. But we have 3 Xtra chromosomes. So we are 3x as stupid as normies

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Who pays mortgages in work strikes? Get that union rah rah shit the fuck outta here yankkkee noodle
Whoever wants two.
If people are worried about there mortgages when they strike they should save up sum money the same whey they wood if they wear worried about there mortgages if they wanted two go play GI Joe high on 1776 romance.

Nothing is different inn either circumstance besides won is legal and keeps innocent people from getting killed and the other is an unrealistic fantasy Shirley two end inn complete failure.
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Dec 1, 2020
I think we're at stand still right now of doing things legally or illegally.. I'm taking part in an extreme tea party movement of fuck paying taxes to fund corruption.. I'm taking initiative now for change and will ask for forgiveness later if need
No. I wasn’t talking about continuing that specific debate. I understand where you are going with that and respect you for it, but there is much more that can be done. A small minority of people not paying their taxes is just a drop in the bucket, and most likely will cause infinitely more harm to the participants than the desired effect of purging corruption. If you misstep and face consequences, you risk being removed from ever making a real difference.

Now back to brainstorming:
You need numbers and coordination to make a difference. Nothing illegal about growing numbers of like-minded people and working together. I believe that is something we can agree on right?


Dec 1, 2020
I’ve taken this brainstorm quite a bit further in my head, but I want to walk through it without dropping some of my conclusions. And by conclusions I don’t mean “the answer” of what to do, but some very powerful ideas that could make a very big difference.


Mar 13, 2022
@PleasureMoose I don't see why you would need to be forgiving for doing that, but understand why you may think like so and I totally sympathize. You make some very valid points as do all the others. Not wishing to simply agree or disagree ... I don't vote in a country where not doing so is considered criminal. You either have to pay a fine or write a letter to explain why. If the fines build up, various freedoms are taken from you where you are made to pay, one way or the other. It's an oppressively mentality that many people squabble and some bitterly fight over. The reason I don't vote is because I am considered of unsound mind. Yet the irony is I am often targeted by authorities for being able to articulate. They much prefer it when I am mentally unstable which is why they have so many doctors and lawyers on the ready with their labels.

It's a fucked situation to be sure. Excellent point re the so called war. Oops - now I too sense this overwhelming need to ask for forgiveness. I mean not to minimize the death of so many - but I do question the distractions, deceptions and so much more that goes on behind the scenes. Much easier to wave a flag and spout whatever narrative. I hear man - or at least think I do.

That said I acknowledge that the game of influence involves those dynamics many of us wish did not exist. Speaking of loss of life re whatever war/s, that when it comes to human values that money takes precedence where those waring over the economy care much less for the victims of any war, than they do their own comforts and bank balances.

I'm just not sure about the topics in which to influence other than highlighting the deception or futility in the chosen identities that so many of us cling too ... and or are fed. Do what you got to do - learning to live on less and giving up bullshit ideals more designed to later influence - including money ... offers much more liberty as too can the discomforts that come with no longer participating in such a corrupt world. Those challenges generally help those more in the know to said delusions better connect in positive ways. Although just because people are nice does not mean their take is good for you. This being more general in terms of those that think intellect is just another from of currency. Not meaning to digress.

Just wanted to show some support in a positive way plus share some of my own views whilst hopefully not demeaning others along the way. I have no trouble admitting that I do what I can to not participate in a corrupt society wherever and whenever I can, but I learning to do what I can to support those who feel the same way. Just be careful with the moves you make and learn from those we don't understand.


Dec 1, 2020

Another thing you will need is a way to have secure communications. You want to be able to plan and arrange things privately so people won't be prying in your business trying to confuse, troll, or even try and get out in front of something you might want to do.

Let's say you want to release a website that presents all the publicly available information of members of congress transactions to do a public audit. A website that is very neatly organized and easy to find and draw information from. You want to be able to do all that without people prying so they can't try and head things off or disrupt the release.

So private/secure communications is something legal that you can create for yourself with technology and not have to depend on existing services

Remember that it is an information war and not a physical violent war. How do you fight an information war? Technology and psychology


Mar 13, 2022
I beg to differ. Information and technology is indeed rather vicious and 100% discriminatory.

I don't fight it, but acknowledge it for what it is without investing emotion (and $$$) or feeding the fear. Fear being sold in the creation of back doors, then articles and pop ups to educate you ... only to then provide an A1 solution $$$ or for just a little more you can have ... then you will be able to overcome the near strain of back door codding just invented ... bla bla and bla ...

When I think of how tech is used and abused I think of that quote - It's not guns that kill people, but people that kill people. Yet with the advancement of weaponing, we can now kill more people and do it so much quicker. That's when Einstein came up with that quote:

“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots” to Albert Einstein.

A quote hated by technologists. BUT - it fully applies to our world today.

So it will be the same with advances in technology when it comes to controlling the people. In that light as far as I am concerned - the information 'war' is just as destructive as bullets - usually leads to a pilotless drone sent off on some mission using the latest and greatest tech of all.

Of course your just talking about online trolls - where software corps create all kinds of entry points and then once more; sell the solutions. That's another game ... having SSL security is a good start but I don't believe for a moment because something is legal that it is for our benefit at all. Legislation is just another form of control where the same games used in media and education camps all point to the same thing ... mass control and hierarchy. Oooooo conspiracy. : D

Forgive me croot ... I grow tired of it all ... but no sense in us all agreeing.

I leave the phone at home and strive to be more indifferent ... that's the best method I find. Not always appropriate for those deeply wired in or running a website. The money aspect is unavoidable if you want protection from such things. I get it.
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Dec 1, 2020
I beg to differ. Information and technology is indeed rather vicious and 100% discriminatory.

I don't fight it, but acknowledge it for what it is without investing emotion (and $$$) or feeding the fear. Fear being sold in the creation of back doors, then articles and pop ups to educate you ... only to then provide an A1 solution $$$ or for just a little more you can have ... then you will be able to overcome the near strain of back door codding just invented ... bla bla and bla ...

When I think of how tech is used and abused I think of that quote - It's not guns that kill people, but people that kill people. Yet with the advancement of weaponing, we can now kill more people and do it so much quicker as shown in the second world war. So it will be the same with advances in technology when it comes to controlling the people. In that light as far as I am concerned - the information 'war' is just as destructive as bullets - usually leads to a pilotless drone sent off on some mission using the latest and greatest tech of all.

Of course your just talking about online trolls - where software corps create all kinds of entry points and then once more; sell the solutions. That's another game ... having SSL security is a good start but I don't believe for a moment because something is legal that it is for our benefit at all. Legislation is just another form of control where the same games used in media and education camps all point to the same thing ... mass control and hierarchy. Oooooo conspiracy. : D

Forgive me croot ... I grow tired of it all ... but no sense in us all agreeing.

I leave the phone at home and strive to be more indifferent ... that's the best method I find. Not always appropriate for those deeply wired in or running a website. The money aspect is unavoidable if you want protection from such things. I get it.
So I want to make sure we are on the same page here:

Is your message regarding this statement:

“Remember that it is an information war and not a physical violent war”



Mar 13, 2022
Each can be as deadly as the other and often lead to the same thing. Given the structure of advance technology and the digital age, wars are mostly thought via streaming information. I understand your saying only one form of the two is physical. I am saying that both when citing the term war 'information war' that both are as violent as the other.


Dec 1, 2020
Each can be as deadly as the other and often lead to the same thing. Given the structure of advance technology and the digital age, wars are mostly thought via streaming information. I understand your saying only one form of the two is physical. I am saying that both when citing the term war 'information war' that both are as violent as the other.
Violence was not the best word to use there. I agree that the information war has and will continue to have countless casualties.

I am trying to use this thread as a brainstorm to determine: how would you fight back against the corrupt “New World Order”


Dec 1, 2020
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

The focus is on this;

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”

How could you do that in modern times? The powers that be would not turn over the reigns willingly.


Dec 1, 2020
So I have been focusing on the “How” in this thread, but I started a thread to discuss the “Why”



Mar 13, 2022
I certainly concede to much of that Croot. There's a term I keep hearing often that I am not so quick to dismiss 'Testing Ground.' Countries and regions that are more isolated than the rest of the world make for good testing grounds when it comes to the information and legislation. For instance, it's becoming more well known that Australia is one of those countries with a population less some American or UK cities. Much easier to control boarders and implement measures.

You sound like you understand how it mostly works but I link this interview which whilst a very 'Far Out - conspicuously tagged outlet that has to speak in code these days like so many others ... shows how the CV dogma has resulted in an increase in fascism in Australia. Over 130 thousands of protesters at one point in a lowly populated country as Australia was a huge event that was kept under wraps from the rest of the world ... although they could not contain the violence that made it out onto the web dealing with many other incidents. That said whilst a long video that most red pills takers can not stomach in terms of blue information - there is a lot regarding the way in which legislation and government has been adding to the worlds current crisis.


Perhaps the following outlet being more palatable and fresh in terms of upscaling the control mechanisms across the world:

With all due respect ... regarding the 'rights of the people' ... is something I consider a weaponizing language. Not one bit am I suggesting what you doing ... not at all. Best I can say about that is how it can be flung around to demean others that chose not to fight, protest or dare I say bang drums. The pros and cons in that and how it can play into the programming giving reason to feed ongoing legislation ... yadda yadaa ... As in yea ... there are ways and means with what I get this space being less destructive and all that.

I'll just say outright that the 'Purist of Happiness' is on outright program no different from other forms of ideology that does more to brainwash than anything else. White picket fence, J-O-B - ownership and property ... to which such delusion and red pill mentality is fully disclosed in the Zeitgeist Series which is what made it so popular. I'm dialing down my spotlighting of flag focusing mentality to a more factual account of how people are program with such ideology as the latter only leads to emotional switches that deviate from self control to automation often based on what people have been invested in from their favorite news channel all the way down to the Hollywood stick ... glorification that plays on said ideals with lots of colors and a violin. Again ... Zeitgeist Series is an excellent watch for this kind of nationalistic ideology and the many many other forms of societal imprinting all based on hierarchal structures.

The current status out in the streets and across the world speaks volume to the fallacies in the claims of said structures.

What's to be done? I'm all for a reset regardless of my aversion to violence. It's a process and one that will take several more years. Laughs out load thinking of the biblical claims in Revelations ... Neverthess ... in the meantime if the Nukes don't go off and we just end up in a police state (Australia has already been that way for some time) ... I guess just go along for the ride. Some will yell and scream like on a rollercoaster, some may jump right on off for a quick way out ... Personally know of serval now ... Or we stop feeding those BD ideals and call them out for what they are and just follow the orders as we are all herded by the military mandated reginal and town watch/police. This is not counting the self police resultant from said dogma that sees us all living very much in an ultra paranoid society ... more like a 1984 genre atmosphere. Law enforcement over here is looking like a joke ... not quite the same but very much like the following bots


Of course that is extreme but its happening more and more ... but I will share this one in say that the demeaner of these bots is exactly how they are dealing with people in the streets and the uniform itself has changed from light blue to now fulltime militarized pockets with many different types of weapons at the ready with a mindset that is easily triggered if you even touch upon that you think is a 'right'


What do do?

See them as they are:


Stop glorifying them and the narrative that they are brainwashed with.

My, Mine, and so on ... is all BS ... Your army, Your country, Your rights and so on. Now it's important to know I am not using exclamation marks because I am not yelling these things nor personally attacking anyone but sharing what I see personally and how I have been personally dealt with when questioning my rights. I simply don't do it anymore and explained how I now deal with authorized bots.

Watch more presentations that deal with how society is being brainwashed - make a stand and tell others whom do not understand and or react violently. Ignore the gifs, name calling and so on but do educate yourself so you know how to respond to any accompanying text with those tweets. Whilst I am still here ... and not so drained with all that delusional ideology and enforcement ... that's what I am doing.

I could care less about the Aliens to which now the US says is a thing but I love how the ideology has been torn to shreds over the last several years. The internet has kind of backfired in that regard and now moves are underway to tighten all that up ... but in the doing so ... the powers the be seem to be losing that war as we the world now starts to reveal more psychically how it can no longer control what it once did. Measure now more clearly seen in the quest to counter that.

Is all really interesting stuff.

That's all I really got to say about that. Of course none of this is personal until someone asks to see your papers/phone.

Have a good day/evening. EDIT: Croot ... I mean not to disrespect your own views and accept as time goes on we may see the other as being wired different. This is just my take on it all ... and many times I have said is hard to express our points of view without upsetting others. I don't know what rights are anymore ... complete distrust in the system and all that. My bad for not saying things in a more appropriate light.
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America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

The focus is on this;

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”

How could you do that in modern times? The powers that be would not turn over the reigns willingly.

A Constitutional Convention ore extreme work strikes are the only realistic answers.
So I have been focusing on the “How” in this thread, but I started a thread to discuss the “Why”

There is know legitimate reason two few those things at this point. We live inn the best rhymes inn human civilization.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Whoever wants two.
If people are worried about there mortgages when they strike they should save up sum money the same whey they wood if they wear worried about there mortgages if they wanted two go play GI Joe high on 1776 romance.

Nothing is different inn either circumstance besides won is legal and keeps innocent people from getting killed and the other is an unrealistic fantasy Shirley two end inn complete failure.
Fuck you dude. I'll drive up to where the fuck fuck you at in buckfuckistan.
My new mission is to be nicer. But just remember I get down


Dec 1, 2020
Nothing is legal anymore. The illegal system is here and we are the fools trying to play fair in their unfair world. We all need to wake up and stop pretending the country we thought we grew up in ever really existed. Until then, its cheetos, orange peckers and stupid video games. Moose and a few others are in the fight while most are still half asleep and giddy Tom brady is coming back. LOL! SKOL!


Jan 9, 2021
here one floating around.... I'm not gonna post the other one with the butthole
View attachment 90182

I have 2 of Natalie... its not cp or anything like that but i feel weird even having it on my computer..Its well known around DC he's been fucking her and may even be her real father....Hunter is a sick mf'er
Is that hillary on in the background on Tv? LMAO.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Nothing is legal anymore. The illegal system is here and we are the fools trying to play fair in their unfair world. We all need to wake up and stop pretending the country we thought we grew up in ever really existed. Until then, its cheetos, orange peckers and stupid video games. Moose and a few others are in the fight while most are still half asleep and giddy Tom brady is coming back. LOL! SKOL!


Dec 1, 2020
Nothing is legal anymore. The illegal system is here and we are the fools trying to play fair in their unfair world. We all need to wake up and stop pretending the country we thought we grew up in ever really existed. Until then, its cheetos, orange peckers and stupid video games. Moose and a few others are in the fight while most are still half asleep and giddy Tom brady is coming back. LOL! SKOL!
So how do you propose we fight this fight?

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