Neither Biden nor Trump - but who?

German NAZI pussy is crying again......... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Look its ok these days to be a German Tranny.....those most just identify as NO ONE actually wants to be German. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

I get the dick envy you have for me BUT you might as well KYS ASAP b/c you will always be stuck as a FAGGIT GERMAN.

You LOSER LIBERALS SUCK AT MEMES AND INSULTS. Probably explains why your such sensitive faggits. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Thanks for all that white-trash bullshit, my son and I have some good laughs by reading all that. He really needs some stuff to laugh about during his treatment. Cheers my friend.
Go donate your hard earned money to that pedo Trump. He will buy a few bottle of champaign for himself and his child molesting friends. you actually have a job? How you get there from trailerpark city? By foot? Nah, too fat to walk, you stupid fuck. Get a life.
If you keep repeating your stupidity, maybe it will become true.
But the election was stolen
We should revert to what The Founding Fathers originally envisioned which is no general election for the chief executive. They were smart enough to realize the general population shouldn’t have direct input on certain functions of government.

Let the establishment of each state select their electors and then have Congress confirm whomever as is their constitutional right.
One is too old, the other disreputable: According to polls, Americans want to be governed neither by Donald Trump nor by Joe Biden. In the 2024 election, it could come down to a completely different duel.

A majority of U.S. citizens, 77 percent, now believe the 80-year-old is too old to run for the White House job again, according to an AP poll. He will hardly be able to govern the country successfully for four years after the next election, according to the poll, even 69 percent of Democrats think.

With Donald Trump, on the other hand, Americans are apparently bothered by his ever-growing list of problems with the judiciary. Meanwhile, on average across all polls, only 38 percent of voters have a good opinion of him , while 57 percent view him negatively. That is one of the lowest approval ratings for Trump in recent years.

Who else does America have?
How about fuck you that's who?

I like Vivek but I don't believe him viable today. DeSantis as an imitation crab meat Trump
One is too old, the other disreputable: According to polls, Americans want to be governed neither by Donald Trump nor by Joe Biden. In the 2024 election, it could come down to a completely different duel.

A majority of U.S. citizens, 77 percent, now believe the 80-year-old is too old to run for the White House job again, according to an AP poll. He will hardly be able to govern the country successfully for four years after the next election, according to the poll, even 69 percent of Democrats think.

With Donald Trump, on the other hand, Americans are apparently bothered by his ever-growing list of problems with the judiciary. Meanwhile, on average across all polls, only 38 percent of voters have a good opinion of him , while 57 percent view him negatively. That is one of the lowest approval ratings for Trump in recent years.

Who else does America have?
All this time o thought you were an under cooked Belgium waffler w mayonnaise
On March 8, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a challenge to Trump's election results in Wisconsin. At that time, the court was led by a conservative majority. I suspect they too had a vested interest in Trump's re-election, but did not put themselves above the law.

Grow up and take your life into your own hands and don't waste it with this bullshit.
Link? That was a state court dicksmack. The US Supreme Court has never looked at dick except Sotomayor's
Fuck these pussies, these motherfuckers want us to gender in germany. Fucking liberal/socialist and green motherfuckers in the gov ruin germany.
I had 3 different Dr's tried to make my ass hole a vagina and use my Cock as lip filler yesterday alone.
Speaking know what Rabbi use the left over skin from circumcision for really?

They sell it to fags as gum.
True story
I had 3 different Dr's tried to make my ass hole a vagina and use my Cock as lip filler yesterday alone.
Speaking know what Rabbi use the left over skin from circumcision for really?

They sell it to fags as gum.
True story
You know why taking a shit feels so good, do you? I bet you do. Wanna enlight us?
Yeah, another curry faggot ruling over a nuclear power. What's wrong with you?
You just grew on me similar to a dick wart. Oh i enjoyed it though. I'll say I see folks as their deeds and actions but those can be faked as east as my identity
You aren't right. You think you're an intellectual but only look at surface level bullshit. A useful idiot some would say.
Duden vogg off unk
That means I will run the gate on him as needed. Have your fun. He's from New Zealand but has Ukraine passports and Germain tattoos of kangaroos. 5eye burger and fry

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