Who Are The Real Chosen People of GOD/YAH?

Who Are The Real Chosen People of GOD/YAH?

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I do my best to be led in all things pertaining to truth by the holy spirit and my creator. I am sorry i should have said this up front,,i also believe the book of Enoch and Jasher,,in my opinion both should be included in the bible. the fallen angels that fell to earth had bred with mortal women and produced Nephilim [giants and great men of ledgend] therby satan was trying to poison the bloodline that jesus would come from, hence the flood.
You not only can't post anything in favor of your position from the Bible; you can't even acknowledge the multiple chapters I'm quoting.

The Bible never says anything about the flood being used to preserve the bloodline leading to Jesus. You're reading something into that which doesn't exist. The flood occurred because there was evil in the world. God demonstrated his capabilities and we are left with a record of how powerful God can be in the face of evil (though the Bible doesn't say that is the reason for the flood).

According to the 8th chapter of John, the scribes and Pharisees, Jesus traced their lineage back to Cain. If anybody buys into your theory, there would never have had to be flood in the first place since Jesus and Satan would be one and the same according to John.

Prior to the 1700s the word "Jew" (jew) didn't exist. So, when you read the Bible, you must distinguish between Jew by religion, Jew by geography (Judean) or a descendant of Judah (and not all descendants of Judah are heirs to the promise).

The bible doesn't need to say specifically GOD flooded the entire earth to preserve the Adamic race for the Massiah. This is like the Muslims saying show me where the bible says Jesus says he's God and to worship me and if it doesn't say that then the bible is false.

GOD's original prophecy of the seed crushing the serpents head and putting femininity between the serpent's (devil's/Cain) seed and Adam's seed. The first action of the Devi's seed was to kill Adam's seed in Abel. This that failed, plan B was to have all the fallen angels breed with women to create Nephilim to destroy the seed of man. YAH retaliated by flooding the entire earth (yes it was the entire earth as that's in the scriptures but also the highest mountains including Everest all have marine life (fossils). So YAH wiped out the seed of the Fallen angels to preserve NOAH who was "pure" in his generations. The false doctrine taught by the churches is that GOD reset the earth like Thanos because of the evil on Earth. Evil was the symptom of the impure bloodlines.

Yes, the preservation of the Adamic race and eventually the Israelites for an even more pure and devoted bloodline to not only bring forth the Messiah but for them to be YAH's sheep and receive all his gifts and promises including the 1,000 year kingdom.

Yes, the fallen Agnel's blood still exists but it's from the DNA of a female Nephilim but not the seed of the angels so all can be saved if they meet all the specific requirements for salvation.
YAH gave us Israelites strict rules to not race mix and create bastards with the Canaanites.

Unfortunately, these chapter 304 government owned churches teach false doctrines and mostly teach the false Apostle Paul's teachings that lead to billions of damned souls.
I do my best to be led in all things pertaining to truth by the holy spirit and my creator. I am sorry i should have said this up front,,i also believe the book of Enoch and Jasher,,in my opinion both should be included in the bible. the fallen angels that fell to earth had bred with mortal women and produced Nephilim [giants and great men of ledgend] therby satan was trying to poison the bloodline that Jesus would come from, hence the flood.

These are proven frauds by the Edomites. The clues are the language and style of writing and the material these scrolls were written on. It wasn't a coincidence they were found a year before the creation of the current fake state of Israel. This was all planed hundreds of years in advancement.

They're fun to read and may have pieces of truth in them but overall they're fraudulent works. The real truth taken out of the bible in recent history (17th century) was the Apocrypha and the books that demonstrate the Israelite migrations demonstrate that the Caucasians are the true Israelites. It was funny how they magically removed them without any logical reasoning but now I understand why. It's to pull the wool over our eyes and make the Israelites forget their true identity and completely finish the identity theft of our identity and take our land promised to us.

Fortunately, YAH destroys the seed of Edom and gifts us back the promise land which is very soon.

One of the truths in the book of Enosch qas the fallen angels landing on Mt. Hermon where they found a large tablet of their oath to complete this task (corrupting the bloodline together). This location happens to be on the 33rd degree parallel 33.33 by 33.33.

When Jesus announced he was the sound Of YAH initially he was at the bottom of this mountain and he took the disciples to the top of the mountain to preview the arena where they're to make the biggest change to the earth without killing a single person but a single word and a sacrifice fulfilled the prophecies.
I'd like to see the census of this board before providing the answer.

The bible and this earth is created for God's Chosen AKA the Israelites or Hebrews and all the rewards and promises are to them including the 1,000 year Kingdom after this current tribulation ends.

Who are the Edomites that have been Christian murders by the billions for thousands of years? God Hated Easau before birth and promised to destroy his seed from the face of the earth during the second coming.

Who are all the races that come from Ham that married a Nephilim?
Those who are believers in Jesus. It is pretty clear. He is the chosen one. Believe in him and you become the chosen people
Yes. That is why my life work is dedicated to doing what God commanded biblical Israel to do.
You and David Koresh, and Jim Jones, and Chad Daybell and the countless others who had all the answers and the way no one else could find.................I will pray that you one day see the truth, and stop spreading lies.

To those reading this thread, take the words of The Resister, understand, that he is teaching a false doctrine, and following doctrine that is:

1.) Not in the bible, (although he vigorously tries to tell you through ridiculous interpretation)
2.) He falsely teaches that Jesus's sacrifice was NOT enough to pay for the sins of mankind alone.

THE WHOLE of Christianity, is based on the fact that Jesus Christ, paid for the sins of mankind, as mankind could not keep the covenant with God and the 10 commandments. The "NEW COVENANT" within the "NEW TESTAMENT" And the "GOSPEL" (aka good news) of Jesus is a fulfillment of Gods covenant with man. All preceding is obsolete, meaning the 10 commandments, baptism, and so on. No other factor leads to salvation other than acceptance of Jesus and his sacrifice. Not works, not wages, nothing.
I do my best to be led in all things pertaining to truth by the holy spirit and my creator. I am sorry i should have said this up front,,i also believe the book of Enoch and Jasher,,in my opinion both should be included in the bible. the fallen angels that fell to earth had bred with mortal women and produced Nephilim [giants and great men of ledgend] therby satan was trying to poison the bloodline that jesus would come from, hence the flood.
Cain married into a pre-Adamic line; however, the seed of Satan lived through the flood as the flood was a local event. The men who wrote the Bible were mortals and had no inkling what lie only a hundred miles from where they were in those days.
You and David Koresh, and Jim Jones, and Chad Daybell and the countless others who had all the answers and the way no one else could find.................I will pray that you one day see the truth, and stop spreading lies.

To those reading this thread, take the words of The Resister, understand, that he is teaching a false doctrine, and following doctrine that is:

1.) Not in the bible, (although he vigorously tries to tell you through ridiculous interpretation)
2.) He falsely teaches that Jesus's sacrifice was NOT enough to pay for the sins of mankind alone.

THE WHOLE of Christianity, is based on the fact that Jesus Christ, paid for the sins of mankind, as mankind could not keep the covenant with God and the 10 commandments. The "NEW COVENANT" within the "NEW TESTAMENT" And the "GOSPEL" (aka good news) of Jesus is a fulfillment of Gods covenant with man. All preceding is obsolete, meaning the 10 commandments, baptism, and so on. No other factor leads to salvation other than acceptance of Jesus and his sacrifice. Not works, not wages, nothing.
I have nothing to do with David Koresh or Jim Jones (whose interpretation of the Bible closely resembles yours). Never heard of Chad Daybell. Now, asshole, I will fight according to YOUR rules:

You are the one pretending to have all the answers. I've quoted far more chapters from the Bible for people to check. And, to add insult to injury, I have never accused you of thinking that you had all the answers just because we disagreed. YOU are pushing a false doctrine.

The Bible was written to, for and about a people called Israel in the Bible. It did not change in the New Testament:

4 who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; 5 whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 9: 4 - 7

Did the adoption belong to the mixed multitude? NO . Read the Scripture. How about the glory? Definitely not. The covenants (that is plural - OT and NT) pertain to Israel. The giving of the law, service of God and the promises all limited to a people called Israel.

James opens with this "

"1: 1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."

I could multiply the sentiment, but it would be lost on you.

Just because you can't read or reason doesn't make me wrong. It makes you a damn hypocrite. You want a one world religion, but you shoot a damn five year old kid for crossing the border because they don't habla Ingles. I've scraped shit like you off the bottom of my shoes.
Are you talking about the fulfillment of the book of Obidiah in wiping out the Seed of Edom from the face of the earth? What conflict and scriptures are you referring to?
Here are your words:

" Since we failed our mission YAH has to do it himself to Edom aka fake Israelites in Israel today."

The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation concerns the destiny between the seed of Satan and the Seed of the woman, Eve, to be locked in perpetual warfare. The Canaanite / Edomites have been guilty of all the righteous blood shed from Abel to Zacharias (according to Jesus). That is according to Jesus himself.

Biblical Israel would be and is the standard bearer that blesses the world and sets the example. Unlike the Jews we fight our own wars and if the United States stopped aid to Israel, it would dry up and formally blow away into dust.

In the final end, God will use biblical Israel (Christendom that was promulgated by White Christians) as his weapons of war for that kingdom on earth. Not relevant to what you posted, but relevant to this thread:

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I think that people here see the truth............
I think there are people who see your version of the truth and those that disagree with you. But, go ahead. Delude yourself and keep thinking that you have a monopoly on the truth. What people should be able to see is that you are so insecure that you need a slap on the back by a majority to vindicate yourself.

You just exposed yourself for the closet Democrat you've been all along.
Reed Benson in his book The Anglo Israel Thesis makes many eye opening observations regarding this subject. I want to quote an example:

"Romans 11 is an interesting section. Here Paul discussed the wild olive being grafted in, referring to the Romans as Gentiles "you Gentiles" (verse 13). He said that "thou being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and should not boast (verses 17 - 18). What was Paul talking about? It is not difficult The small Judean nation was the natural olive. The wild olive was divorced and dispersed Israel who had formed new nations in their eight-hundred-year hiatus from contact with Jehovah. These nations were called Gentiles, (remember that the word Gentiles simply means nations). The olive was a symbol of Israel in the Old Testament. The context of this chapter is framed by Paul's prior comments when he said, "Hath God cast away his people? God forbid" (verse 11) and, "God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew" (verse 2). Who had been seemingly cast away? Divorced, dispersed ten-tribed Northern Israel. What Paul is telling the Romans is simple: God has neither lost nor forgotten you! He went on and declared that "blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in" (verse 25). What part of Israel was blinded? Many of the Judeans. Why? So the Gentiles who were Israel in their divorced, pagan condition, could rejoin the covenant. Paul then immediately concluded with the statement that "And so all Israel shall be saved" (verse 26). How could all Israel be saved? Paul meant both parts, undivorced Judea (the natural olive) and the previously divorced ten tribed Israel (the wild olive)." Pages 57 and 58

So much for those that want a ONE WORLD RELIGION and have accepted globalism while being doubled minded. They have now come up with a challenge to their apostasy. It will interesting to see if they can debate the point without the personal insults.
Here are your words:

" Since we failed our mission YAH has to do it himself to Edom aka fake Israelites in Israel today."

The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation concerns the destiny between the seed of Satan and the Seed of the woman, Eve, to be locked in perpetual warfare. The Canaanite / Edomites have been guilty of all the righteous blood shed from Abel to Zacharias (according to Jesus). That is according to Jesus himself.

Biblical Israel would be and is the standard bearer that blesses the world and sets the example. Unlike the Jews we fight our own wars and if the United States stopped aid to Israel, it would dry up and formally blow away into dust.

In the final end, God will use biblical Israel (Christendom that was promulgated by White Christians) as his weapons of war for that kingdom on earth. Not relevant to what you posted, but relevant to this thread:

This is why I asked you what conflict are the Israelites going to be used in by YAH. I made that statement because I seen nothing insinuating YAH is going to use us to destroy Edom from the face of the earth. If he did say he would use us to finish off Edom, then I ask what scripture says he will use us to finish them off? Are you using past history to predict the future events instead of having a scripture that foretells this? I wouldn't be shocked either way I am just curious.
This is why I asked you what conflict are the Israelites going to be used in by YAH. I made that statement because I seen nothing insinuating YAH is going to use us to destroy Edom from the face of the earth. If he did say he would use us to finish off Edom, then I ask what scripture says he will use us to finish them off? Are you using past history to predict the future events instead of having a scripture that foretells this? I wouldn't be shocked either way I am just curious.
There are a couple of trains of thought, but to go into it would derail this thread. One of the major views (and I don't always agree with Emry on everything), is the following book:

One day, when I get around to it, I will do a thread or something to convey my own thoughts and let you know.Amazon product ASIN B00071L7YA
You guys are getting lost in false doctrine. You want the Gospel, here it is in one minute. Open to everyone. Ethnicity does not matter.

The Lord Jesus Christ came personally and gave Paul a commission to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles.

It is a free gift!!! If you are thirsty, drink freely from the living water!!!

You guys are getting lost in false doctrine. You want the Gospel, here it is in one minute. Open to everyone. Ethnicity does not matter.

The Lord Jesus Christ came personally and gave Paul a commission to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles.

It is a free gift!!! If you are thirsty, drink freely from the living water!!!

Gentiles = nations. What nations? YOU are wallowing in false doctrines because you are cherry picking from the Bible.
I'm going to sleep
3 seconds to find what I'm fucking made of
Just remember and pray on y Yashua had 12 disciples and y he came only for the lost sheep (Matt 15:24), according to his words, how Yashua's (bridegroom) sacrifice was to forgive the past sin s of the Israelites (bride), y the disciples preached to the Sheep only and y there's no, and the KINGDOM is is restored to Israel in the end according to acts 1: 1 and finally there are 12 gates in heaven and the 12 apostles have their names on each individual gate (book of revelations).

YAH created this earth for the Israelites. This is y he ordered us to destroy the Canaanites, promised to decimate the seed of Esau, aka the Jeqs, forbids race mixing to create bastards that shall not enter the congregation of YAH and not even to the 10th generation.
Just remember and pray on y Yashua had 12 disciples and y he came only for the lost sheep (Matt 15:24), according to his words, how Yashua's (bridegroom) sacrifice was to forgive the past sin s of the Israelites (bride), y the disciples preached to the Sheep only and y there's no, and the KINGDOM is is restored to Israel in the end according to acts 1: 1 and finally there are 12 gates in heaven and the 12 apostles have their names on each individual gate (book of revelations).

YAH created this earth for the Israelites. This is y he ordered us to destroy the Canaanites, promised to decimate the seed of Esau, aka the Jeqs, forbids race mixing to create bastards that shall not enter the congregation of YAH and not even to the 10th generation.
You raise an interesting and valid issue.
It is true that Jesus was sent to preach to the Jews.
Mat 15:24 ...was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
The reason for is that is that..
Joh 4:22 ... salvation originates from the Jews.

However the Gentiles were not excluded from benefiting from the promise of salvation through the Kingdom hope.

Initially Israel was to be part of the central administration under it's King Christ Jesus.
However because of rejecting Christ they were replaced by "spiritual Israel" which consisted of Jews and Gentiles.
Gen 12:3 ...And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Gal 3:8 The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles ... saying, “All the nations will be blessed in you.”

For the purpose of conveying this new development, the Appostle Paul was commissioned as Apostle of the Nations.
Rom 11:13 ...I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry,

Mar 13:10 ...The gospel must first be
preached to all the nations.
Mt28:19 ...make disciples of all the nations, ...
You raise an interesting and valid issue.
It is true that Jesus was sent to preach to the Jews.
Mat 15:24 ...was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
The reason for is that is that..
Joh 4:22 ... salvation originates from the Jews.

However the Gentiles were not excluded from benefiting from the promise of salvation through the Kingdom hope.

Initially Israel was to be part of the central administration under it's King Christ Jesus.
However because of rejecting Christ they were replaced by "spiritual Israel" which consisted of Jews and Gentiles.
Gen 12:3 ...And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Gal 3:8 The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles ... saying, “All the nations will be blessed in you.”

For the purpose of conveying this new development, the Appostle Paul was commissioned as Apostle of the Nations.
Rom 11:13 ...I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry,

Mar 13:10 ...The gospel must first be
preached to all the nations.
Mt28:19 ...make disciples of all the nations, ...

1.) Jews are not Israelites they're Edomites that converted to Judaism in 150 BC or where going to be destroyed by Jerusalem. They converted and called themselves Judeans which later changed to the term Jeqs in the 17th century. Yashua said they're not Judeans by identity/blood and are liars and are the seed of the devil and Synagogue of Satan. They told Jesus they were never slaves and exposed themselves as not the true Israelites. The Edomites overthrew the royals and took the crown for the first Edomite as the King of Jerusalem in King Herod who ordered the 10's of thousands of Israelite babies to be slaughtered to kill this Jesus baby he was told about.

2.) The scriptures you cited are from the false apostle/false prophet aka Saulus Paulus.

A.) Saulus Paulus contradicts and misrepresents the old testament over 10 times, contradicts Jesus countless times and contradicts his own gospel. He has no witnesses to his statements and none of the other apostles acknowledge him as an apostle or even his very existence but Jesus does warn about false prophets and anti-Christ's as Paul.

B.) Saulus/Paulus was a Roman Citizen not due to the location of his birth but because in accordance to his words that expose him, the historian in Josephus and other historical texts, Paulus/Saulus was an Edomite convert of the royal Herodian bloodline, and a Pharisees as his father before him. Pharisees can only be Edomites as they have to be Edomites by blood. These are the snakes and Vipers Yashua and the disciples fought constantly. He also killed many Christians. No other legitimate aposlte says YAH pulls a 180 and says everyone is noq an Israelite and takes aqay all the promises from Abraham to Jacob and to the 12 tribes and just makes the thousands of years of struggle and endless battles just to give salvation to any non pureblood. NO, there's a reason YAH told us to slaughter all Canaanites and their other tribes, there's a reason in the book of Obidiah that YAH promised to destroy the seed of Esau/Edomites/fake Jeqs of today.

3.) Matt and Mark are talking about all Nations of the House of Israel in context. This is why they only sent to Asia minor and Europe which is where the Caucasians aka Israelites resided at that point in time. You have to remembered the word Gentile was added in the bible in 400 AD and then definitions changed over time to represent non Jeqs/Israelites but originally it was the Nations of Israel. If you read the texts with the definitions and mistranslations of today then the bible continuously contradicts itself or makes no logical sense. Unfortunately, myself and others had to go back in history and check for original definitions, all the books removed and all the books added in over the last 2,000 years. It becomes difficult to find truth before the 4th century because many of the books removed, added and changed meanings happened around that time frame. So overall, Matt and Mark means Nations of the house of Israel since that's where the Apostles went to preach the Gospel. If they meant all Nations as you believe then their actions contradicted Jesus.

As stated before, YAH didn't put enmity between the seed of Adam and the devil and fight to keep the bloodlines pure for 6,000 or so years and to continue the bloodline through Jacob and all the promises originally given to Noah (and wipe out the fallen angels offspring other than the wife of Ham) forbid race mixing to create bastard children which he said no bastard shall enter the Kingdom not even to the 10th generation. I have saved many of the contradictions of false Apostle/Edomite/Israelite Killer/royal Herodian/Roman Citizen/Paulus Saulus and can create a book just on his false gospel.

I know this is tough to hear and shocking as the false chapter 304 government run churches, Edomite/Canaanite owned social media so called Christians preach a false doctrine on these matters. To believe that YAH just changes his mind to contradict all promises to the Israelites and flip it and to give it all to anyone who believes is false doctrine. The Disciples didn't disobey Jesus by preaching to all the Nations of Israel instead of all nations on earth it's because the original meaning was all nations of the house of Israel. I didn't make the rules, and life is tough but I am giving people the true Gospel according to the original words of YAH and not the bastardized version of false apostle Paul and the butchering of our bible over the last 1,600 years. It would be intellectually dishonest and lazy for me just to read the current version of the bible and accept it as is. This is why I ask people to receive the holy spirit (not as an infant) and receive baptism to have a far greater discernment than we can from our fleshly bodies. Conduct prayer and fasting and our due diligence on historical context, translations of the oldest bibles in existence and to even test the scriptures of the oldest bibles in existence and to see what meanings have been altered, books added or removed, etc etc.

YAH doesn't love everyone and specifically stated that he headed Esau before birth and promised to destroy his seed from the face of the earth. It's clear as day that Yashua/YAH only care for the Israelites seed. The 10 commandments were written for the Israelites, Yashua's sacrifice was for the Israelites previous sins by race mixing with the Canaanites and disobeying YAH so that the bridegroom in Jesus/YAH didn't have to divorce Israel permanently and this sacrifice fulfilled over 400 prophecies for us the Israelites and forgave our sins as the bride of YAH. After this sacrifice, Jesus/YAH didn't say now everyone gets a car like Oprah. No, YAH didn't just change his mind to include everybody and no legitimate apostle of Jesus says this (given proper context, historical context, proper translations, and historical definitions of words. The bible as it's written today cannot be read like a newspaper if just starting out or never going into any research. Every single chapter can take weeks of research/prayer/using the holy spirit. But as you understand more of the precepts, definitions, historical context, mistranslations, books added/removed then over time the bible starts to read like the back of a cereal box. This is the unfortunate reality as the bible has been completely corrupted by the Edomites and Edomite shill's over the last 2000 years.

I hope this helps you understand the truth and the truth shall set your free.
1.) Jews are not Israelites they're Edomites that converted to Judaism in 150 BC or where going to be destroyed by Jerusalem. They converted and called themselves Judeans which later changed to the term Jeqs in the 17th century. Yashua said they're not Judeans by identity/blood and are liars and are the seed of the devil and Synagogue of Satan. They told Jesus they were never slaves and exposed themselves as not the true Israelites. The Edomites overthrew the royals and took the crown for the first Edomite as the King of Jerusalem in King Herod who ordered the 10's of thousands of Israelite babies to be slaughtered to kill this Jesus baby he was told about.

2.) The scriptures you cited are from the false apostle/false prophet aka Saulus Paulus.

A.) Saulus Paulus contradicts and misrepresents the old testament over 10 times, contradicts Jesus countless times and contradicts his own gospel. He has no witnesses to his statements and none of the other apostles acknowledge him as an apostle or even his very existence but Jesus does warn about false prophets and anti-Christ's as Paul.

B.) Saulus/Paulus was a Roman Citizen not due to the location of his birth but because in accordance to his words that expose him, the historian in Josephus and other historical texts, Paulus/Saulus was an Edomite convert of the royal Herodian bloodline, and a Pharisees as his father before him. Pharisees can only be Edomites as they have to be Edomites by blood. These are the snakes and Vipers Yashua and the disciples fought constantly. He also killed many Christians. No other legitimate aposlte says YAH pulls a 180 and says everyone is noq an Israelite and takes aqay all the promises from Abraham to Jacob and to the 12 tribes and just makes the thousands of years of struggle and endless battles just to give salvation to any non pureblood. NO, there's a reason YAH told us to slaughter all Canaanites and their other tribes, there's a reason in the book of Obidiah that YAH promised to destroy the seed of Esau/Edomites/fake Jeqs of today.

3.) Matt and Mark are talking about all Nations of the House of Israel in context. This is why they only sent to Asia minor and Europe which is where the Caucasians aka Israelites resided at that point in time. You have to remembered the word Gentile was added in the bible in 400 AD and then definitions changed over time to represent non Jeqs/Israelites but originally it was the Nations of Israel. If you read the texts with the definitions and mistranslations of today then the bible continuously contradicts itself or makes no logical sense. Unfortunately, myself and others had to go back in history and check for original definitions, all the books removed and all the books added in over the last 2,000 years. It becomes difficult to find truth before the 4th century because many of the books removed, added and changed meanings happened around that time frame. So overall, Matt and Mark means Nations of the house of Israel since that's where the Apostles went to preach the Gospel. If they meant all Nations as you believe then their actions contradicted Jesus.

As stated before, YAH didn't put enmity between the seed of Adam and the devil and fight to keep the bloodlines pure for 6,000 or so years and to continue the bloodline through Jacob and all the promises originally given to Noah (and wipe out the fallen angels offspring other than the wife of Ham) forbid race mixing to create bastard children which he said no bastard shall enter the Kingdom not even to the 10th generation. I have saved many of the contradictions of false Apostle/Edomite/Israelite Killer/royal Herodian/Roman Citizen/Paulus Saulus and can create a book just on his false gospel.

I know this is tough to hear and shocking as the false chapter 304 government run churches, Edomite/Canaanite owned social media so called Christians preach a false doctrine on these matters. To believe that YAH just changes his mind to contradict all promises to the Israelites and flip it and to give it all to anyone who believes is false doctrine. The Disciples didn't disobey Jesus by preaching to all the Nations of Israel instead of all nations on earth it's because the original meaning was all nations of the house of Israel. I didn't make the rules, and life is tough but I am giving people the true Gospel according to the original words of YAH and not the bastardized version of false apostle Paul and the butchering of our bible over the last 1,600 years. It would be intellectually dishonest and lazy for me just to read the current version of the bible and accept it as is. This is why I ask people to receive the holy spirit (not as an infant) and receive baptism to have a far greater discernment than we can from our fleshly bodies. Conduct prayer and fasting and our due diligence on historical context, translations of the oldest bibles in existence and to even test the scriptures of the oldest bibles in existence and to see what meanings have been altered, books added or removed, etc etc.

YAH doesn't love everyone and specifically stated that he headed Esau before birth and promised to destroy his seed from the face of the earth. It's clear as day that Yashua/YAH only care for the Israelites seed. The 10 commandments were written for the Israelites, Yashua's sacrifice was for the Israelites previous sins by race mixing with the Canaanites and disobeying YAH so that the bridegroom in Jesus/YAH didn't have to divorce Israel permanently and this sacrifice fulfilled over 400 prophecies for us the Israelites and forgave our sins as the bride of YAH. After this sacrifice, Jesus/YAH didn't say now everyone gets a car like Oprah. No, YAH didn't just change his mind to include everybody and no legitimate apostle of Jesus says this (given proper context, historical context, proper translations, and historical definitions of words. The bible as it's written today cannot be read like a newspaper if just starting out or never going into any research. Every single chapter can take weeks of research/prayer/using the holy spirit. But as you understand more of the precepts, definitions, historical context, mistranslations, books added/removed then over time the bible starts to read like the back of a cereal box. This is the unfortunate reality as the bible has been completely corrupted by the Edomites and Edomite shill's over the last 2000 years.

I hope this helps you understand the truth and the truth shall set your free.
Beware folks, when People try to cut Paul out of the Bible, they are really trying to cut off part of the Bible.
You raise an interesting and valid issue.
It is true that Jesus was sent to preach to the Jews.
Mat 15:24 ...was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
The reason for is that is that..
Joh 4:22 ... salvation originates from the Jews.

However the Gentiles were not excluded from benefiting from the promise of salvation through the Kingdom hope.

Initially Israel was to be part of the central administration under it's King Christ Jesus.
However because of rejecting Christ they were replaced by "spiritual Israel" which consisted of Jews and Gentiles.
Gen 12:3 ...And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Gal 3:8 The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles ... saying, “All the nations will be blessed in you.”

For the purpose of conveying this new development, the Appostle Paul was commissioned as Apostle of the Nations.
Rom 11:13 ...I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry,

Mar 13:10 ...The gospel must first be
preached to all the nations.
Mt28:19 ...make disciples of all the nations, ...
LOL ROTF LMAO. You are genuinely confused. Judah is NOT the whole of Israel. Israel was sent to to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Jews are NOT the tribe of Judah (see the 8th chapter of John).

If our salvation comes from the Jews, everybody run for cover. Here comes Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer and Harvey Weinstein.

The families of the earth are only blessed when they bless biblical Israel. History proves, unequivocally, this is not the people you call Jews.

All the nations in context is always in reference to Israel (especially Israel that is scattered). Do try to keep up. Repeating falsehoods will not make them come true no matter how many pains you take to cover up the truth.

You raise an interesting and valid issue.
It is true that Jesus was sent to preach to the Jews.
Mat 15:24 ...was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
The reason for is that is that..
Joh 4:22 ... salvation originates from the Jews.

However the Gentiles were not excluded from benefiting from the promise of salvation through the Kingdom hope.

Initially Israel was to be part of the central administration under it's King Christ Jesus.
However because of rejecting Christ they were replaced by "spiritual Israel" which consisted of Jews and Gentiles.
Gen 12:3 ...And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Gal 3:8 The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles ... saying, “All the nations will be blessed in you.”

For the purpose of conveying this new development, the Appostle Paul was commissioned as Apostle of the Nations.
Rom 11:13 ...I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry,

Mar 13:10 ...The gospel must first be
preached to all the nations.
Mt28:19 ...make disciples of all the nations, ...
LOL ROTF LMAO. You are genuinely confused. Judah is NOT the whole of Israel. Israel was sent to to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Jews are NOT the tribe of Judah (see the 8th chapter of John).

If our salvation comes from the Jews, everybody run for cover. Here comes Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer and Harvey Weinstein.

The families of the earth are only blessed when they bless biblical Israel. History proves, unequivocally, this is not the people you call Jews.

All the nations in context is always in reference to Israel (especially Israel that is scattered). Do try to keep up. Repeating falsehoods will not make them come true no matter how many pains you take to cover up the truth.

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Beware folks, when People try to cut Paul out of the Bible, they are really trying to cut off part of the Bible.
Not me, Paul exposes himself by contradicting the OT, NT, Jesus, and even himself. Do not be fooled by the false prophets and anti-Christ's as Jesus warned us. His name is not in the book of revelation on the gates of heaven because he's not included as the 12 apostles because there was no 13th apostle. Jesus never even speaks to acknowledges the existence of Paulus/Saulus in the other books by the legitimate apostles. Just read the bible it's fairly simple to find many of his contradictions. There's a reason the Chapter 304 government run churches push his gospel more than the Gospel of Jesus.
Not me, Paul exposes himself by contradicting the OT, NT, Jesus, and even himself. Do not be fooled by the false prophets and anti-Christ's as Jesus warned us. His name is not in the book of revelation on the gates of heaven because he's not included as the 12 apostles because there was no 13th apostle. Jesus never even speaks to acknowledges the existence of Paulus/Saulus in the other books by the legitimate apostles. Just read the bible it's fairly simple to find many of his contradictions. There's a reason the Chapter 304 government run churches push his gospel more than the Gospel of Jesus.
Oh geez, this old heresy again. Peter indicated that Paul's writings are Scripture. Jesus Christ appeared Directly to Paul and gave him his commission.
Oh geez, this old heresy again. Peter indicated that Paul's writings are Scripture. Jesus Christ appeared Directly to Paul and gave him his commission.
You're extremely predictable but it was obvious your next b/est option or shall I say only option for a response was to use 2 Peter which is Pseudepigraphal. What's next are you going to use the Book of Enoch to support your false doctrine and heresy of Paulus/Saulus/Edomite/Royal Herodian/Pharisees/Israelite Killer/proven liar in the scriptures etc?

The doctrine of Yashua isn't Heresy but Paul's gospel is and is directly opposed to the gospel of Jesus, old testimant and he contradicts himself numerous times that it's laughable anyone qho believes his qorks are divinely inspired. Even the low IQ fake black Israelites are smart enough to realize Paulus/Saulus isn't a true apostle and there is no 13th apostle as displayed in the Kingdom in the book of revelation

James, John, Luke, Mark, Matt, Nobody other than the Pseudepigrapha of 2 Peter mentions Saulus/Paulus. Saulus/Paulus never went on the mission with Jesus, didn't witness any miracles, crucifixion or the resurrection and had no witnesses to his claims. You need 2 witnesses to confirm your claims and Saulus/Paulus has 0 proven witnesses. Not only that he's and Edomite and Yashua isn't going to select the synagogue of Satan or children of the devil to be an apostle as all other apostles/disciples are of the tribe of Israel. You must be a goat if you lack discernment to understand the scriptures or perhaps do not have the holy spirit.

If you lack the holy spirit I recommend to receive baptism even if you received baptism as an infant. Saulus/Paulus leads billions of souls to eternal damnation. So, if you're an Israelite you can actually still be saved.
Unfortunately, you're dealing with either low IQ people, brainwashed people, cognitive dissonance, or just the goats and they can't understand Yashua's words. They have ears to hear and eyes to see yet do not understand or perceive.

I've seen people reach for straws and say John 10:14-17 means Yashua is going to gather the gentiles. This is a hilariously misunderstanding.

1.) Yashua said he only came for the lost sheep of Israel so he's not going to do a 180 and change the plains for no reason.
2.) Sheep in the bible refers to the tribes of Israel when referring to them as humans every other time.
3.) This is clearly referring to the sheep outside the house of Judah which is the tribe of Jesus so the other 11 tribes.

14 I am the good shepherd; and fI know My sheep, and gam known by My own. 15 has the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; iand I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; kand there will be one flock and one shepherd.

17 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again.

There are many people just using the non biblical belief that YAH loves everyone as an argument. Yet YAH reset the entire earth and left only 8 people on the Ark. Yet he said he hated Esau even before his birth and promised to wipe his seed (fake Jeqs in Israel today) from the face of the earth in the book of Obidiah.

There's never one time that YAH/Jesus ever state that salvation is given to anyone but the house of Israel (with proper context/definitions/legitimate scriptures/etc). This fairytale contradicts the 6,000 years of maintaining pure bloodlines starting from Adam to Abraham to Jacob to David to Jesus. YAH didn't say after the death of Jesus go and create bastards with the other races.

The word Gentile comes from the Greek word Ethnos. It means Nation. In the New Testament it is referring to the Nations that formed from the scattered tribes of Israel as they dispersed. It has never meant non Jew. This is a complete lie.

The term “gentile” is a Latin word, it was first used to in the Latin Vulgate by Jerome in the 4th century and it meant “of the same clan or race”. Now around a 1000 years after Jerome, the Latin term “gentile” was suddenly changed to mean Non-Jew. So not only do have the wrong word, we now also have the wrong meaning.

Christ commanded the Apostles to go these Ethnos, Nations of the same clan or race. And where do we find the Apostles traveling to? To Europe, because we are the true sheep of Israel.

By the time of Christ those scattered tribes had conquered and subdued any other tribes in Europe. Thus the Nations were by then the children of Israel. Since all European nations were white it is obvious the children of Israel were white.

The Gentiles the correct meaning is Nations: The word Gentile comes from the Greek Word Ethnos (nation) IN the new testament it was referring to the nations that were formed from the scattered tribes of Israel as they dispersed. It’s never meant non jew this is a complete lie. Gentile is a Latin word and first used in the Latin volgate by Jerone in the 4th century and meant of same clan and same race. A thousand years after Jerone the latin term Gentile was suddenly changed to mean non Jew. We have the wrong word and wrong meaining.

This changes everything because the bible used to contain the words of Idumean (Edomites that converted to Judaism) and Israelite but the Edomites changed both those words to Jew which confuses the masses. Then to confuse the masses even more they changed the meaning of Gentile from those of the same house/tribe to non Jew. This has been done over the last 1,000 years to confuse the masses.

Therefore, once you understand the meanings of these words, use proper context, remove the false doctrines of Paulus/Sualus, Pseudepigrapha of 2 Peter, and add back in the Apocrypha we can easily determine the true Israelites are Caucasians and salvation is for Israelites only as that's who the bible is written for and YAH doesn't love everybody and in fact if you wrong his people he'll wipe your seed from the face of the earth.

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