UPDATED The Murdaugh Files. Murder, Fraud, Drugs and more from the influential South Carolina family

To the Beach family.

They were all partying at the Murdaughs property before they left on their boating trip that night.

It is alleged that underage drinking was allowed to take place and alcohol was made available at the Murdaugh family property and they are being sued for wrongful death by the beach family.
If you are correct, they are in deep, deep shit. That's like handing a loaded pistol to a 5 year old. They will do maximum time for sure. Quite a story indeed.
I didn’t know Paul, but my niece is his first cousin. I know their family very well. By all means the Murdaughs I know are good people.

Paul did wrong and deserved to pay a price, no doubt in my mind. He deserved his day in court though.

I won’t go into too much detail in a public forum, but there was an air of invincibility when you went to hang at their property. If we got into trouble we knew who to call. It was a beautiful piece of property but it won’t be theirs much longer, it’s pretty much expected to be lost in the civil suit.
I grew up in a lake city and boating and drinking and smoking pot went together hand in hand ALL THE TIME. No water patrol. One could get away with murder if you will!
What do you think it was? a hit or something else? There is just so much to this story.
Accidental. People get hammered while boat driving. I did it all the time with my boat. So did all my friends with theirs. I grew up on a large lake. Drinking and boating were hand in glove, and no one thought anything about it. Only was to get into trouble was to stay out after the sun went down.

That was dangerous when you doing 45mph, drunk and stoned. You couldn't really tell how far away another boats lights were, and many times other boats filled with stoners would turn off all their lights - lay on the top of the boat and stare into the amazing summer sky spilling over with stars. It was a great way to spend a weekend.
Accidental. People get hammered while boat driving. I did it all the time with my boat. So did all my friends with theirs. I grew up on a large lake. Drinking and boating were hand in glove, and no one thought anything about it. Only was to get into trouble was to stay out after the sun went down.

That was dangerous when you doing 45mph, drunk and stoned. You couldn't really tell how far away another boats lights were, and many times other boats filled with stoners would turn off all their lights - lay on the top of the boat and stare into the amazing summer sky spilling over with stars. It was a great way to spend a weekend.
On the river you just looked up at the moon and followed the tree line. dumb but it worked.
Does anyone have a link to an article that summerizes this whole thing? I have only been half following it, and my girlfriend was asking me for details when I realized I didn't really know enough to explain it all...very complicated story.
Does anyone have a link to an article that summerizes this whole thing? I have only been half following it, and my girlfriend was asking me for details when I realized I didn't really know enough to explain it all...very complicated story.
This is the most comprehensive one I’ve seen yet:



Oh man. Two judges are now being implicated and the feds are coming in. This is goingto go so deep. I think this is just the surface being scratched.

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What! So the insurance company that should have paid out to the maids family paid out to the judges and the murdaughs? Am I understanding this right?
What! So the insurance company that should have paid out to the maids family paid out to the judges and the murdaughs? Am I understanding this right?

Its unclear if its all AM's doing by himself or if he had help. Most people, and logic, points to him having help from a lawyer named Corey Fleming and possibly 2 judges.

I'll go into more detail in a longer post

Its unclear if its all AM's doing by himself or if he had help. Most people, and logic, points to him having help from a lawyer named Corey Fleming and possibly 2 judges.

I'll go into more detail in a longer post

So apparently the housekeeper that "tripped and fell" in AM's house, Gloria Satterfield, died under unusual circumstances. She went to the hospital after the fall and was alive but in a coma for about two weeks. She could not communicate during this time.

After she passed away AM suggested to GS sons that they sue him for wrongfull death. He also suggested they use a particular lawyer, COrey Fleming, who had a reputation as a great lawyer who could get you out of anything in Hampton County. Fleming also happened to be AM's college roomate and best friend. This was never mentioned to the sons.

Fast forward a couple years and all this stuff comes out about the murders etc and as the news is reporting on AM they mention that AM got a settlement of $500,000 for the Satterfields. Well this came as news to the Satterfields as they had never received a penny.

As the onion was being peeled back by lawyers etc, it comes to light that there was another secret settlement and the total paid out in the suit was acutally $4.3MM. Again, the Satterfields never saw a penny of that. Even if they paid lawyers fees and some outstanding hopsital bills their mom had, they were still due approximately $2mm.

It also came to light that AM had a banker friend and college fraternity brother, Chad Westendorf (sp?) who may have been in on the gig. He seems to be cooperating with the investigation as he gave information to the Satterfields new lawery (Bland).

Additionally, 2 judges have expoure. Right now its not clear if a judge signed off on this settlement or if AM possible forged their signature.

There is also a coroner with some exposure. Satterfields death was never reported to the coroner and despite the fact that she died from a "fall" her death certificate said she died of natural causes. Some suspect shit going on there too. I find this interesting because the COroner in another death related to the MUrdaughs (stephen smith, gay kid) the coroner made a questionable ruling.
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I hate to say it, but this made me laugh my ass off it is so dirty:

View attachment 49111

This had to do with a structured settlement product. If you win a large settlement you can have the payments spread out over time in some sort of tax play. One of the names of the companies that does the structured settlements is "Forge consulting LLC".

SO when the insurance check came in, it went to Corey Fleming. Corey Fleming and CHad Westendorf had the responsibility to distribute the money properly. So Fleming took his cut of lawyer fees and then made out a check for the balance to FORGE and not FOrge COnsulting LLC.

At this point AM went to Bank of America and opened up an account in a shell company he started conveniently named "forge".

Check deposited and cleared and money laundered.

He never did tell the Satterfields about the money. My guess is he just intimiated the shit out of them if they asked about it. or gave them the wheels of justice are slow excuse

How much and what did Corey Fleming and Chad Westendorf know? And the judges signed off on some stuff they shouldn't have. Did they acutally sign it? If so they have some splaining to do.

The actual Forge Consulting had nothing to do with this fwiw
I just can't imagine its too much longer until they arrest AM. Maybe he needs to detox to make sure he survives.
I have a feeling they are digging deep through his history to see whats been going on down there for the past 20 years and its not pretty. Can't wait to see what all comes out.
I'm behind on this but yeah all that area around Abbeville has been a tad off limits since we were kids. My folks were pretty connected growing up. Never allowed to hunt that part of the state even though my buddy's fam had land there. Now it makes a ton more sense. And Bowman was closer anyway and we had a lodge/land.
Its some crazy shit, this dude AM is off his rocker. I expect him to be arrested any day now. I think the only thing taking so long is they are trying to figure out how deep his corruption runs. They are just giving him rope to hang himself and he is taking full advantage.

My money is that Alex Murdaugh was under immense pressure and knew his time was about to be up. He was upset because he blamed Paul for most of his problems. Paul and the boat accident had smeared the family name. Maggie was Pauls defender. What Mom doesn't defend their son?

Alex knew his fraud and wrongdoing were about to be exposed. His Dad was dying of terminal cancer. He was embarrassed of ruining the family dynasty. He lured Maggie and Paul out to their hunting property under the guise of getting together to see Grandpa off. They drove from their beach house in Edisto and arrived at Moselle around 8:45pm. Alex had texted them to check on the dogs when they arrived at the kennel because the property manager was not there that day. As they drove by the kennels and checked on the dogs Alex was there to ambush them. He took out Maggie with the AK because she enabled Paul and was about to divorce him. She knew all the family secrets and skeletons. He then raged on paul and shot him in the face.

AM is going to be arrested. The question is how bad will he squeal and who will he take down with him.
I haven't been in deep but this all fits. What a scumbag. I'd rather be poor
A couple more turns this story could possible take ..... rumor is that AM acquired the 1700 acre property known as Moselle, also where the murders occured, as a result of a drug transaction or payoff from a debt owed for legal favors. It was legally recorded as a 1031 tax exchange which isn't unheard of but its a fairly complex tax transaction.

Additionally, I have heard rumors that AM has a gambling problem which has not been brought to light
This had to do with a structured settlement product. If you win a large settlement you can have the payments spread out over time in some sort of tax play. One of the names of the companies that does the structured settlements is "Forge consulting LLC".

SO when the insurance check came in, it went to Corey Fleming. Corey Fleming and CHad Westendorf had the responsibility to distribute the money properly. So Fleming took his cut of lawyer fees and then made out a check for the balance to FORGE and not FOrge COnsulting LLC.

At this point AM went to Bank of America and opened up an account in a shell company he started conveniently named "forge".

Check deposited and cleared and money laundered.

He never did tell the Satterfields about the money. My guess is he just intimiated the shit out of them if they asked about it. or gave them the wheels of justice are slow excuse

How much and what did Corey Fleming and Chad Westendorf know? And the judges signed off on some stuff they shouldn't have. Did they acutally sign it? If so they have some splaining to do.

The actual Forge Consulting had nothing to do with this fwiw
I have a structured settlement and I need cash NOW. Call J G Wentworth. 877-cash-now
Are they digging up Satterfields body to do a other otopsy?

Someone on reddit said there was activity at her grave sight but they were not actively exhuming yet. Being that she was in the hospital for a couple weeks im not sure anything surprising would come of it. Its not like she is going to have a hole in her skull. They would have notcied that at the hospital.

I wonder if they will be able to figure out if it was really an accidental fall or if it was a pre-meditated scam?
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@BurntJ I do whatever I want
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