Master Thread UnPinned: Russian invasion has begun

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Our politicians and media will work overtime to make sure this doesn't happen. Seems like a simple way to end whatever is going on over there, but that doesn't deflect from establishments transgressions, make the war machine trillions and it doesn't take out the establishments favorite bad guy in Putin. So they will be opposed to it and fight with everything they have to keep this strife rolling. JMO
They should do a remake of the 1983 movie "The Day After." Every politician should watch it before they throw this hawkish talk out.

That movie deeply affect Reagan.

Also, the writer of "The Day After" said that while he was researching the impact of a nuclear war while writing the movie he would get physically ill.

He had to stop for a while because he was getting ill because of the subject.
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They should do a remake of the 1983 movie "The Day After." Every politician should watch it before they throw this hawkish talk out.

That movie deeply affect Reagan.

Also, the writer said that while he was researching the impact of a nuclear war he would get physically ill.

He had to stop for a while because he was getting ill because of the subject.
Who wouldn't. Maybe Biden cause he doesn't know anything.
Its weird right? Every time i've watched her talk the whole way through an interview I ended up liking her. If she was selectively edited or maybe I just got a synopsis of what she believes... Totally different.
It’s grading on a curve to compare anybody to other congressmen. The country would be a lot better off with 50 of her in congress but I’m not sure that’s saying much.

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