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Master Thread UnPinned: Russian invasion has begun

Master Threads


Dec 10, 2020
He said what he'd do if we kept pushing for Ukraine to enter Nato and the EU. We kept doing it. Putin is a bad person but our state dept and cia caused this with the maidan revolution.

Jimmy Dore show had a good video on the nazi brigade in Ukraine. They have been attacking civilians in the east since the coup.

I don't want to say we always end up fighting the people we back in coups but Afghan, iran, iraq and countries like that always seem to come back to bite us.

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
So at this point putin is going to do whatever the fuck he wants and no bullshit talk from any country is gonna stop him. No one will try to stop him and have their country nuked.
I'm curious what biden will do after he has Ukraine. Will he be satisfied?
They should set up a state for everything from Dnieper east and let the Rooskies have their space between them and NATO. Then sign a treaty (US, EU, Ukraine, Russia, whoever else) that says Ukraine (what’s left) will not join nato or host any nato missiles/anti-missile systems.

Then the Ukrainians should throw out our crooked politicians and their families.

I wonder what percentage of these people are just goIng along with the BS like your average American vs how many are actively participating in stringing together one national emergency after another.


Dec 10, 2020
So Jihadi's in Syria are joining Ukraine militias to fight against Putin. But.... Other muslims are joining Chechen militias to fight against Ukraine nazis. I don't know how confusing this is going to get but belarus has people joining Ukraine and several other former bloc countries are sending in volunteers. Jews fighting alongside nazi's and muslims.

what a time to be alive.


Jan 15, 2021
I want to do a thread on it's own about how I thought we got here and let folks subtract and add to it. but...

I think the war was/ is supposed to be limited. Videos of Ukrainian protestors from Ukrainians slowing down russian supply columns doesn't say total war to me. Neither do the troop numbers deployed. Or the fact the power is still on. Or no airforce being used. I feel like the whole point of the war was a land bridge to Crimea, release the two republics, and swap out the government.

I worry that Western hysteria and manufactured rage could lead to a fuck up along the way where you really do back someone like Putin into a corner where it's either death or nuclear war and then death. Can't see this ending well. Especially with the speculation tied to what really are somewhat limited sanctions rippling into the collapse of the rubble and private sector embargos. It could destroy their economy and put that much more pressure on him to do something like start a real war.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
This is an agreed war to build and create a narrative to inject the new world order. Thats why nothing makes sense. This was planned during the Obama Admin. That is why they had to get Trump out. They are freezing and seizing peoples property and will now use anything to freeze and seize people property. This is the beginning of it all. If you do not think there is a Creator who set His son in human form as a sacrifice for our sins you are on the wrong side...

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
So at this point putin is going to do whatever the fuck he wants and no bullshit talk from any country is gonna stop him. No one will try to stop him and have their country nuked.
I'm curious what putin will do after he has Ukraine. Will he be satisfied?
I said it earlier sucuide Mission. This was a deal made to create and kick start the NWO. Seizing private citizens property is a big big big deal


Jan 9, 2021
I want to do a thread on it's own about how I thought we got here and let folks subtract and add to it. but...

I think the war was/ is supposed to be limited. Videos of Ukrainian protestors from Ukrainians slowing down russian supply columns doesn't say total war to me. Neither do the troop numbers deployed. Or the fact the power is still on. Or no airforce being used. I feel like the whole point of the war was a land bridge to Crimea, release the two republics, and swap out the government.

I worry that Western hysteria and manufactured rage could lead to a fuck up along the way where you really do back someone like Putin into a corner where it's either death or nuclear war and then death. Can't see this ending well. Especially with the speculation tied to what really are somewhat limited sanctions rippling into the collapse of the rubble and private sector embargos. It could destroy their economy and put that much more pressure on him to do something like start a real war.

You saying that once people start taking actions there are unanticipated reactions?

Yea, that is pretty much the history of 20th century.


Jan 9, 2021
Children (millenials) are in charge of our government.

By the way, China + India + Russia is a hell of a block that we are aligning against us to make us feel good about "our values."

I wish Henry Kissinger was young enough to really advise the President on what to really do instead of these children.

We need someone who can practice realpolitik, not this nonsense we are doing now.

Children + Mentia Joe is sinking the country.


Jan 15, 2021

I guess I'll have to keep publishing some short notes on the situation in the Ukraine, since it's all over the news and most of that is fake news. Overnight there was a ridiculous amount of noise about Zaporozhskaya AES, which is the largest nuke plant in Europe.

President Zelensky proclaimed that it is the new Chernobyl and that all of Europe will need to be evacuated. He was obviously drunk at the time.

What actually happened was:

At 11:11 AM Moscow time (about an hour ago) the authorities of Zaporozhye Region announced that Zaporozhskaya AES is under control of the Russian forces.

At 6:20 AM Moscow time the fire at the administrative building at Zaporozhskaya AES was extinguished with no casualties. It was probably set on purpose to create the media picture of "Europe's largest nuke plant on fire!"

At 5:36 AM Moscow time the International Atomic Energy Agency announced that the fire in the area of Zaporozhskaya AES did not affect any of the main equipment at the plant.

At 4:47 AM Moscow time president Zelensky goes live to announce that the Russians are trying to create a new Chernobyl. A likely story, that.

Between 3:51 AM and 3:59 AM Moscow time fire crews were on site putting out the fire. Apparently, there wasn't a lot for them to do.

Between 2:00 AM and 3:30 AM Moscow time there was a shootout at the power plant's administrative building. Somehow it resulted in a fire at the administrative building.

So much for a new Chernobyl.

In other news, this morning the Ukrainian army launched a rocket attack on the headquarters of the Ukrainian Nazi "Azov" battalion. Ten Nazis were killed in the attack. This was punishment for their refusal to follow orders.

In other news from this morning, Russia's media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, is tightening up control by shutting down sources of disinformation and enemy propaganda, including:

Deutsche Welle
Radio Free Europe
Previously, "Echo of Moscow" and "Dozhd" were shut down. What this means is that fighting fake news in Russia is going to get a lot easier. Of course, it doesn't mean anything for the rest of the world, which will still have to listen to fake news of Europe's largest nuclear plant being blown up by evil Russians.

Yesterday's negotiations between the Ukraine (the regime) and Russia resulted in an agreement on humanitarian corridors so that civilians can get out of cities where there is fighting going on. The problem with that is that the remaining Nazi battalions don't particularly obey orders from the regime and like to use civilians as hostages and human shields.

In all, the Russian demilitariazation campaign is going according to schedule. Ukraine's nuclear installations are passing under Russian control undamaged. Infrastructure damage is quite limited (unless it is military infrastructure, in which case it gets blown up).

As far as denazification—the other goal of the Russian campaign—people are scratching their heads trying to figure out what that means and how it might happen. On the one hand, the Russians know them by name, face, voice print and perhaps even fingerprints, so it's just a matter of hunting them down. On the other hand, the high-ranking Ukrainian Nazis and their families are currently fleeing the Ukraine and filtering out to the surrounding countries while simultaneously trying to organize terrorist attacks within Russia (unsuccessfully so far). To add spice, Ramzan Kadyrov, the intrepid Chechen chieftain, promised to track them down and kill them wherever they are. "We are everywhere in the world," he said.

The rest of the situation is as follows (as far as I can piece it together). Kiev is a complete and utter mess and is likely to remain that way. There are pockets of Nazi resistance in Kharkov, making it slow going. Mariupol is largely under control and may come under complete control sooner now that the Ukrainian troops are firing on their own. Nothing has happened in Odessa yet.



Jan 8, 2021
By the way, China + India + Russia is a hell of a block that we are aligning against us to make us feel good about "our values."

I wish Henry Kissinger was young enough to really advise the President on what to really do instead of these children.

We need someone who can practice realpolitik, not this nonsense we are doing now.

Children + Mentia Joe is sinking the country.
Henry Kissinger was as deep state as anyone. Maybe worse


Jan 9, 2021
Henry Kissinger was as deep state as anyone. Maybe worse

Henry is/was a realist. He took a lot of shit from the left for working with Nixon.

He is the only one saying that we should have been cultivating our relationship with Russia for our struggle against China.
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