Master Thread UnPinned: Russian invasion has begun

Master Threads
If you think the Catholics controlled what is I the Bible, you haven’t paid any attention to the textual analysis done. For instance, The Van Kampen family in Chicago owns about the same amount of original manuscript as the Vatican.

There is more proof the Bible is accurate and true than any other ancient text by a factor of 10x.
Take it the religious thread. Btw good luck in proving your 10x. All ancient text including the Bible have the same message.
QQ, what happened to the only book written by a woman? Hint it has to do with healing.

LOL, yea that is not an argument to win many Americans over with.

I am not for world government.

There will probably be a very popular leader of their NWO one day that will come from Europe.

Probably be a very charismatic guy who is a little heavy handed with the military.

Will probably have his hands all in the world economy.

"We've been at war with Putin for 7 years".... I was talking about that part.
Take it the religious thread. Btw good luck in proving your 10x. All ancient text including the Bible have the same message.
QQ, what happened to the only book written by a woman? Hint it has to do with healing.
No need to prove it pal. I dont have to prove marriage is great I get to experience it. Same concept. Believe what you want and choose with your free will or dont. Reap what you sew.
One Day of Air Strikes would end Russias Run. Pootin would def Nuke somewhere.
Ukraine needs to become a sovereign stable country. If theyd stop with the corruption and laundering and relying on everyone else and become self sufficient. Theyd be a good country.
One Day of Air Strikes would end Russias Run. Pootin would def Nuke somewhere.
Ukraine needs to become a sovereign stable country. If theyd stop with the corruption and laundering and relying on everyone else and become self sufficient. Theyd be a good country.

Ha. Yeah and if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle. Ukraine will never stop the corruption/laundering and relying on everyone else, because that’s exactly what the rest of the world wants them to be. They are playing their part perfectly.
These Dems are going to have their world shaken when Ukraine makes a deal with Putin. These millennials have no understanding of how the real world works.

They believe that the World works like Disney and Hollywood movies. It is going to rock their world and their leaders on the left are doing them no favors by not softening the blow.

BTW, Douglas McGregor is not just a "Trump advisor". He led the Battle of 73 Easting in the Gulf War and wrote "Breaking the Phalanx" which argued for reform in the US army and was very influential.

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"We've been at war with Putin for 7 years".... I was talking about that part.
Yeah she fucked up a bit there didn't she, might've been surprised if it wasn't already obvious.
That enthusiastic "we fight forrr de new worrrld orrrderrr of democrrratic countrrries" bit that sticks out even more retardedly.
Anyone casually pushing that nwo shit is an enemy.
These Dems are going to have their world shaken to the core when Ukraine makes a deal with Putin. These millennials have no understanding of how the real world works.

They believe that the World works like Disney and Hollywood movies. It is going to rock their world and their leaders on the left are doing them no favors by not softening the blow.

What the,...does Trey Gowdy work at Fox now?
When Standing with Ukraine goes wrong:

Also, authoritarianism is in this chicks DNA. That was why she we so harsh on the truckers. It runs in her family.

Who wants to go in on this bad boy?
This is the best explaination I have seen on why Russia is doing this. They view it as a red line.

For me, those two videos contained the best information I've seen since this started. Should be required viewing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but sounds like other world leaders (e.g. Clinton), since 1990, have provoked Russia by expanding NATO into European countries. Ukraine is the last straw?
Take it the religious thread. Btw good luck in proving your 10x. All ancient text including the Bible have the same message.
QQ, what happened to the only book written by a woman? Hint it has to do with healing.
Its the prophesy thread. And will do after this post. Jump in. Water is great!

And here is your evidence.

Earliest CopyApproximate Time Span between original & copyNumber of CopiesAccuracy of Copies
Lucretiusdied 55 or 53 B.C.1100 yrs2—-
PlinyA.D. 61-113A.D. 850750 yrs7—-
Plato427-347 B.C.A.D. 9001200 yrs7—-
Demosthenes4th Cent. B.C.A.D. 1100800 yrs8—-
Herodotus480-425 B.C.A.D. 9001300 yrs8—-
SuetoniusA.D. 75-160A.D. 950800 yrs8—-
Thucydides460-400 B.C.A.D. 9001300 yrs8—-
Euripides480-406 B.C.A.D. 11001300 yrs9—-
Aristophanes450-385 B.C.A.D. 900120010—-
Caesar100-44 B.C.A.D. 900100010—-
Livy59 BC-AD 17—-???20—-
Tacituscirca A.D. 100A.D. 11001000 yrs20—-
Aristotle384-322 B.C.A.D. 1100140049—-
Sophocles496-406 B.C.A.D. 10001400 yrs193—-
Homer (Iliad)900 B.C.400 B.C.500 yrs64395%
1st Cent. A.D. (A.D. 50-100)2nd Cent. A.D.
(c. A.D. 130 f.)
less than 100 years560099.5%

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