Master Thread UnPinned: Russian invasion has begun

Master Threads
This MFer is volunteering the Finns and Polish to go to war with Russia:

By the way this guy looks like he has a lot of skin in the game in a war living in his mansion in Utah.

We need to have a real talk with the Ukrainians.

We need to have a talk about this being a "you" problem not an "us" problem.

Agreed. My view on all this is that both Russia and Ukraine are assholes. Back in the day when I saw two assholes fighting at school, I didn’t stick my nose in the middle of it. I let them settle it themselves.
what does this mean, "tactical nuclear noises from Kremlin + deployment of 203mm artillery"? Is he saying that there's word coming out of the Kremlin that Russia will use the tactical nukes? It's worded strangely.

I think he just means that the Kremlin made it obvious they deployed the 203 mm artillery in Ukraine.

This artillery is big enough to fire tactical nuclear shell.

Keep in mind this is all dangerous as hell. The Soviets had tactical nukes ready to go in Cuba in 1962 with authority on site to use them against an American amphibious invasion.

No way that nuclear war would have been avoided if they would have nuked a US beachhead in Cuba.

Not to say that Russia has tactical nuclear artillery shells in Ukraine, but they have the artillery pieces to fire them.
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Seriously, fuck this guy:

Probably should have retreated to his 35Mil home in Fla a month ago. He knew when he was put in place by soros/Obama that this day would eventually come.
By the way, this tough guy has his pronouns in his bio and has no ties to the military.

Should be disqualified from congress. This is the type of shit that escalates things. Over 250 million people in this country as private citizens that have nothing to do with Ukraine and Russia and our politicians grifts overseas. We should not pay the price for their corruption, but we always do and the political ruling class never does.
Seriously, fuck this guy:

He is correct. This is on the Biden Crime set... Hes the one who has dug his claws into Ukraine and caused Russia to invade amognst other things
The dumbest shit you will read all day. We need a remake of the "The Day After" desperately and all these nuts need to watch it.

The Soviets committed atrocities in Afghanistan. There is a reason we did not just go charging into Afghanistan with American troops half cocked.

The dumbest shit you will read all day. We need a remake of the "The Day After" desperately and all these nuts need to watch it.

The Soviets committed atrocities in Afghanistan. There is a reason we did not just go charging into Afghanistan with American troops half cocked.

What now makes me think there is dirt on Kristol in Ukraine? Is everyone up to their neck is Ukraine corruption?

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