Joe King
The TDSers delusions, mostly.WTF makes Trump a Dictator?
The TDSers delusions, mostly.WTF makes Trump a Dictator?
If peace costs you your Liberty?"Peace is the prize"
The TDSers delusions, mostly.
Ukrainians stop dying to give money to billionaires. Russians quit dying to give money to billionaires. The border gets shut down to provide cheap labor and money to billionaires. Globalist fucks get sent packing.
You mean like loss of free speech, property rights, legalized spying on our own citizens, denial of rights.... you worried about that kind of stuff? LOL.If peace costs you your Liberty?
Afraid u spoke too soonBTW, can't quite put my finger on it, but this thread seems different lately. It's more better.
Avdiivka fell. Bahkmut fell. Trump warned nato to spend more on defense and now Europe doesn't have the equipment or ammo to send to Ukraine. All this talk of aid money is for stuff wayyyy out in the future because we are all still trying to ramp up production.... Now Ukraine could have all the stuff they need but are low on men.When Trump was in power before, Rupert Murdoch had his hand up Trump's ass, performing like a ventriloquist. When did Trump change his mind?
Rus has opened up attacks in the south the day after Avdiivka fell. Duran was saying that behind the Bahkmut and Avdiivka area, there really aren't any built up defenses like what they have been fighting. Ukr had been building up defenses in that area since 2014 due to militia fighting against Donbas citizens.Afraid u spoke too soon
You mean like loss of free speech, property rights, legalized spying on our own citizens, denial of rights.... you worried about that kind of stuff? LOL.
Avdiivka fell. Bahkmut fell. Trump warned nato to spend more on defense and now Europe doesn't have the equipment or ammo to send to Ukraine. All this talk of aid money is for stuff wayyyy out in the future because we are all still trying to ramp up production.... Now Ukraine could have all the stuff they need but are low on men.
Assholes like you are willing to let an entire country die just to show you love America and Trump is a putin puppet. Go move to Ukraine to prove you really love America.
What liberty of ours will be taken? You are high on assumptions and low on explanation.If peace costs you your Liberty?
Why do you always refer to your forum as factual? Your forum has only you posting as 3 different monikers and one young mush head that comes around every other week. There are no discussions there, its you standing on a soap box and preaching your opinion and calling it factual.I'm sorry. I don't have Trump Worship Syndrome and fall all over a fake, poseur and pathological liar. Facts?
The Plain Truth About Donald J. Trump | RESISTERS FORUM
I had intended to let the final two threads that I'm working on to be my last, but circumstances dictate that I do this. It's okay since I can wrap it up in - maybe ten posts so by post #15 you
Can't dispute them, can you?
When was Trump in power prior to 2017? Obviously during his Presidency Murdoch, as you claim had already dumped Trump. What is "the Pro-White vote" you claim Trump so desperately wanted?When Trump was in power before, Rupert Murdoch had his hand up Trump's ass, performing like a ventriloquist. When did Trump change his mind?
No you haven't you lying pussy. You've never been in the military, you've never put your life on any line. You're some dipshit civilian ideological clown that thinks he knows more then anybody else about things you fail to comprehend. You claim to be the CO of the Militia of Georgia, as if that gives you clout. What questions have you asked? All you have done is make claims, claimed them as statements of fact, and called anybody that either questions your claims or points out your fallacies, names. watafuknclwnHow would me moving to Ukraine prove that I'm some kind of America? Just so your dick sucking ass can understand this, I've been more than willing (and have ) put my life on the line in defense of this country. I don't need some chicken shit cherry like you trying to evaluate me just because I ask a few simple questions.
Make no mistake. I'm not on either side of this. I advocated having the United States pull out of NATO decades before Putin went into Ukraine. It's always been a strange thing to me that we have a military presence in damn near every corner of the world; we are the financial revenue generating resource for Ukraine, Israel, etc., etc. but we can't afford to take care of our fucking people. And I have to tolerate lazy ass, stupid dipwads like you pecking on a keyboard when you've done NOTHING to help this country. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Well you suck at putting forth post that would make one think that. You come off just like Lindsey Graham. "Help Ukraine or you're a putin puppet".... I'm tired of that room temp iq argument. And if you talk to me like that again I'll pull your pants down and beat you in front of the whole board.How would me moving to Ukraine prove that I'm some kind of America? Just so your dick sucking ass can understand this, I've been more than willing (and have ) put my life on the line in defense of this country. I don't need some chicken shit cherry like you trying to evaluate me just because I ask a few simple questions.
Make no mistake. I'm not on either side of this. I advocated having the United States pull out of NATO decades before Putin went into Ukraine. It's always been a strange thing to me that we have a military presence in damn near every corner of the world; we are the financial revenue generating resource for Ukraine, Israel, etc., etc. but we can't afford to take care of our fucking people. And I have to tolerate lazy ass, stupid dipwads like you pecking on a keyboard when you've done NOTHING to help this country. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Well you suck at putting forth post that would make one think that. You come off just like Lindsey Graham. "Help Ukraine or you're a putin puppet".... I'm tired of that room temp iq argument. And if you talk to me like that again I'll pull your pants down and beat you in front of the whole board.
As predicted... Avdiivka fell and Russia has now launched attacks on 3 more smaller villages. One other town is having troops move towards it. Certain towns have been dug in and stocked since 2014. It's why they've been able to hold out so long. Reports are saying the defenses behind the line of fortresses are much thinner and weaker.
You could see much more movement after these next 4 towns falls.
Look dickless.... If you want to pretend Trump is the problem and we need some unseen other candidate to fix this.... Show us who you got cum guzzler. I bet when other men fuck your wife you set there and say "She doesn't like it when you pull her hair or spank her".... And then she proceeds to scream with joy while some dude is pounding her from behind with a hand full of hair and smacking that ass like he's trying to when the Ky Derby.You sound like a fucking faggot that is too stupid to figure out he just got spanked on this board. You should never assume. I asked a question you stupid moron. I didn't make an argument for either side. I asked what changes if Trump is in charge. That seems to boggle your stupid mind.
I don't have Trump Worship Syndrome. Neither am I fan of Joe Biden. I don't have any friends that are Democrats. If you would break bread with communists, atheists and sex perverts then you are no friend of mine. At the same time, Trump is two faced lying poseur that was a Democrat until he wanted to be president and if the rumor mill here is true, Trump is picking another Democrat to be his running mate... a Democrat from an anti-gun state that is just like him on the gun issue. I cannot vote for anti-gunners. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
The next time you screw with me, the beating will be much worse. So, go hide in the closet. Beat your meat and dream on, making false accusations on the Internet that your chicken shit ass would never utter to someone face to face.
None you fucking dipshit. We've been saying how pointless it is. God you are dumber than a Somalian crack baby. You should do more reading and less typing hoss.Do you really have your nose stuck that far up Putin's ass? What real interest does the U.S. have in this war a world away?
You talk a good game for some faggot that posts anonymously. You have to be among THE dumbest sons of bitches I have EVER had the displeasure to have run across. Let me make this easy for you:Look dickless.... If you want to pretend Trump is the problem and we need some unseen other candidate to fix this.... Show us who you got cum guzzler. I bet when other men fuck your wife you set there and say "She doesn't like it when you pull her hair or spank her".... And then she proceeds to scream with joy while some dude is pounding her from behind with a hand full of hair and smacking that ass like he's trying to when the Ky Derby.
We have 3 choices.... Trump, Biden or complete ignorance. Quit acting like you're smarter than other people when you can't even figure that out. You don't have to love Trump... you don't even need to like him... But he's all we got right now.
And it wasn't a false accusation. You are a dickless meat sack.
None you fucking dipshit. We've been saying how pointless it is. God you are dumber than a Somalian crack baby. You should do more reading and less typing hoss.
So your given name is "resister"? LOL. No wonder you're such a cunt. I bet you've been made fun of your entire life. We don't work for you hoss. You ask your question and we say "go fuck yourself".You talk a good game for some faggot that posts anonymously. You have to be among THE dumbest sons of bitches I have EVER had the displeasure to have run across. Let me make this easy for you:
YOU started the gay shit because you are a faggot. If you had a wife, most of the bisexuals on this site have had her. NOW...
I asked a fucking question on this site. I didn't ask for your bullshit. Asking questions, you stupid ass, does NOT imply one is smarter than others. It's a question. You don't have answers because you have your head stuck so far up Donald Trump's ass that he has to fart in order for you to get a breath of fresh air. He's choked off your brain so that your shoe size is greater than your IQ. If I want anything out of you, I'll slap it out of you.
Aint nobody reading that shit you cock holster. You act like we owe you something... Just because we've all shot cum in your wifes face doesn't mean we owe you shit. Learn how to internet or get off the internet. Maybe go sit at McDonalds for breakfast and chat up strangers.You complete idiot. If something is over five sentences you can't comprehend it. You should sue your brain for non support. Your mother must have had a fertile pussy to have given birth to such a blooming idiot.
You project way too much. I didn't ask you to work for me. I wouldn't hire your candy ass if they gave a rebate on the labor costs.So your given name is "resister"? LOL. No wonder you're such a cunt. I bet you've been made fun of your entire life. We don't work for you hoss. You ask your question and we say "go fuck yourself".
I'm starting to think you have pink hair and a tramp stamp.
Aint nobody reading that shit you cock holster. You act like we owe you something... Just because we've all shot cum in your wifes face doesn't mean we owe you shit. Learn how to internet or get off the internet. Maybe go sit at McDonalds for breakfast and chat up strangers.
Look new guy... We know all this. You're like a fucking child that comes and tells us he just figured out sunlight will burn stuff when focused through a magnifying glass.Presuming there is one person on this board that isn't as stupid as the board troll, my question was rhetorical. At the end of the day, regardless of who is elected as president, nothing is going to change in Ukraine.
One thing is for certain: After Trump is elected, they will come for your Rights and the push back by the trolls is due to the simple fact that they realize they need a daddy in the Black House to swab out their throats so they don't choke on their own spit.
Trump is an anti-gun, anti White, pro LGBTQP poseur that has hoodwinked the right and now they double down on multiculturalism because his base is low testosterone mommy soy boys that can't get laid, can't get a job and don't have enough common sense to be able to engage in critical thinking or civil discussions. They are too stupid to realize how fucked they really are.
Russia is not your friend. They are dumb asses living in a dictatorship. The people of Ukraine aren't too bright either. They elected an Edomite to be their leader.
Wachovia bitch.You project way too much. I didn't ask you to work for me. I wouldn't hire your candy ass if they gave a rebate on the labor costs.
If you ever want to try and cash in on your bet, there's not but one way to try and cash in Pee Wee.
I do not speak for anyone but me, but I know when assholes come on here wanting to "tell us idiots how it is" and that we are dumb and you are smart.... That shit won't fly... Just like a DEI United flight with new Boeing planes.You speak for every one on this board? You read what I post OR you are a fed... The only other alternative is that half the names here are sockpuppets you created so as to try and appear relevant.
What you seem to forget you stark raving mad idiot is that I haven't made ANY commitment either way. You're so much of a dumb ass, you don't get that, do you?Look new guy... We know all this. You're like a fucking child that comes and tells us he just figured out sunlight will burn stuff when focused through a magnifying glass.
NOBODY ON THIS BOARD OR IN MAGA LIKES PUTIN!!!!! Get that through your thick skull. But just because he's not our friend doesn't mean he's our sworn enemy. We have problems with globalist. The globalist want this war and hate Trump. I'm against the globalist. Just because Trump isn't perfect doesn't mean he won't do some good stuff for our country... like his first 3 years.
This war has been planned for years. The globalist want to stomp out all nationalism and leave us with one big globalist shit show and kill off 80% of global population. Ukraine and Russia produce tons of food. They want to stomp that out so that nobody can feed people when they finally step on our throat.
Now you go ahead and rage against Trump just like Hillary, Soros, Obama, Schwab, Biden, Schultz, Rothchilds, Bush's, etc etc...
Our money keeps flowing to corrupt globalist supporting this war while our own country suffers. The sooner this war ends the better it is for everyone. Since Ukraine can't win then the logical best case scenario is that Russia go ahead and finish this shit.
I do not speak for anyone but me, but I know when assholes come on here wanting to "tell us idiots how it is" and that we are dumb and you are smart.... That shit won't fly... Just like a DEI United flight with new Boeing planes.
In case you are too deaf, dumb, blind and stupid to realize it, I just made you my bitch and from here on out, I will live in your head rent free. You'll be to stupid to find the ignore button, but if you continue to bore me with the same harangue, I can find it and tune you out. You won't be the first that cannot hold my attention. Get a life and post some new material. Bitch.Wachovia bitch.
'Too' stupid... If you are going to insult someone's intelligence, try not to make 2nd grade grammatical errors.In case you are too deaf, dumb, blind and stupid to realize it, I just made you my bitch and from here on out, I will live in your head rent free. You'll be to stupid to find the ignore button, but if you continue to bore me with the same harangue, I can find it and tune you out. You won't be the first that cannot hold my attention. Get a life and post some new material. Bitch.
You yourself stated your questions were rhetorical. So what questions did you actually ask that didn't get answered? Now you are claiming you haven't made any commitment to any candidate.....LMFAO, they are both evil, you claimed. You won't vote for Trump because he is a Dictator and wants to take your guns. Sounds like you made a commitment, not Trump.When you started coming down on me without justification, you proved yourself to be an idiot. And you are. NOBODY told anyone on this site they were stupid except YOU. You project and try to fit others into the mold you've created for yourself.
For instance, you bet me money that I had pink hair. You do. You claimed I had a "tramp stamp" and I take it to mean tattoos. You do. That's not me. I came here and asked a fucking question. You got your panties in a bunch and tried to speak for the entire board. You let your 106 mm howitzer mouth write a check your BB size brain can't cash. You aren't very intelligent. You can't have a conversation without allowing it to devolve into a dick measuring contest. Apparently, judging from your posts, you are probably a eunuch.
That is correct grammar you stupid fuck. Besides, if looking for typos and trying to seize on that is all you got, you ain't got shit, do you? You need to take 50 bucks and go to the dog pound. Buy a dog. Name it Life. That way you can you have one.'Too' stupid... If you are going to insult someone's intelligence, try not to make 2nd grade grammatical errors.
It's even funnier you are defending the mistake rather than just saying it was a typo... It shows you are truly ignorant and incapable of thought. Your isults are lame as hell... Like a 60yo pretending to be cool.. LOLThat is correct grammar you stupid fuck. Besides, if looking for typos and trying to seize on that is all you got, you ain't got shit, do you? You need to take 50 bucks and go to the dog pound. Buy a dog. Name it Life. That way you can you have one.
You ARE a fucking idiot. Look up the proper usage of the words to, too and two. You're looking fucking stupid and even if I had made a typo, you'd double down on your silliness because you don't have jack shit. You're getting boring and you're proving to be a chickenshit.It's even funnier you are defending the mistake rather than just saying it was a typo... It shows you are truly ignorant and incapable of thought. Your isults are lame as hell... Like a 60yo pretending to be cool.. LOL
Try focusing on this war for a post. Try not to blame Trump for a war he didn't start and see what you can come up with... I'll bet we are all going to be blown away by your towering intellect.