Ukraine Conflict

It's even funnier you are defending the mistake rather than just saying it was a typo... It shows you are truly ignorant and incapable of thought. Your isults are lame as hell... Like a 60yo pretending to be cool.. LOL


Try focusing on this war for a post. Try not to blame Trump for a war he didn't start and see what you can come up with... I'll bet we are all going to be blown away by your towering intellect.

You stupid dumb fuck. You complete moron. In not one sentence here or anywhere else for that matter did I blame Trump in any way, shape, fashion or form for any damn war. You complete moron.

I'm not cool. I'm a Luddite that is fed up with faggots like you that think they have a monopoly on understanding. If you had that kind of knowledge base, you wouldn't be on a discussion board arguing with people and trying to provoke them when your candy ass would run like a scalded dog if you came face to face with a real man. Get some new material.

Putin's war is Putin's war. When we allowed NATO to get involved; when we began writing checks, it became "our" war and IF Putin ever attacks an ally, we are obligated to respond. Granted, we finance this shit and other NATO countries slap us on the back, but if we allow NATO countries to be taken over, we will end up with NO allies. Doesn't sound like much until you figure out where we may have to park our military in order to be able to defend this country.
Approximately 40 posts or so back I asked a simple question:

What changes when Dictator Donnie wins the presidential election?

My God, what a shitstorm! hmt5000 has been trying to make a federal case out of a fucking question. I don't believe in meds, but I would advocate that someone that comes unglued that easily be housed in a mental health ward.

The reality about Trump is that he isn't who you think he is. I've researched to find out what TRUMP says and I will provide the link again:

See what Trump himself says and look at what he DOES when in office. He will only have a working relationship with Putin for as long as Putin says "nice things" about him. When Putin quits caring about what Trump thinks, then you should have a back up plan. As voters you don't.

I don't think any of us here are foreign affairs experts. I never made it past E 3 in the service. But, it's a bit more experience than Trump - which should scare the HELL out of informed voters. Too bad DeSantis proved to be an educated idiot. On paper he was the best candidate. As a politician, he will only be friends with Pillsbury Dough Boy Chris Christie.
Your question was answered by the first 2 respondents after that post.

Your forum as a link doesn't prove anything other then Trump had opinions years ago. When he was in office, what is it that was so bad about what he did? (here's where you refer to the "bump stock" ban.) Why not link to where he actually agrees with you? Like here:

or here:

or here:

or here where he expanded gun access:

You see, your claims on your forums and your own ideological ignorance blind you to reality.

Seems the one that is "stupid, deaf, and dumb", is you.
You ARE a fucking idiot. Look up the proper usage of the words to, too and two. You're looking fucking stupid and even if I had made a typo, you'd double down on your silliness because you don't have jack shit. You're getting boring and you're proving to be a chickenshit.
Ignore it is then dummy. I don't have enough time to spend it with a idiot like you. Good luck fighting against Trump. He's the real problem. As long as we keep him away from power our nation will prosper. Think how bad things would be now if not for Biden.
You stupid dumb fuck. You complete moron. In not one sentence here or anywhere else for that matter did I blame Trump in any way, shape, fashion or form for any damn war. You complete moron.

I'm not cool. I'm a Luddite that is fed up with faggots like you that think they have a monopoly on understanding. If you had that kind of knowledge base, you wouldn't be on a discussion board arguing with people and trying to provoke them when your candy ass would run like a scalded dog if you came face to face with a real man. Get some new material.

Putin's war is Putin's war. When we allowed NATO to get involved; when we began writing checks, it became "our" war and IF Putin ever attacks an ally, we are obligated to respond. Granted, we finance this shit and other NATO countries slap us on the back, but if we allow NATO countries to be taken over, we will end up with NO allies. Doesn't sound like much until you figure out where we may have to park our military in order to be able to defend this country.
This thread is about the Ukraine War, you dumb shit.

Did you not tell HMT5000 that you are only 4 feet tall?

Here he is on YouTube:
Ignore it is then dummy. I don't have enough time to spend it with a idiot like you. Good luck fighting against Trump. He's the real problem. As long as we keep him away from power our nation will prosper. Think how bad things would be now if not for Biden.

Who are you going to try and make believe that bullshit? Me or you? Instead of ignoring me, you saw fit to engage in this pissing match. The balance of your post doesn't make sense.

If you don't have time, don't start shit with me and we will coexist without incident. At least we can until you start boring me and I put you on ignore. You rattled my cage; I didn't rattle yours.
That's easy. Nothing, as he's only a dictator in the eyes of the democrats and those with terminal cases of TDS.

Besides, he's already been potus and wasn't a dictator then. His successor is def a wanna-be dictator though.

IMHO, you've been eating up too many dem talking points.
You are suffering from Trump Worship Syndrome. Do you have ANY idea how hard it would be to find incriminating statements that Trump made against himself from the people who kiss his ass?
So, at that juncture it becomes a task of researching what Trump said BEFORE he was elected and then what he did WHEN he became president. That is the only logical way to arrive at the truth. If you want to give Trump credit for anything, he brought David Duke, Don Black and the old school White supremacists into the same room with Jews and Blacks to work toward a ONE WORLD / ONE RACE / ONE WORLD RELIGION multicultural cesspool just as the globalists needed to castrate the soul of the Posterity of the founders of this country.
The truth is, at this point Trump is the better choice, period.

I respectfully disagree. Hear me out.

In my lifetime the Republican presidents were :

Nixon - Globalist and Establishment Republican

Ford - A lackey for the CFR

Reagan - "Former Democrat" that signed into law the bill that banned the private ownership of select fire weapons

George Bush - THE NWO lackey that took NRA money, then burned his NRA membership card on the White House lawn, denounced Semi R TOW matics (his pronunciation of semi-automatic firearms then signed an Executive Order banning the importation of semi automatic weapons into the United States. BTW, before he did that a top of the line AK rifle was $179 with three magazines with stainless followers included. The day after, they went to $750 and have gone up dramatically since

George W. Bush - George W. took the NRA's money and then told the libs if they could get the so - called Assault Weapons Ban on his desk, he would make it permanent law

Donald J. Trump - Trump was anti - gun BEFORE he ran for president; became pro - gun when he ran and then, as president, became the most anti-gun president in history. I've offered a link with Trump IN HIS OWN WORDS (videos included.)

Pal we can bullshit each other all day long; we can play games, troll each other and scream at the other claiming he's a dick licker, but at the end of the day in my lifetime the Republicans have signed most of the major anti-gun legislation. NEITHER party understands the Constitution and don't give a shit about your Rights. But, without the means to RESIST unconstitutional laws and tyranny in general, all we are doing here is mental masturbation.

When Democrats own the Black House, Republicans go through the motions of slowing down gun control. Your money is better spent on pushing for sensible people in the House and Senate. Trump will take your gun, kick your ass and then allow you to live in his multicultural shithole of a country while the courts and Congress reject 80 percent of the bullshit he promised you - just like the last time he occupied the Black House.
Take it with a grain of salt but Russia is releasing interviews with captured Ukrainians.... The Ukr soldiers said that a couple elite units pulled out without saying anything and that they just stopped getting resupplied. Basically saying they left them behind to cover the retreat of better soldiers with better equipment. The Butcher living up to his name again?

They said when they tried to get out on their own, they walked into a mine field and lost the entire front line. They said they had no ammo or shells left for a few days and were basically just stuck there taking fire.

Could be why it collapsed so fast... They might of had some dudes surrender and tell them they were out of ammo so that's why Rus just swarmed the place.
The US has no Artillery Shells to supply to Ukraine, it would be 18 months before we were to get any to them if we were to pass the Bills in Congress.

Meanwhile, Russia is producing shells in the millions.

Had not Biden and Boris Johnson stopped the peace Treaty between Ukraine and Russia, this war never would have gotten to where we are now.

Putin wants Biden as US President, because he knows how Biden thinks, he's more predictable.

So who really is the Putin puppet the media keeps talking about?

Donald J. Trump - Trump was anti - gun BEFORE he ran for president; became pro - gun when he ran and then, as president, became the most anti-gun president in history. I've offered a link with Trump IN HIS OWN WORDS (videos included.)
Your video's only show him prior to becoming President. I gave a link that completely dispels your idiotic claim of Trump being the most anti-gun President in history.

Your video's only show him prior to becoming President. I gave a link that completely dispels your idiotic claim of Trump being the most anti-gun President in history.
Yep. The democrats,...err, I mean demoncrats, are the ones coming for your guns.

The bump stock thing is a non-issue. A bump stock is nothing more than an ammo wasting toy.

Besides had their hag been in office instead of Trump, it woulda been a full-blown assault weapons ban. Not that they ARE assault weapons, it's just what the anti-American crowd calls sporting rifles.
Yep. The democrats,...err, I mean demoncrats, are the ones coming for your guns.

The bump stock thing is a non-issue. A bump stock is nothing more than an ammo wasting toy.

Besides had their hag been in office instead of Trump, it woulda been a full-blown assault weapons ban. Not that they ARE assault weapons, it's just what the anti-American crowd calls sporting rifles.
EVERY infringement carries with it a precedent to further restrict the Second Amendment. You obviously don't want to know what else, besides bump stocks, that Trump went after. You can watch him and listen to his own words:

Maybe after the detours are over if you have the courage to look at all the evidence. Then you can restart the conversation about what this topic originally addressed.
2 more small town captured.... can't spell them because they are fudged up sounding...LOL. It would definitely seem that Russia is picking up its pace. Rumors that 200k more Russians have entered Ukr over the last month too.
Maybe after the detours are over if you have the courage to look at all the evidence.
I clicked on your link and watched the first vid where I saw an ABC clip attributing words to Trump, but no where in the vid did I hear Trump in his own words say anything that was attributed to him.

Then you can restart the conversation about what this topic originally addressed.
It's a Ukraine thread, but you are hijacking it into a Trump thread.

EVERY infringement carries with it a precedent to further restrict the Second Amendment.
I agree, but you are ignoring the FACT that had Trump not been in office, the hag woulda signed an actual gun ban into law.

Sounds as though you woulda preferred that.

You obviously don't want to know what else, besides bump stocks, that Trump went after. You can watch him and listen to his own words:
The vid I saw had nothing "in his own words".

I'm almost missing Jack off Jake at this point in the thread.
......almost. lol
I clicked on your link and watched the first vid where I saw an ABC clip attributing words to Trump, but no where in the vid did I hear Trump in his own words say anything that was attributed to him.

It's a Ukraine thread, but you are hijacking it into a Trump thread.

I agree, but you are ignoring the FACT that had Trump not been in office, the hag woulda signed an actual gun ban into law.

Sounds as though you woulda preferred that.

The vid I saw had nothing "in his own words".

I'm almost missing Jack off Jake at this point in the thread.
......almost. lol

You did NOT watch the links (plural) in that thread. There are multiple videos of him advocating that Congress pass gun control. You are lying; any swinging soul here can access the thread and see the facts. You can't watch thirty seconds of the first link and see the links. Watch all of it.

I did not hijack this thread. Reread it. Someone else wanted to go down this rabbit hole AND I urged all of you to get back to the thread.

If a Democrat occupies the half White House, the Republicans will go through the motions of opposing gun control. Almost to a man, the Republicans are as anti-gun as Democrats are. Trump will be worse because he will pass gun control AND you will double down and claim it was necessary or someone sold him out. You're only fooling yourself and those with Trump Worship Syndrome.

Again, you did NOT watch the videos. There are MANY. As another Jack would say "You can't handle the truth." Any time you'd like to return to the topic I'm all for it. Hell, the admin can even remove my posts on this thread. I didn't take it to this. Go back and read a few pages. Feel free to quit lying to me in responses and return to the topic at hand. I'll gladly go along with that. Deal?
That's easy. Nothing, as he's only a dictator in the eyes of the democrats and those with terminal cases of TDS.

Besides, he's already been potus and wasn't a dictator then. His successor is def a wanna-be dictator though.

IMHO, you've been eating up too many dem talking points.

Why is it that cocksuckers like you blame TDS every time someone challenges your government god Trump? Is that the best you can do? Yeah, Trump was president once before and he sold out gun owners with a bump stock ban. Oh, not a big deal you say?

OBVIOUSLY you didn't listen to Kamala Harris when she was running for president. She said she would go further with the precedent that Trump set and would go for further regulations. While she didn't become president, Biden DID use the precedent to go after a myriad of things that his predecessors didn't.

You see, you're too cowardly to actually access and study the link (and the internal links therein) about Trump. IF you did, you would see that Trump told Congress that they were afraid of the NRA and that is why nobody implemented gun control. Yep, that IS in the videos. Previously nobody was willing to bitch slap the NRA until Trump did it AND said he would make them go along (yep, it's in the video links.) I already know what you'll do after Trump enacts gun control as you're doing it here. And you have the unmitigated gall to bitch about the communists... I mean Democrats. Look, dumbass, just because I despise Trump doesn't mean I have my head up Biden's ass the way you have yours up Trump's. I will never be so desperate as to think I have to vote for a Democrat OR a liberal liar that claims they used to be a Democrat.
It's not just neutral parties saying Russia has upped its pace. Ukr intel is saying...

he Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) on Wednesday said Russia's armed forces have been given a deadline that's just over three weeks away to seize full control of Ukraine's Luhansk Oblast.

Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy head of GUR, said during an interview with Interfax-Ukraine that the Kremlin wants control of Luhansk before Russia's upcoming presidential elections.

Majority of Europeans don’t believe Ukraine will win the war, new survey finds | DW News​

It is a foregone conclusion that Ukraine cannot win the war. It was hard going with the U.S. sending weaponry. Now it is a matter of time.

The reality for most Americans is that they barely knew where Ukraine was when this broke out and now they base their conclusions on the word of media talking heads and political propaganda prostitutes. In biblical times the Assyrians held biblical Israel in captivity. Assyria would go to war with the Babylonians. That allowed the Israelites to escape and they made their way to Ukraine (and later beyond.) A lot of those people in Ukraine are White Christians who are biblical Israelites. Perhaps the reason they are getting their collective asses handed to them is due to putting a Jew in charge of their country.

In any event, if you think it out logically the U.S. waged a proxy war against Russia through the people of Ukraine. Now Trump is telling Putin he can go after our allies and he's all for it. We pay for NATO, but can we really afford our NATO allies to become political enemies? The weapons of the world be it Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc., etc., etc. are aimed at us. How much more opposition can we take on? We can't afford to keep financing wars and it isn't the smartest thing to make enemies of our own allies.
Now Trump is telling Putin he can go after our allies and he's all for it. We pay for NATO, but can we really afford our NATO allies to become political enemies? The weapons of the world be it Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc., etc., etc. are aimed at us. How much more opposition can we take on? We can't afford to keep financing wars and it isn't the smartest thing to make enemies of our own allies.
You really should quit watching CNN and MSNBC. Trump wants NATO countries to pay what they are suppose to into NATO. European leaders didn't like Trump due to him telling them they were idiots.

In fact, many staunch Trump critics agree with his central point, that members of the military alliance set up in the wake of World War II to defend against the then-Soviet Union need to up their defense spending.

Now, Europe must make a decision, according to some experts: Hope American protection endures, or bolster its own withered military forces that on their own would likely be ill-equipped to repel a Russian attack.

“The Europeans have to keep on waking up to the strategic reality that Europe might have to defend itself without its primary guarantor, which is the United States,” said Fabrice Pothier, former head of policy planning for two NATO secretaries-general, including incumbent Jens Stoltenberg.

Europe “cannot completely replace the U.S. deterrent, because this is the No. 1 global military power,” said Pothier, now CEO of Rasmussen Global, a European political consultancy firm. But “we have to have enough deterrence of our own so we’re not caught with our trousers down.”
Even the Hill is admitting its over. Everything we do from here on out is simply to kill more people.

The Hill
The Hill


Opinion: Ukraine can no longer win​

As the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion nears, and the latest aid package for Ukraine stalls in Congress, we must be clear-eyed about the future.

There is no path for Ukraine to win this war. American support will not change this reality.

Two years ago, the Ukrainian Armed Forces defied expectations immediately. Days before Russia’s massive combined arms incursion, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley spoke for the U.S. military when he predicted to Congress that Kyiv would fall within 72 hours.
I'm sorry. I don't have Trump Worship Syndrome and fall all over a fake, poseur and pathological liar. Facts?

Can't dispute them, can you?
Yes of course all you do is project your bizarre reality of things that you have no idea will take place. Youre low info, and low intelligence. Ive read through most of your stupid posts and its all gaslighting and projection. Thats what weak men do. Youre a weak man. Nothing else to say. You love Biden and Those fools so be it. Dress your son up in girls clothes and act like its ok.

My kids will laugh at him. Dont be upset
You really should quit watching CNN and MSNBC. Trump wants NATO countries to pay what they are suppose to into NATO. European leaders didn't like Trump due to him telling them they were idiots.

It doesn't matter what is said or done he is the type of tool that thinks he knows, and projects fantasies that he makes up in his head. IT doesnt matter what Trump has said or done in the past its not reality to a pee brain half man with a severe case of TDS. The guy is a ditch digger looking for work and thinks his thoughts are above everybody elses. In reality everybody just thinks hes stupid. hes a half wit.
You stupid dumb fuck. You complete moron. In not one sentence here or anywhere else for that matter did I blame Trump in any way, shape, fashion or form for any damn war. You complete moron.

I'm not cool. I'm a Luddite that is fed up with faggots like you that think they have a monopoly on understanding. If you had that kind of knowledge base, you wouldn't be on a discussion board arguing with people and trying to provoke them when your candy ass would run like a scalded dog if you came face to face with a real man. Get some new material.

Putin's war is Putin's war. When we allowed NATO to get involved; when we began writing checks, it became "our" war and IF Putin ever attacks an ally, we are obligated to respond. Granted, we finance this shit and other NATO countries slap us on the back, but if we allow NATO countries to be taken over, we will end up with NO allies. Doesn't sound like much until you figure out where we may have to park our military in order to be able to defend this country.
Perfectly placed post from you. Youre super simple minded and full on gaslighting. You are literally a half wit retard. A little bitch too. Id love to laugh in your face. ITs fools like you that have no ability to critical think through things, yet act like you are so thought out. The intelligent people are just shaking their heads while you post things like this. You a bitch. What color dress di you put your son in today?
Yes of course all you do is project your bizarre reality of things that you have no idea will take place. Youre low info, and low intelligence. Ive read through most of your stupid posts and its all gaslighting and projection. Thats what weak men do. Youre a weak man. Nothing else to say. You love Biden and Those fools so be it. Dress your son up in girls clothes and act like its ok.

My kids will laugh at him. Dont be upset
You're both an idiot and a liar. I have not in any way, shape, fashion or form endorsed Biden nor would I. Gaslighting? Asking you to examine the facts and not lie about is gaslighting you? You are promoting insanity.

If I had a son and he acted like you and dressed in the fairy outfits you do, I'd beat him half to death and then disown him. You have your head stuck so far up Trump's ass, he would have to fart before you could get a breath of fresh air. Understand this even with your low IQ: Being against Trump is not a vote for Biden. Sometimes gridlock beats the Hell out of the lesser of two evils.
Perfectly placed post from you. Youre super simple minded and full on gaslighting. You are literally a half wit retard. A little bitch too. Id love to laugh in your face. ITs fools like you that have no ability to critical think through things, yet act like you are so thought out. The intelligent people are just shaking their heads while you post things like this. You a bitch. What color dress di you put your son in today?

If you ever want to laugh in my face, I can damn sure make the opportunity happen for you. I've suffered trolls, stalkers and wannabe bullies for DECADES. I make the opportunity happen and WHEN you don't avail yourself of it, we've pretty much established what YOU are. Then I can live in your head rent free. I'm only a PM away and you can make it happen. If you want to threaten me, I am the man to call your bluff.
It doesn't matter what is said or done he is the type of tool that thinks he knows, and projects fantasies that he makes up in his head. IT doesnt matter what Trump has said or done in the past its not reality to a pee brain half man with a severe case of TDS. The guy is a ditch digger looking for work and thinks his thoughts are above everybody elses. In reality everybody just thinks hes stupid. hes a half wit.

Joe, you may believe that you are the smartest person on this forum, but you aren't. I know by your quote who you aim that shit at, but let's face it: You lack the balls and the brains to go out and spew that shit in face to face interactions. THAT is why you are here.

What matters about Trump is what he said BEFORE he got into the race for president and what he DID AS PRESIDENT. I don't give a fuck what you want to believe or how personal you want to make it. What I think you should be able to do is have a civil conversation about the subject matter OR STFU. There is a Black bitch crack whore that follows me around like a dog in heat that sounds a LOT like you. Might even be you. I tend to put that type of individual on ignore so that I live in their head rent free. Now, that we've established what a chickenshit you are, I don't have to make it personal with you any longer.
With the balloon over the Westcoast again.... It appears that China has increased it's military preparedness level. Saw a couple people report they have put tons of people on alert.

yea ww3 I guess. I hope they remember it's Ny and DC and Cali that is responsible for this shit if they nuke us.
I have not in any way, shape, fashion or form endorsed Biden nor would I.
You say fuck Trump, so if people do, who exactly does that leave?

We'll wait while your two brain cells work to figure it out.

You rail on Trump over a toy ban, while completely ignoring what woulda happened had the hag weaseled her way into the oval office.
You seem to think she'd have done a better job.
You say fuck Trump, so if people do, who exactly does that leave?

We'll wait while your two brain cells work to figure it out.

You rail on Trump over a toy ban, while completely ignoring what woulda happened had the hag weaseled her way into the oval office.
You seem to think she'd have done a better job.

You're a total dumb ass that shouldn't be allowed to vote. The primary reason Trump feels that he don't have to do anything except make an ass of people like you is that he is allowed a free ride.

IF his constituents would only withhold their votes and make the liar admit that he didn't know what in the Hell he did with the bump stock ban and that he sold you out and really supports gun control, I might skip over you and not make a big deal about that.

IF you admit that Trump is pro - LGBTQP, and you know he is, then honesty might be worth something on that count.

IF you understood something about the electoral college and you forced Trump to admit how he wants to end the Republic, I might concede you have a point. You already have delusions that he will be your Supreme Leader.

It's bad enough you support a man that kisses the ass of Edomites and claims to be a Christian while hobnobbing with the Seed of the Serpent. It makes you wonder what kind of person YOU actually are. But, the coup de grace:

I asked in this thread what changes with Ukraine if Trump gets elected? Since people like you lack critical thinking skills, you end up in personal pissing matches, unable to discuss how the left is going to manipulate the situation with the pro-Jew, pro-commie Trump. You make accusations, but you haven't the mental capacity to carry on an intelligent conversation without the faggot banter and accusing me of what you are blatantly practicing because, let's face it - you are too chickenshit to face. You haven't got a choice and if you don't force your candidate to be held accountable - you're screwed.
You're a total dumb ass that shouldn't be allowed to vote. The primary reason Trump feels that he don't have to do anything except make an ass of people like you is that he is allowed a free ride.

IF his constituents would only withhold their votes and make the liar admit that he didn't know what in the Hell he did with the bump stock ban and that he sold you out and really supports gun control, I might skip over you and not make a big deal about that.

IF you admit that Trump is pro - LGBTQP, and you know he is, then honesty might be worth something on that count.

IF you understood something about the electoral college and you forced Trump to admit how he wants to end the Republic, I might concede you have a point. You already have delusions that he will be your Supreme Leader.

It's bad enough you support a man that kisses the ass of Edomites and claims to be a Christian while hobnobbing with the Seed of the Serpent. It makes you wonder what kind of person YOU actually are. But, the coup de grace:

I asked in this thread what changes with Ukraine if Trump gets elected? Since people like you lack critical thinking skills, you end up in personal pissing matches, unable to discuss how the left is going to manipulate the situation with the pro-Jew, pro-commie Trump. You make accusations, but you haven't the mental capacity to carry on an intelligent conversation without the faggot banter and accusing me of what you are blatantly practicing because, let's face it - you are too chickenshit to face. You haven't got a choice and if you don't force your candidate to be held accountable - you're screwed.

Bump Stocks are nothing more then accessories, they do not ban owning or possessing firearms/weapons in any way. So how did Trump sell anybody down the river? Define "gun control" via the 2nd Amendment. Where in the 2A does it mention "accessories"? Why aren't you complaining about "Wallet Holsters" that are banned? What about certain types of ammo? You see, bump stocks are no different. Yet you inherently whine about something that doesn't effect anything in the Constitution.

Why would Trumps constituents withhold their votes, unless you want the Neo-Con Haley to win or if you want Biden to win? SMFH

Trump against the Electoral College? Are you referring to a 2012 Tweet where in Romney might have won over Obama? Really, that's your argument. Where, when asked, he says the EC is better for the US.

Edomites, the seed of the serpent? Your racism is on display.

What changes with Ukraine if Trump is elected? possibly peace? imjusayn Putin doesn't want Trump to be President, Europe will be forced to increase their contributions to NATO? The US might prosper once again?

The only one with no mental capacity to carry on an intelligent conversation and that lacks critical thinking skills, seems to be you.
The only one with no mental capacity to carry on an intelligent conversation and that lacks critical thinking skills, seems to be you.
What it is, is he withholds any/all support unless it is, in his (or her) eyes, a perfect candidate.

He (or her) ignores the fact that there never was and never will be a perfect candidate. All have flaws.

Is Trump perfect? Heck no, but he is a heck of a lot better than the alternatives.

It's also pretty stupid when someone accuses others of worshipping someone just because they are swift enough to be able to see that he is in fact the better choice.

It does no good to support people who aren't running.

As a nation, we did not get into this mess overnight, and no one person is riding to the rescue.
You're a total dumb ass
Says the idiot who thinks the following. lol
IF his constituents would only withhold their votes

If that were to happen, he'd drop out of the race, as he would have no support.

Why do you think Pence dropped out? Because too many withheld their vote for him, dUh!

Why do you think Desantis dropped out? Because too many withheld their vote for him, dUh!

Same as everyone else who ever dropped out of the race when they saw that they lacked enough support to win.
....and thinking Trump is against the EC? You gotta be a special kind of stupid to think that. If it weren't for the EC, he woulda lost and we'd have had a President Hag. Trump loves the EC.
You lack the balls and the brains to go out and spew that shit in face to face interactions. THAT is why you are here.
You could not be more wrong. I treat people the same whether online or in real life.

I treat people the way they ask to be treated in accordance with the Golden Rule.

If people act like an ass, that's how I assume they wish to be treated and then act accordingly.

Case in point,
you stupid moron

your chicken shit ass

If I want anything out of you, I'll slap it out of you.

You complete idiot

You're so much of a dumb ass

You stupid dumb fuck

You complete moron

your candy ass

NOBODY told anyone on this site they were stupid except YOU.
Oh really? lol It's you that is the lying pos moron. lol

In your own words:

Look, dumbass

You're both an idiot and a liar.

you haven't the mental capacity to carry on an intelligent conversation without the faggot banter
You are even more idiotic with that post. lol

You sound like a fucking faggot

You talk a good game for some faggot

you are a faggot.

faggots like you

cocksuckers like you

You're a fucking hypocrite, is what you are.

You project and try to fit others into the mold you've created for yourself.

That's what you just did. lol

If you would break bread with communists, atheists and sex perverts then you are no friend of mine.
Jesus sure did. He hung out with the dregs of society. You must think you're better than Him. Which is not surprising at all, considering your fucked up attitude.
What it is, is he withholds any/all support unless it is, in his (or her) eyes, a perfect candidate.

He (or her) ignores the fact that there never was and never will be a perfect candidate. All have flaws.

Is Trump perfect? Heck no, but he is a heck of a lot better than the alternatives.

It's also pretty stupid when someone accuses others of worshipping someone just because they are swift enough to be able to see that he is in fact the better choice.

It does no good to support people who aren't running.

As a nation, we did not get into this mess overnight, and no one person is riding to the rescue.

You accused me of not using critical thinking skills. Funny, I addressed a VERY similar issue on this before reading what you just posted. I might not know exactly WHO you are quoting, but I know when you are coming for me. What you say is absolutely wrong. Check this out: See specifically Reply #27 Do that and get back to me.

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