It's even funnier you are defending the mistake rather than just saying it was a typo... It shows you are truly ignorant and incapable of thought. Your isults are lame as hell... Like a 60yo pretending to be cool.. LOL
Try focusing on this war for a post. Try not to blame Trump for a war he didn't start and see what you can come up with... I'll bet we are all going to be blown away by your towering intellect.
You stupid dumb fuck. You complete moron. In not one sentence here or anywhere else for that matter did I blame Trump in any way, shape, fashion or form for any damn war. You complete moron.
I'm not cool. I'm a Luddite that is fed up with faggots like you that think they have a monopoly on understanding. If you had that kind of knowledge base, you wouldn't be on a discussion board arguing with people and trying to provoke them when your candy ass would run like a scalded dog if you came face to face with a real man. Get some new material.
Putin's war is Putin's war. When we allowed NATO to get involved; when we began writing checks, it became "our" war and IF Putin ever attacks an ally, we are obligated to respond. Granted, we finance this shit and other NATO countries slap us on the back, but if we allow NATO countries to be taken over, we will end up with NO allies. Doesn't sound like much until you figure out where we may have to park our military in order to be able to defend this country.