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Six Feet Under or Cremated?

Jan 26, 2021
Haven't given it any serious thought, but I always thought being buried and having a tree planted on top of me would be rad. The nutrients from my body would feed the tree and some part of my corpse would live on in the tree from that point forward. Would be a living "tombstone" for my loved ones to visit.


Jan 8, 2021
My wife and I had intended to be cremated and after we both pass, to have our ashes shot over the ocean in fireworks. Kind of dumb but we thought it would be funny. Then, our daughter passed when she was 11 months old. Now I own 3 burial plots. One for our girl, and one on each side of her for myself and my wife.
Sorry for bringing things down, but I felt like sharing that today.

Shit dude. Sorry.


Jan 8, 2021
I’m with you on cremation.
My cousin OD and they buried him in some natural graveyard.. no embalming, just in the ground so it’s less impact on the environment than cremation or other,
I had never heard such a thing, but in SC evidently it’s legal.
I wasn’t at the service, or know if it was more expensive or not.

Oh shit I like the idea.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
I see no logical reason to put my dead, rotting carcass into an expensive box and bury it 6' underground.
How about you?
I've thought about a business concept for an alternative to burial. It would involve constructing a rail gun approximately 100 yards long so it could propel a titanium missile one foot long and hollow to hold a person's ashes. In theoretical terms, the escape velocity at the surface of Earth is 11.2 km per second (6.96 miles per second).

In short, the missile would be able to achieve mach 15 to give it enough force to leave the earth's gravitational field and fly into the unending vastness of the universe. In other words, your ashes would never stop moving and go where no other ashes have gone before.

What a way to go! Beam me up Scottie!
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