Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

alright bloods when are we gonna start our own economy. they tried to cast us out of society so i say we start our own..when everyone else surrendered and bent the knee we stood up to the face of tyranny and made it our hill to die on

I can't find it now but a direct link bw the shot and people dying 1 year later. Some 63 old dude. Perfectly healthy. 3 days later had stroke. 1 year later he@dead. MD links it directly to the jab.

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Mudbloods aren’t going to like this data from the UK one bit.


Figure 1. Risk/benefit determination from the UK data shows that for all ages, the vaccines kill more people than they save. A value of 15 means we kill 15 people from the vaccine to save 1 life from COVID.
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Any of my brethren had Covid more than once? I had it well over a year ago, have been exposed a LOT since, and never got sick again. Virtually everyone I know who has been infected multiple times is a mudblood.
Pureblood here, pretty sure I had each "variant". First time was Feb 2020....probably one of the sickest 2 days I have ever felt, but got over it in about 5 days total with first 2 being absolutely the worst. Jan 2021 I got the 2nd variant, can't remember the name. Jan 2022 I got sick but super mild. Believe it was Omicron as my son got something and his mom made him test and it came back positive for covid but we all know the tests are shit, so he probably just had a cold/flu and gave it to me, but I was sick for about a day and then had typical cold symptoms for a few days.
Any of my brethren had Covid more than once? I had it well over a year ago, have been exposed a LOT since, and never got sick again. Virtually everyone I know who has been infected multiple times is a mudblood.
tbh I wouldn't know ive never took a test for it... I absolutely refuse to participate in the Covid narrative.. Ive probably been sick like once in the last 3 years and for all i know it was a serve cold or flu. I think one reason mudbloods test positive multiple times is for some reason they continue to take the test over a runny nose.. like brother @t_money86 said those test are shit

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They’re safe and effective. Every new shot is just a bonus! Nobody I know is upset about being smart!

However, we are quickly approaching the point where the unvaccinated are going to need to be removed from society which includes:
  • No jobs
  • No shopping
  • No utilities
  • No healthcare for themselves
  • No school for their children
  • No healthcare for their children
  • No consumer no water or other natural resources
L. O. L.
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