Master Afghan thread / Taliban holding Americans prisoner

This administration is chicken shit. Our whole government is chicken shit. Liberty dies in darkness and it's been dark for a long while.
Do think this is an all time bad administration. Cluelessness is rampant in every corner from State all the way through national security.

I assumed the military was silencing the press as well. German citizens aren’t protected from the US military via 1A.

It reminds me of how the US uses UK intelligence services to spy on US citizens (especially on US soil) to circumvent laws.

I call bullshit here. ISIS and the Taliban aren’t the best of friends, and even if they were I doubt they just let another group walk into Kabul this close to the end of everything and stir up shit. This seems like a ploy to keep journalists away for the final days so nobody can report on if Americans are leaving this weekend, or if we are taking off with empty planes again.

Talk about a conundrum……frankly I wish every reporter from those 2 (honestly all) POS Anti-American propagandists death daily BUT not like this. We should get to Honor Kill all those fuckers NOT our G Damn enemy…..who will then throw parades and celebrate American weakness.

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