Master Afghan thread / Taliban holding Americans prisoner

Yeah, it took several years long after the US had left SVN before the NVA over ran the south. Now the south was another cluster f ck due to One Division of South Vietnamese misinterpreting a withdrawal command from their General and a full retreat resulted and never was able to reassemble. It was in those couple years that Army Aviation took more casualties supporting the South than it did in all the previous years. This is sad of course but this is what starts civil wars in countries like America. Our entire voting system is destroyed due to these same ass wipes in slo joes corner committing massive voter fraud to keep their power. Let's see how they fare in mid terms and a lot of this will be a good gauge to let us know when we should gear up. It is slowly becoming a matter of survival for America with absolute morons in charge of our military. A good coup by our Generals to arrest all the criminals who are on the payroll of our enemies from all over the world is probably a lot closer than people realize.
The irony…

The US intelligence community has ZERO credibility. ZERO. They are rouge, and not under civilian control. They need to be burnt to the ground at this point.

These "we told Biden this was going to happen" reports from anonymous sources (remember those?) reek of CYA for grotesque incompetence in our intelligence community. I'm more inclined to believe that they were giving the Biden administration the sugar coated reality reports.
3 years of my life wasted in that fucking shithole. I fought and bled there. Put friends in rubber bags, and shipped them home from there, and for what? God Damn boys, the last couple of days have been a complete kick in the nuts.

Totally know how you feel. I remember watching ISIS take over Mosul and take over the base I was stationed at. We are this generation's Vietnam vets. Shit sucks.
I confess, and it's wrong, that I am rooting for something bad to go down to distract the media and political attention so they will stop counting damn covid cases.

There are thousands of people in these videos not masked, vaccinated, or social distancing. No one has likely even heard of covid.
CNN and Wolf Blitzer and his panel are skewering Biden right now for his speech today. One must think that when CNN is not able to defend Biden, the walls are closing in.

As I type this, (R) Adam Kinzinger just said it was a "terrible speech" on CNN. I wonder if Wolf thought he was going to say something else. Ho-ly Sheeeeit. This is not good for Joe.
Wow.. if this isn’t eye opening and confirmation the press is pro war will run cover for the military industrial complex. Joe should know better than to go up against them.

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