I said this in the Fraggle thread, may be worth sharing here...
I think there could be a long term problem for the United States concerning what is happening in Afghanistan. 1) the Taliban is being emboldened right now, and there are many eyes upon them that may be willing to join their cause if they do not have better options. This leads to 2) Taliban fighters and angry Afghans (angry at the US for pulling out and leaving them exposed to the takeover by the Taliban) may begin conducting more terrorist attacks due to them despising the US and the western way of life. Many, if not all of these, will be aimed at US assets abroad and at the US mainland targets. That is troubling, and I would not be surprised if it happens. It seems they now know that the US leadership is not strong enough to stand up to them as it was only a year ago, and I fear the victims in all of this will be US citizens.