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How many friends do you have that have committed suicide since last March 2020


Jan 11, 2021
Damn. That's hard. I don't have anyone in my circles that has, but my sister in law has two or three fellow business owner friends and acquaintances who have killed themselves.
Business owners are by far the leaders in the pack. Many were on the verge of collapse and then the pandemic hit. They had no idea that PPP loans could help.


Dec 9, 2020
Damn. That's hard. I don't have anyone in my circles that has, but my sister in law has two or three fellow business owner friends and acquaintances who have killed themselves.
Between my kids, 3 of their friends have.

24, 22, 17. None were accidental overdoses. (Not that it matters)

What in the holy hell are we doing? I've been asking this since March.

There's a reason my kids still at home have been having parties since this crap started. I decided there was no way I was isolating them from the world. So, we (the other families) decided the kids would quarnteam and I happen to have the best location for them to gather. If one of them got it, they would all theoretically get it, so boom, mini herd immunity for the senior and sophomore classes. Not once have any of them had to quarantine. Our plan worked as best it could.

My oldest is a lot more careful, but her boyfriend is diabetic. Still hasn't shut down life. There were some rough patches, but she's leveled out after some real Mommy talk.

My second girl is partying in bars and the ghetto (student housing at Dayton) non stop.

Enough of this crap. This is evil.


Jan 9, 2021
Sad man. People have to realize their is help and that none of this matters in the long run. Its only money.

Everything is replaceable except life.


Jan 9, 2021
Between my kids, 3 of their friends have.

24, 22, 17. None were accidental overdoses. (Not that it matters)

What in the holy hell are we doing? I've been asking this since March.

There's a reason my kids still at home have been having parties since this crap started. I decided there was no way I was isolating them from the world. So, we (the other families) decided the kids would quarnteam and I happen to have the best location for them to gather. If one of them got it, they would all theoretically get it, so boom, mini herd immunity for the senior and sophomore classes. Not once have any of them had to quarantine. Our plan worked as best it could.

My oldest is a lot more careful, but her boyfriend is diabetic. Still hasn't shut down life. There were some rough patches, but she's leveled out after some real Mommy talk.

My second girl is partying in bars and the ghetto (student housing at Dayton) non stop.

Enough of this crap. This is evil.

When you say 24, 22 17 are you referring to 3 kids age 24, 22, 17 or that many kids!?


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Im not ready to off myself but I m ready to bolt on my family business. Been doing steel for 28 years and get bitched at by my 78 ur dad for paying an invoice w a c c and not writing a ck. The past two yrs ive had my house burn up lost everything, brain surgery now covid bullshit. I m really considering selling it all and buying a 24 ft boat and chartering fishing 6 months a yr. No kids just me and my dog. I hate to bail on my family but I feel like im in crazy land 90%of the time.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Business owners are by far the leaders in the pack. Many were on the verge of collapse and then the pandemic hit. They had no idea that PPP loans could help.
Tbh all it did was kick the can. We got 144k and now I m struggling to sell jobs. Add on top steel is up 300 per ton since nov which is usually good when prices are high but this time I m really struggling to sell jobs.


Dec 9, 2020
A great family friend, especially of my sister, killed herself a week ago Thursday. She leaves behind a 24 y/o daughter and 22 and 19 y/o sons. She owned her own travel agency and did very well for herself and her fam. The problem is, her husband did the same 17 years prior and now her kids have no parents. Her daughter just married in November and is trying to get pregnant. Stating the obvious, my sister is devastated and is helping her kids through this.


I’m just here so I won’t get fined.
Jan 9, 2021
I had the sniffles for a weekend. It is no joke.
Thank Jesus you’re still alive.
A great family friend, especially of my sister, killed herself a week ago Thursday. She leaves behind a 24 y/o daughter and 22 and 19 y/o sons. She owned her own travel agency and did very well for herself and her fam. The problem is, her husband did the same 17 years prior and now her kids have no parents. Her daughter just married in November and is trying to get pregnant. Stating the obvious, my sister is devastated and is helping her kids through this.
Awful. Just awful.


Jan 7, 2021
Thankfully, no one in our circle, but there was a recent suicide at Michigan State (my son is a freshman) by a sorority girl. Sad state of affairs. I have had a similar approach with my kids as @tgsio - live and let live. We found out 10 days before we were supposed to move into the dorms at MSU that they were shutting down all on campus housing. 10 days. We scrambled with some other families and found a 4 bdrm apartment for the boys. They will never experience dorm life. They were screwed out of prom/spring break/commencement and now this. People need to say enough is enough. There is some serious damage being done to our society.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Im not ready to off myself but I m ready to bolt on my family business. Been doing steel for 28 years and get bitched at by my 78 ur dad for paying an invoice w a c c and not writing a ck. The past two yrs ive had my house burn up lost everything, brain surgery now covid bullshit. I m really considering selling it all and buying a 24 ft boat and chartering fishing 6 months a yr. No kids just me and my dog. I hate to bail on my family but I feel like im in crazy land 90%of the time.
Hang in there brother.

DM if you need to vent or strategize.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Thankfully, no one in our circle, but there was a recent suicide at Michigan State (my son is a freshman) by a sorority girl. Sad state of affairs. I have had a similar approach with my kids as @tgsio - live and let live. We found out 10 days before we were supposed to move into the dorms at MSU that they were shutting down all on campus housing. 10 days. We scrambled with some other families and found a 4 bdrm apartment for the boys. They will never experience dorm life. They were screwed out of prom/spring break/commencement and now this. People need to say enough is enough. There is some serious damage being done to our society.
I wish all parents cared as much as you and @tgsio


Jan 8, 2021
Im not ready to off myself but I m ready to bolt on my family business. Been doing steel for 28 years and get bitched at by my 78 ur dad for paying an invoice w a c c and not writing a ck. The past two yrs ive had my house burn up lost everything, brain surgery now covid bullshit. I m really considering selling it all and buying a 24 ft boat and chartering fishing 6 months a yr. No kids just me and my dog. I hate to bail on my family but I feel like im in crazy land 90%of the time.

The boat thing sounds fun in warm weather but I can't imagine it being much fun in the cold months. Hope your business picks up soon.

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
I wish all parents cared as much as you and @tgsio
My child only 2.5 but something I heard that has stuck with me about being a dad is “Be the man you wish your father was” or something to the effect. My dad is flawed just like all of us but I try to teach my kid and spend time doing things that my dad never did. For example, replacing a light bulb. I had him stand to the side and “hold” the ladder but he thought it was super cool “helping”. Or using a screw driver to screw something in. I did most of the work and helped hold it in place but he wanted to do all of them after that.


Jan 7, 2021
I wish all parents cared as much as you and @tgsio
Well, I am not sure everyone would agree with my approach, but I appreciate the comment. There are enough things in our society that these kids have to deal with. As I have said in other threads, my oldest (recent tOSU grad) has a twinge of liberal in her from her four years. Her main circle of friends consists of NYC and east coast girls. Her mother and I are as MAGA as can be, but she was out of the house the past four years and no doubt was exposed to a different viewpoint. I have come to terms that she is her own person. I am convinced her liberalism will start to disappear once she gets fully off my payroll. My son has his eyes wide open as he had been in the house through Trump's four years. We had honest conversations about the virus, etc. These kids need some normalcy in their lives.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Sad man. People have to realize their is help and that none of this matters in the long run. Its only money.

Everything is replaceable except life.
You know this sounds good but isnt really accurate. I Don t give a f k about many possessions but when you do lose it all, that s hit is just hyperbole. ID give it all up if i could get my dog back. Sounds weird bUT ive never cared about money or big houses and stuff. But when all you have is socks,a t shirt and pj bottoms that s hit rings hollow. I was saved by angels as i woke up outside and went back into a raging inferno to save my dogs. I can replace a mattress bit I cant replace a 1966 gold trigger browing sweet sixteen my dad gave me for painting his house. I just did it. I didnt ask permission.

I dont know why im rambling sorry. Sometimes I get weepy like a bitch but I just leave work and go home and drink w cooper.
Watch the video and imagine crawling through to save other humans and dogs. Out of 5 we only lost peanut the saddleback

Check your emergency heat strips folks. Trust me.


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Dec 9, 2020
Im not ready to off myself but I m ready to bolt on my family business. Been doing steel for 28 years and get bitched at by my 78 ur dad for paying an invoice w a c c and not writing a ck. The past two yrs ive had my house burn up lost everything, brain surgery now covid bullshit. I m really considering selling it all and buying a 24 ft boat and chartering fishing 6 months a yr. No kids just me and my dog. I hate to bail on my family but I feel like im in crazy land 90%of the time.
You've had quite the run.

If taking your pup and sailing away for a while will get you back to center... do it.

Just take the time to make sure you're not running away. A break and a pause is perfectly fine. But have a plan that it won't be a permanent break from everybody you love and who love you.


Dec 9, 2020
You know this sounds good but isnt really accurate. I Don t give a f k about many possessions but when you do lose it all, that s hit is just hyperbole. ID give it all up if i could get my dog back. Sounds weird bUT ive never cared about money or big houses and stuff. But when all you have is socks,a t shirt and pj bottoms that s hit rings hollow. I was saved by angels as i woke up outside and went back into a raging inferno to save my dogs. I can replace a mattress bit I cant replace a 1966 gold trigger browing sweet sixteen my dad gave me for painting his house. I just did it. I didnt ask permission.

I dont know why im rambling sorry. Sometimes I get weepy like a bitch but I just leave work and go home and drink w cooper.
Watch the video and imagine crawling through to save other humans and dogs. Out of 5 we only lost peanut the saddleback

Check your emergency heat strips folks. Trust me.

Hush that. You're allowed to mourn. No denigrating or minimalizing your pain.

And yes, words are easy when you haven't lived it.
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