Does anyone here actually still believe in Darwin's theory?

I believe in Darwin's Theory of Evolution

  • Yes - I am capable of learning, but never done actual research on subject

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • Yes - but I follow people blindly and claim everything is racist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - but I have no idea why

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • No - I know can defend this position

    Votes: 17 50.0%

  • Total voters
Wait, what in this existence (reality) doesn’t evolve? Relationships, learning/understanding of oneself, weathering of rocks and structures, geologic reshaping, tropical depressions into hurricanes, the trajectory of interplanetary/interstellar/intergalactic objects, computer coding by humans and AI, etc...

Why would living beings not also evolve?
Wait, what in this existence (reality) doesn’t evolve? Relationships, learning/understanding of oneself, weathering of rocks and structures, geologic reshaping, tropical depressions into hurricanes, the trajectory of interplanetary/interstellar/intergalactic objects, computer coding by humans and AI, etc...

Why would living beings not also evolve?
Evolution is a fact. Every creature evolves. Hell, I was born without an appendix or wisdom teeth.

My doctor always brags about it.
Wait, what in this existence (reality) doesn’t evolve? Relationships, learning/understanding of oneself, weathering of rocks and structures, geologic reshaping, tropical depressions into hurricanes, the trajectory of interplanetary/interstellar/intergalactic objects, computer coding by humans and AI, etc...

Why would living beings not also evolve?
Evolution exists, doesn't explain our genesis*
Evolution is a fact. Every creature evolves. Hell, I was born without an appendix or wisdom teeth.

My doctor always brags about it.
Actually, the way in which micro-evolution (not Darwin’s Theory) occurs is by loss of function mutations. Small breakdowns in the DNA lead to new protein development that presents in stripes or spots on cats, changed in beak shape or fur density.

Its actually more accurate to call that, de-evolution.

We also know enough about the genetic code and have run enough replications to know for a fact those changed never occur outside of a family unit in taxonomy.
I am living proof of Darwin's theory of evolution when things go slightly wrong. Einstein summed it up well when he said that "the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." I have noticed for me, and most of humanity that I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking with is that change all begins with thinking: we can immediately form new neurological connections and circuits that reflect our new thoughts, and nothing gets the brain more excited that when it is learning. Unfortunately my brain doesn't get as excited as it used to?
I am living proof of Darwin's theory of evolution when things go slightly wrong. Einstein summed it up well when he said that "the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." I have noticed for me, and most of humanity that I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking with is that change all begins with thinking: we can immediately form new neurological connections and circuits that reflect our new thoughts, and nothing gets the brain more excited that when it is learning. Unfortunately my brain doesn't get as excited as it used to?
If by lies you mean fact, than yes I agree.

You think it’s just random all these alien sightings??? There is even White House video of a reptilian secret service agent back when Obama was President. If we know they exist, they lose power, and the elites do everything they can to keep that from us. That’s why Trump had to go.

Also find it highly unusual neither Obama nor Hillary sweat. Neither does Prince Andrew for that matter.
If by lies you mean fact, than yes I agree.

Once geologic time gets involved, it makes sense.

People that read the Bible cant get over a day to us COULD be different from a day to God. I still have faith, but what about the dinosaurs and aliens?

It will be one of my first questions if I ever get a Q&A with the Good Lord.
Once geologic time gets involved, it makes sense.

People that read the Bible cant get over a day to us COULD be different from a day to God. I still have faith, but what about the dinosaurs and aliens?

It will be one of my first questions if I ever get a Q&A with the Good Lord.
You do realize Christianity and the Bible is a copy cat religion and book right?
You think it’s just random all these alien sightings??? There is even White House video of a reptilian secret service agent back when Obama was President. If we know they exist, they lose power, and the elites do everything they can to keep that from us. That’s why Trump had to go.

Also find it highly unusual neither Obama nor Hillary sweat. Neither does Prince Andrew for that matter.
This got me good!
Once geologic time gets involved, it makes sense.

People that read the Bible cant get over a day to us COULD be different from a day to God. I still have faith, but what about the dinosaurs and aliens?

It will be one of my first questions if I ever get a Q&A with the Good Lord.
Could be that dinosaurs and aliens are God just laughing at us trying to figure it out.
Why is it always one or the other? Couldn’t an omnipotent God create the process of evolution to further test the fallible human faith? Rinse and repeat for dinosaurs, Australopithecus, aliens, democrats, etc. If everything was black and white, right or wrong, what purpose would faith serve?
Once geologic time gets involved, it makes sense.

People that read the Bible cant get over a day to us COULD be different from a day to God. I still have faith, but what about the dinosaurs and aliens?

It will be one of my first questions if I ever get a Q&A with the Good Lord.
Lets Talk... A day to God is close to 1000 days to us. Or as an example. God is time less. Fyi the bible isnt here for us to know everything. Its for us to have a relationship with Him through His son. Bible leads us to how Live
Lets Talk... A day to God is close to 1000 days to us. Or as an example. God is time less. Fyi the bible isnt here for us to know everything. Its for us to have a relationship with Him through His son. Bible leads us to how Live

Love the part about relationship.

I always see it as our inability to understand stuff, not a limit on His powers.

Heard a mathematician turned preacher explain it so eloquently, that will always be my position.

Ex: imagine a parade. We are on the ground level watching floats go by. God is 5000 above seeing it all at once.

He took it from the theory of relativity to ^^ in just under an hour. Absolutely fascinating.
Why is it always one or the other? Couldn’t an omnipotent God create the process of evolution to further test the fallible human faith? Rinse and repeat for dinosaurs, Australopithecus, aliens, democrats, etc. If everything was black and white, right or wrong, what purpose would faith serve?
You are actually correct in that God designed us (our DNA has 3 billion characters) to be able to evolve.

But that ability to evolve is fairly limited. In fact, we've proven that via DNA sequencing, and by observing (via the scientific method) how mutations that benefit life, are almost exclusively loss-of-function mutations. That means the genetic code was originally designed to include the mutations that lead to enhanced ability to adapt for survival purposes, not that outside influences bound with the genetic code for gain of function mutations specifically for survival adaption.

Michael Behe is the leading intellect on this subject. He proved this back in the 90's and had to wait until he received tenure to publish his findings. He is attacked relentlessly by cult of Darwin.

Love the part about relationship.

I always see it as our inability to understand stuff, not a limit on His powers.Cr

Heard a mathematician turned preacher explain it so eloquently, that will always be my position.

Ex: imagine a parade. We are on the ground level watching floats go by. God is 5000 above seeing it all at once.

He took it from the theory of relativity to ^^ in just under an hour. Absolutely fascinating.
You can track most of this back to Genesis 1 & 2.

God established a natural order.


And God blessed them. And God said to them, s“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. tYou shall have them for food. 30 And uto every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 vAnd God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Almost every single issue we face today, or have faced throughout time, is when we got that order out of whack.

And it also goes back to the creation of sin.

The LORD God took the man kand put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil lyou shall not eat, for in the day that you eat4 of it you mshall surely die.”

We don't have the capacity to fully comprehend what God can & does understand & know. He didn't tell us not to eat the fruit because he wanted to keep something from us. He told us not to do it because were weren't capable of grasping that type of knowledge, primarily because we are not God.

The evidence for this assertation? See all of history.

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