There are a lot of different factors that increase the potential likelihood of a pandemic. Some factors also decrease the likelihood. Some of the things increasing the likelihood are a huge increase in global travel, increase in urbanization and population densification, China and SE Asia with new cities encroaching on areas with lots of wildlife vectors carrying transmissible viruses. The massive increase in factory farming in places like China for pigs/birds where things like flu easily jump species and mutate to new forms. Wet markets and the absurd thing people eat. I wouldn't have considered it before 2020, but obviously China is playing and manipulating viruses and their biocontainment precautions are garbage.How have we "known"? What makes it likely?
Just sent them an email as well. Good looking out. I encourage everyone to take 5 minutes to write them as well.For those that want to join me in telling the MLB what they think about this decision, you can email them at the following email address:
I told them I'm done until they restore the MLB game back to Atlanta and make a statement apologizing for their previous decision, and get politics out of baseball.
JFC man look it up. They are claiming he gave to publix and got $100,000 donated to his re-election campaign. The funds were donated previously. He made the decision B/C Publix has more locations that the other options in Florida.We all know the media is pure trash, evil and traitorous, but these tweets piss me off. If it is a lie....HOW is it a lie? What proof is Stephen talking about that shows it is a lie? Just saying it doesn't kill that fake news narrative.
Calm the fuck down. I am tired of tweets from Stephen Miller saying, SEE, THEY'RE LIARS! But then cites zero evidence. Since then, Mollie on Twitter and Daily Wire posted actual stories with real quotes and evidence proving their case. I KNOW they are lying, but a stupid fucking tweet from a very partisan individual saying they are lying but then posting zero to back the claim sure as shit isn't share worthy to help wake people up. The Mollie on Twitter tweet and Daily Wire story absolutely is worthy of sharing, and I have.JFC man look it up. They are claiming he gave to publix and got $100,000 donated to his re-election campaign. The funds were donated previously. He made the decision B/C Publix has more locations that the other options in Florida.
This is akin to impeachment #2 when they changed the date 1 year on a Trump tweet. He tweeted about protesters at State buildings for COVID and they tried to change the date and claim it was about the Capital.
If you dont see the are part of the LIARS!
See how that works!
Pillow guy fights on. And the State Legs of most contested states (and even uncontested) are closing loopholes left and right for 2022.What's up, gents? I haven't been keeping up with the thread lately. Does anyone know if Guiliani & Co are still going to try and get the word out on verifiable fraud with the election? It seems like everyone has just accepted it was stolen and has moved on.
I have a friend that works for a social media sentiment company. I had him look up MLB over the past 48 hours. He found 2.8M comments with 78% being negative. When you consider many that find what they did offensive are not even on social media the real objection is even greater. Glad that the good guys are finally willing to fight the war using the socialist rules. Cut them off from our money.Just sent them an email as well. Good looking out. I encourage everyone to take 5 minutes to write them as well.
ExcellentIt's gonna fall on deaf ears, but here's my email I wrote to MLB (in spoiler).
I'm ashamed of what I'm seeing. Feel so sorry for those that depended on that weekend.
I am writing this email to convey my sincere disdain for the decision made to remove the All Star Game from Atlanta due to the recently passed Voter Reform bill in Georgia.
I am a Metro Atlanta resident, have been a Braves fan and supporter since I was a small child. The MLB has been a staple in my household for as long as I can remember. Summer nights were for Braves Baseball and I'm of the generation that tuned into TBS each and every night. I have attended hundreds of games in my adult years, and spent countless dollars on apparel and memorabilia to support your organization.
I am sincerely shocked at the decision Rob Manfred and MLB has made to punish the Braves for a decision that was not made by the organization. Beyond the obvious political gaslighting by the media, this is a decision that will affect African-American owned businesses and countless others that depend on hospitality contracts and revenue from the All-Star game. Cobb County is an area that votes traditionally Democrat, and the decision is a far cry from justice for those who depend on contracts and the added visitors the ASG would have brought to the Metro ATL area. Another very important point is that the Hospitality Industry is still on life support due to the Covid Pandemic, most of these vendors and workers were relying on this game to help recoup some of the losses incurred during these trying times.
This letter will be deleted quickly I'm sure, as the MLB has made it clear with their decision making that the customer is not of the most importance, only virtue signaling and appeasing corporate sponsors. I will never watch another MLB product and I will surely never spend the money to attend another MLB game. This is not an isolated opinion, I have many friends and acquaintances that have committed to boycotting your organization.
I am pasting the link below to the Georgia Bill, as it is clear your decision makers did not actually read it. None of the false narrative parroted by the White House, media, or Corporate Entities accurately portray the changes in the voting laws. I am interested to see if you will change your corporate office from the state of New York, as your own voting laws are more restrictive than the changes in GA.
I find it disappointing, but I am happy that your organization has lifted the veil on your true feelings for customers and consumers of "America's Game". By alienating a very large market and a traditional baseball town due to Partisan Politics, you have shown the true colors of the current decision making body and of the Commissioner himself.
Our country is divided on every level, and organizations such as yourself have stoked the flames. I believe these actions will have serious consequences in the forms of revenue and support for your once proud organization.
Ex-MLB Supporter
or liberal advertisers.It’s my understanding Augusta National owns the Master’s Tourney with no affiliation to the PGA. If the PGA distanced themselves the club could still hold the Master’s with no help needed from the PGA.
lol @ the timing of this, Arky gov just veto'd the bill to keep people from performing transgender procedures on kids.