Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
There is a part of me which thinks the Dems/Chinese have never stopped manipulating their virus and are continuing to release new versions. It's too convenient that all these new "strains" continue to appear putting a damper on worldwide business while the Chinese expand.
Can't give the chinese all the credit. They just grabbed the baton when Trump cut off the funding.
He’s like a less likable and more punchable version of what you’d expect to see if Flounder (animal house) and George Castanza had a dry anal sex baby.

But if that dude is 35....he’s gonna be looking like Jerry Nader any day now.
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Haven't seen this video but is it a how to video on shitting your pants in a stand up position?
We all know the media is pure trash, evil and traitorous, but these tweets piss me off. If it is a lie....HOW is it a lie? What proof is Stephen talking about that shows it is a lie? Just saying it doesn't kill that fake news narrative.
TBH, I didn't watch the broadcast nor the full tape.
However, the claim is that Gov D was heavily selectively edited.
There is a part of me which thinks the Chinese have never stopped manipulating their virus and are continuing to release new versions. It's too convenient that all these new "strains" continue to appear putting a damper on worldwide business while the Chinese expand.
Agree 100% but is it just the Chinese or are Gates/Soros/the rest of the cabal doing the same? There is a reason Gates has been sayin there is another outbreak on the horizon. Seeing Covid 25 project info certainly makes it hard to ignore that possibility.
Have we decided if 17 is/was a LARP?
IDK if "we" will ever decide with unanimity but it's simple for me. General Flynn has seen and knows a lot more than any of us and he's a 17 supporter, hell he might very well be on the team. That's enough for me...Q did its job extremely well and the intel in those drops - necessary disinfo aside - is still coming out.
Is our society in a state of mass psychosis? Interesting video that popped up in my recommended feed on YouTube today.

Jung and others get so close, but their foundation is so flawed, so they never quite get there.

Yes, the inability to not reconcile the reality of our existence against the facts and rationale. Have you ever asked yourself is it good or bad that if you touch something you feel pain? Is that good or bad? If you kept leaning on a knife for instance, would that be better or worse for you?

The obvious answer is it would be bad. Instead of cutting our finger, we might cut off the entire appendage. We have the ability to understand/comprehend the fact that our world is inherently broken. People shouldn't be slaughtered. Kids shouldn't be abused. It's unfair when innocent people are hurt by others. It's frustrating, as we all know, when people lie to us as part of a power structure. We know, in our soul, that these things aren't right.

These are all God's way of highlighting that we WILL get hurt. We WILL feel pain. It's how he equipped us to survive (spiritually) beyond the physical limitations of our body and the temporal of the physical world. And we need more than ourselves (individually and collectively)

Those "breaking points" aren't merely a psychosis. In fact, that is a real dis-service when we minimize, and ostracize those experiencing a "breakdown", when they are simply realizing what is true: the world/they are inherently broken. That is true. There is no denying it. Empirically, historically, statistically, etc... we have not evolved into a position of moral standard. If anything, we continue to digress.

This is why yesterday was so important. It is the only real hope anyone has when you actually examine worldview. God created the world. Man wanted to share his glory and was not worth of that fulfilling that role. Sin was created and entered the world. God gave us the law to act as a mirror for our sin. No person could ever keep the law (it's ~6000 rules). The sacrifices (burnt offerings) were all temporary. But God promised to provide a complete and permanent sacrifice. God humbled himself, came in human form as Jesus. He lived a perfect (sinless) life, thus fulfilling the law. And then he went, in obedience to God, to be beaten, scourged, and crucified (a criminals death penalty) for crimes he did not commit . On the cross ,the full wrath of God was poured out on Jesus, for my sins and your sins and every person who ever lived/will live sins. He was buried, and on the third day God raised him up to conquer the death that awaits everyone. And all that repent of their sins and lay them at the cross of Jesus and believe in HIm, will have that eternal life.

Dying for our sins was half the battle. That was the savior part. In and of itself, that allows us to avoid the debt we owe to God for being sinners. We avoid the cross only because of Jesus.

Rising from the dead is where we actually defeat death and have an actual pathway to Heaven if we give our entire lives to Jesus. That is the Lord part.

Jesus is Lord and Savior. They are equally important for individual salvation.
Fucking White Liberals.

Sounds like it was something that came up that day and the admin completely forgot it and had to come up with a quick excuse to cancel it to save face. Racism is the new “dog ate my homework” and lynching is always the best route to go because coward whiteys won’t ever push back and say that’s an asinine opinion
I am saddened that Mr Boswell thinks so little of Jackie Robinson.

To equate a true historical step forward with the league bullying a state for trying to ensure fair elections says far too much about Mr Boswell’s integrity.
For those that want to join me in telling the MLB what they think about this decision, you can email them at the following email address:

I told them I'm done until they restore the MLB game back to Atlanta and make a statement apologizing for their previous decision, and get politics out of baseball.
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Wonder why this one isn't considered racist


The stabbing victim was Asian, but investigators who questioned Montoya “didn't come across anything to suggest she attacked the victim due to her race,” Railsback said.

But amid an rise in attacks on people of Asian descent over the last year, investigators will look into the possibility of a hate crime to “make sure they cover all their bases,” the officer said.

Montoya had been arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of attacking a woman with a skateboard but was was released on a “Notice to Appear” citation due to COVID-19 restrictions, Railsback said.

He said the victim in that case was a white woman.
For those that want to join me in telling the MLB what they think about this decision, you can email them at the following email address:

I told them I'm done until the restore the MLB game back to Atlanta and make a statement apologizing for their previous decision, and get politics out of baseball.
I mean, the only thing that’s going to make them listen is a loss of revenue. A big loss.

I’m willing to bet most of the MLB fan base is not BLM/liberals. Need to fight fire with fire by hitting their wallets like what the fan base did with the NBA.
The stabbing victim was Asian, but investigators who questioned Montoya “didn't come across anything to suggest she attacked the victim due to her race,” Railsback said.

But amid an rise in attacks on people of Asian descent over the last year, investigators will look into the possibility of a hate crime to “make sure they cover all their bases,” the officer said.

Montoya had been arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of attacking a woman with a skateboard but was was released on a “Notice to Appear” citation due to COVID-19 restrictions, Railsback said.

He said the victim in that case was a white woman.
Funny enough, I have not seen any riots or protests from Asians for Asians on these attacks.
I mean, the only thing that’s going to make them listen is a loss of revenue. A big loss.

I’m willing to bet most of the MLB fan base is not BLM/liberals. Need to fight fire with fire by hitting their wallets like what the fan base did with the NBA.
Exactly. I told them I'm done with the MLB so we won't be tuning in to anything or buying any tickets or memorabilia. However, if they gets hundreds of thousands or millions of emails stating this, and then following through on it, I would think they'd be more apt to listen sooner but that's just my opinion.
Augusta stood up pretty hard against that ugly woman 20 years ago. I’m pretty sure the Masters will not be leaving Georgia.
It’s my understanding Augusta National owns the Master’s Tourney with no affiliation to the PGA. If the PGA distanced themselves the club could still hold the Master’s with no help needed from the PGA.
For those that want to join me in telling the MLB what they think about this decision, you can email them at the following email address:

I told them I'm done until the restore the MLB game back to Atlanta and make a statement apologizing for their previous decision, and get politics out of baseball.

Add this exact message to the what can we do to help our movement thread. It’s probably on the bottom of page 1 or page 2.

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