By the way they tried this once. It was not just the Germans that invaded Russia in the WWII. It was a multi-national force. The only difference is that the Germans were at war with the English also.![]()
How Donald Trump has brought a European army one step closer
Leaders fear the US will pull its troops out of Europe and hope a joint force could deter an aggressive
Dead on assessment. Unfortunately the book four turnings also says basically the same goes into detail that we’re fucked. Even if they make SS solvent, medical, COL, expensive end of life care will be so expensive, the 13th generation is fucked. Started with Gen X being over sexualized as kids (ex is Brook Shields) and there was a decrease in population because of birth control and abortion. Now this mess where Boomers blew the moneyYeah because all of the corruption and theft from the SS fund had nothing to with the enormous cadre of people currently 65 year old or older being in power for the last 40 fucking years…
While Gen X has paid enormous amounts of our hard earned money into this system our entire lives, especially those of us making 6-figure salaries, the Boomers have never really had to worry about their SS income in retirement. So please forgive me if I don’t have tolerance to hear rebuttals from folks who don’t have the same solvency problem Gen X has. SS solvency is a non-issue for most Boomers - thanks to the responsible/unselfish generations that came before them.
My gen is now threatened with the benefit being depleted 5-7 years before retirement. And that is due to theft and corruption with Boomers in charge.
Who should we blame? The silent generation? The founders of the nation? Maybe we should blame the millennials! lol the baby boomers had everything in the fucking world gifted to them and they fucking squandered all of it.
They’ve had control for longer than any other generation in American history. Shit man, only now are Gen X changing the dynamic of power. Interesting as fuck how only now we’re seeing actual metrics of solvency on the SS system. Crazy right? Gen X leadership does the math and it’s obvious how fucked we are. But hey don’t blame the boomers… We don’t want to upset them while they’ve been retired since 55 years old, enjoying their cherished pensions, IRA payouts, Social Security, Medicare, sitting in their huge fucking houses they paid for when the cost of housing was orders of magnitude more affordable. It’s not their fault. Lol
Fake news.With all due respect... your generation isn't very bright...
You totally want to blame the Boomers for something THEY DIDN'T DO!
I practically GAVE YOU the solution, but like all generations after the Boomers they can't do math.
They can't add numbers without a calculator! Can't make change in their head! Can't read a dial clock! Can't think outside the box! They don't know history!
That's what is known as institutionalized stupidity.
You're welcome!
Now be a good little boy and figure out WHAT POLITICAL PARTY AND WHAT PRESIDENT took the Social Security Trust Fund and put it into the General Fund so they could PILFER IT at will!!
FOLLOW THE MONEY! When you follow the money you will never be led astray!!
Kids these days....!
The former communist countries still know what freedom is because their kids grew up with stories from their grandparents and parents. Western Europe has been too fat and rich for too long. They've sent all their strong men off to die in wars and only the weak bitch ass pussies repopulated.I don’t think Europes culture aligns with ours at this time. But
I’d love to see a new alliance formed with freedom loving nations.
There’s room for any country at the table. They just have to adopt our bill of rights as their own. Pledge allegiance to their citizens as freedom protecting governments and move forward in this world together as partners.
It's like Liberia all over again. I forget the black dude I saw the other day talk about it. His mom moved there to prove black people could do better without white people around. She moved back to America soon after he was born. Millions in investment and the country blew through it in a couple years and descended into civil war.Please do!!!
Plus, Dave Chappelle was on Rogan and talked about African films. Joe asked what were they about? and Dave said "I don't think they are really about anything. They just kind of film people doing stuff".... LOLThey would be lost in Africa since there are no McDonald's on every jungle path. Doubtful many would survive wearing loin cloths and chasing food with spears.