Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Good points, sir. One of the things I’m starting to realize is a lot of this USAID stuff is clearly over the typical normie’s head. I pray normal people start to see the implications and start connecting dots. Hope they have as much efficiency in “showing them” as they do in showing us (the unplugged).
The normies are the focus of THE Great Awakening. Trust The Plan.

Most governments don’t want USAID funds flowing into their countries because they understand where much of that money actually ends up.

While marketed as support for development, democracy, and human rights, the majority of these funds are funneled into opposition groups, NGOs with political agendas, and destabilizing movements.

At best, maybe 10% of the money reaches real projects that help people in need (there are such cases), but the rest is used to fuel dissent, finance protests, and undermine administrations that refuse to align with the globalist agenda.

Cutting this so-called aid isn’t just beneficial for the United States; it’s also a big win for the rest of the world.
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