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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
I was thinking about this earlier today.

In my opinion, they know how hated Comrade Kamala is and are unable to push her through like Biden. The amount of cheating will be unreasonable (hell of a lot more than 2020, and that gap was ridiculous and only exposed the GOP) so they're hoping to win the house and senate. The house b/c it has the ability to block trump (I believe it's the house) and it will be easier to place someone else in besides hated Comrade Kamala if she loses in a landslide.

I still believe trump will win but they'll absolutely try to steal it, and no matter the outcome, the military aged men from all over the world will here illegally will be released to wreck havoc on America.

I hate how things are playing out, and that innocent people from all over are getting swept up in this chaos. The thing that gives me peace is the evil corruption is so in your face, it's being exposed at a rapid rate, if you don't see it by now then it's only a matter of time.
Something tells me in the back of my head that this election is going to shock quite a few people as in millions.

I don’t think it’ll be close and I’m thinking it’s more along the lines of a 1984 landslide and nothing can stop what is coming. I think we have the pieces in place to not necessarily stop the cheating but to stop the hemorrhaging of cheating.

You stated correctly that they are going to cheat, but I look at examples like Kentucky in North Carolina where the state house and Senate goes overwhelmingly red and for some god-awful reason, the governor is a Democrat chosen. That just doesn’t happen and down ballot voting.

Therefore, I truly feel as if this shit is going to blow wide the fuck open here in a couple weeks and there is literally no amount of cheating that is going to be able to stop it.


Jan 9, 2021
Something tells me in the back of my head that this election is going to shock quite a few people as in millions.

I don’t think it’ll be close and I’m thinking it’s more along the lines of a 1984 landslide and nothing can stop what is coming. I think we have the pieces in place to not necessarily stop the cheating but to stop the hemorrhaging of cheating.

You stated correctly that they are going to cheat, but I look at examples like Kentucky in North Carolina where the state house and Senate goes overwhelmingly red and for some god-awful reason, the governor is a Democrat chosen. That just doesn’t happen and down ballot voting.

Therefore, I truly feel as if this shit is going to blow. Why the fuck open here in a couple weeks and there is literally no amount of cheating that is going to be able to stop it
I hope and pray you are correct! However, be prepared for the aftermath of what the left will try to do. No, i do not know their plan, but i have plenty of weapons at my disposal that I will happily use if the libtards come to my front door.


Jan 8, 2021
Something tells me in the back of my head that this election is going to shock quite a few people as in millions.

I don’t think it’ll be close and I’m thinking it’s more along the lines of a 1984 landslide and nothing can stop what is coming. I think we have the pieces in place to not necessarily stop the cheating but to stop the hemorrhaging of cheating.

You stated correctly that they are going to cheat, but I look at examples like Kentucky in North Carolina where the state house and Senate goes overwhelmingly red and for some god-awful reason, the governor is a Democrat chosen. That just doesn’t happen and down ballot voting.

Therefore, I truly feel as if this shit is going to blow wide the fuck open here in a couple weeks and there is literally no amount of cheating that is going to be able to stop it.
I hope you are right. I was feeling that way 4 years ago too. So hopefully the rest of America has caught up to us.


Jan 8, 2021
Tonight shit is gonna get real. Just a light rain right now at 0715. Give it 12 hours and the wind will be whipping. I’m supposed to try to go to work tomorrow at 0645, right about the time the eye is supposed to be passing over central FLA. It’s gonna be interesting for sure. Thanks for the prayers LACers
Checking in from North of Tampa...been raining all morning. Light wind gusts. 14-16mph currently. But tonight will get wild.


Dec 1, 2020

BREAKING: A Secret Service whistleblower reports that USSS leadership is DENYING government auditors access to certain Trump events to conceal the fact he is still not getting maximum protection

If you’re under 35 and you vote for Democrats, you deserve everything you get under a Democratic regime. You deserve it all. You deserve to be broke. You deserve not to afford a house. You deserve to be a Russian serf. You’re voting for it, you own it.


Jan 8, 2021
I get thinking about where this next hurricane is coming through Central Florida and it dawned on me that a couple weeks ago when I was there that the Jews are putting in one huge private development. It will have thousands of homes their private hospital, shopping and restaurants and everything. It sits right outside of Okeechobee. Most know that Okeechobee is a big fishing town with a lot of 55 and up communities and all the snow birds go there for the winter. It’s also to me what I call the largest trailer parks in America.
How convenient was it for the insurance companies to drop all these insurances on all these mobile homes in that area. Knowing if a storm hits most people are gone.
All the dirt work is done in that community and all the blocks are sitting beside the pads ready to go a couple weeks ago.
Maybe I’m just overthinking it or at least I hope I am.


Dec 9, 2020
Where to start…

I wish I had my 46 minutes back. In my limited understanding of Christianity my responses to the video are…

God with capital G is three in one.
God The Father
God The Son (Jesus)
God The Holy Spirit

They, God, created us, man, in His image.

Commandment One

God, The Father, speaking “you shall have no other gods before me”

Exodus 20:3

Capital “G”, God. Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent

The Creator says no other gods before me. Lower case “g” gods.

Human beings are to put God 1st in their life. Unfortunately, everyone has gods in their life (i.e., wife, kids, job, cars, drugs, alcohol, any vice) and those things, sometimes important, those gods are not to supplant God. He’s above all and 1st in everything.

Jesus (Himself, not the metaphor) says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”…

Luke 10:27

The notion that Jesus isn’t a real thing doesn’t compute. He, The Son of God, 100% God and 100% man at the same time, walked the earth and is the most influential physical person, being, in human history.

It is historically proven that Jesus walked the earth a tangible being. The 12 people closest to Jesus all died knowing Jesus was

“…the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

Do you think that 12 people who knew Jesus on earth would lose their lives over an idea or a metaphor?

On top of that millions have died subsequently believing Jesus is the Son of God.

We’re talking about a guy, Jesus, who’s ministry was roughly three years. In those years of ministry, He redefined the order of Judaism with His teachings. His teachings threatened the established hierarchy of Jews and for that He had to be killed to fulfill the scriptures.

For over 2000 years people have been trying to deny and to discredit The Bible and Christianity. Hasn’t happened. God’s Word, The Bible, will come to fruition. He will return and save those who know, believe in Him.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Romans 10:10

There’s so much more I want to say on the topic, but I’ll defer to people much more knowledgeable and versed like @Hoosier in Mad Town .

Christianity is an invitation for all people to know Jesus. Through His grace and mercy all we have to do is accept His offer. There is no way to “earn” your way to heaven. Jesus died for our sins, creating a pathway to God. Without Jesus dying for our sins, making us clean, we would not be presentable to God.

Anyone doubting Jesus’ words I advise to dig in further to disprove what He says. My knowledge is very limited but I know that…

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10
I think you might like this book – "The Essene Humane Gospel Of Yashaya Including The Essene Gospel Of Peace: Essene Gospels" by Edmond Szekley, Edmond Szeckey.

Start reading it for free: https://a.co/eyMotEo

Jesus's own words are undeniable.


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 9, 2021


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

Duke Energy is gearing up for over a million potential power outages in Florida as Hurricane Milton looms.

Interestingly, the company also owns the dams that released water in North Carolina and Hawaiian Electric, tied to the Lahaina fire in Maui.

Major shareholders include BlackRock,
Vanguard and State Street.


Jan 9, 2021


Jan 8, 2021
I was thinking about this earlier today.

In my opinion, they know how hated Comrade Kamala is and are unable to push her through like Biden. The amount of cheating will be unreasonable (hell of a lot more than 2020, and that gap was ridiculous and only exposed the GOP) so they're hoping to win the house and senate. The house b/c it has the ability to block trump (I believe it's the house) and it will be easier to place someone else in besides hated Comrade Kamala if she loses in a landslide.

I still believe trump will win but they'll absolutely try to steal it, and no matter the outcome, the military aged men from all over the world will here illegally will be released to wreck havoc on America.

I hate how things are playing out, and that innocent people from all over are getting swept up in this chaos. The thing that gives me peace is the evil corruption is so in your face, it's being exposed at a rapid rate, if you don't see it by now then it's only a matter of time.

This is my train of thought

Yes theyre still gonna try to steal but they’re more likely to succeed in the congress elections and/or they’ll attempt not to certify when trump wins

If dt gets 100 million votes, which is entirely possible if everyone gets off their asses, how does a reasonable person think dumbass cameltoe gets 101 million

Im nervous but I think we win, please god help us 🙏


Jan 8, 2021
I hope and pray you are correct! However, be prepared for the aftermath of what the left will try to do. No, i do not know their plan, but i have plenty of weapons at my disposal that I will happily use if the libtards come to my front door.

I just bought a sweet speed loader, loads mags in 3 secs

Come get chew some lib an faggits


Dec 1, 2020
This is my train of thought

Yes theyre still gonna try to steal but they’re more likely to succeed in the congress elections and/or they’ll attempt not to certify when trump wins

If dt gets 100 million votes, which is entirely possible if everyone gets off their asses, how does a reasonable person think dumbass cameltoe gets 101 million

Im nervous but I think we win, please god help us 🙏

He’s going to win. That’s not the problem. The problems start once he has won. I don’t think the deep state will let him take office. That’s when we will all have some real decisions to make as citizens.


Mar 24, 2023
Trump wins. The agenda needs to be:

  1. Replace Clarence Thomas. I love him, but he old.
  2. Replace Alito. I love him, but he old too.
You shouldn't vote.


Because you are young!

"Age is a matter of mind... if you don't mind, it don't matter!"

When the judges start tripping up stairs ala Joe... then you have an argument to make.
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