Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
and you just know that there are dozons if NGOs around the world funded by liberal causes recruiting illegals and funding there trips to the southern border
There's going to be a huge rabies outbreak along the border. I read where the numbers of abandoned dogs, cats and other animals along the border is massive. Don't know where they came from. Presumable some or many from the illegals.

Lawsuit coming.

Looks like Jordan doesn't want the scourge of Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and others moving into Jordan. Guess what? They are already there and more coming.
^^Trudeau desperate and buying votes^^



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^^of course they say his faith played no part in this^^

^^she is a true cunt, left wants to change history^^

She and He will change many votes. Was at a BD party yesterday and every woman there was all gaga over Swift and Kelce. Heck, they knew Kelce's bro just retired from Philly. I didn't know that.

however , when Taylor Swift endorses Michelle Obama , we’ll that’s different , and millions of young women and girls who never would have bothered voting of Jotato will turn out en mass.

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