Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Muller to continue with his witch hunt and abuse on Trump's children by the many deposition hours they were forced to sit through. Bar also knew about voter fraud and refused to investigate it. Bar plans on finding a very tall bridge (his words) when Trump is sworn in because he will be locked up for the rest of his life or worse.

Because Bill Barr is going to be witness #2 in the future trials. Chris Wray will be witness #1. They have to be publicly against Trump to be credible witnesses in the treason trials.

Why is it that we only hear about deployment of troops to these countries when they get attacked?

maybe McCain jr can do another verse of his buddy’s bomb Iran song.

OR we could get our troops out of these countries where stuff like this happens. There is no reason for them to be over there acting as targets to stir things up. If they don’t have a mission of destroying things with the gloves off they should be at home.
Because Bill Barr is going to be witness #2 in the future trials. Chris Wray will be witness #1. They have to be publicly against Trump to be credible witnesses in the treason trials.

wouldn’t sessions be witness 1? What about rosenstein?

Israeli prominent media personality and former TV host Avi Gilad suggests that the day after the war, Israel should burn all books in Gaza. In his Facebook post, Avi suggests that "we need to burn all their textbooks, across all professions in Palestine Square in Gaza, and rewrite them with new books, in which every page, every line, every word will pass our approval."

He proceeds to compare the Palestinian education system to the Nazi era and calls for a "Denazification" of the Palestinian education systems, similar to what Allied countries did in WW2 after the defeat of the Nazis. There are no errors in the text.

he created a mock election between George Washington and Benedict Arnold, inserted ALL 5 ballots for Washington, and closed the polls. Only problem? The machine printed results that showed 2 votes for Washington & 3 votes for Benedict ArnoldBut equally alarming, Halderman proved to the court that this hack could be undetectable because the same card can program the machine to erase all logs and history of the act. NO ONE would ever catch itThese are the machines Georgians vote on. It's high time for the legislature to ban them.
attended the trial in person and explained to


BIDEN DOESN’T HAVE ANY LEGAL AUTHORITY TO SEIZE CONTROL OF TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD (The Daily Signal)Texas Democratic politicians, such as Rep. Joaquin Castro and failed gubernatorial and Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke, are urging President Joe Biden to seize control of the Texas National Guard, which Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has mobilized to help secure the Texas border.Abbott did so in the face of the deliberate and intentional inaction by the Biden administration to make sure the border stays open so millions of illegal aliens could continue to flood across from Mexico.Under the circumstances, any such move by the president would be an abuse of the applicable law.A number of federal statutes govern the National Guard, which is the modern equivalent of state militias and a reserve component of our military. Under 10 U.S.C. § 12301(a), the secretary of defense (and thus the president) is given the authority in “time of war or of national emergency declared by Congress, or when otherwise authorized by law” to order National Guard units to active duty.But they cannot be called to active duty by the president “without the consent of the governor of the State.” If the governor consents, the unit called into federal service under Title 10 reports to the president as the commander in chief while in federal service.Full article:

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