Walt Heyer on transgenderism being a mental disorder
Walt Heyer joined me for a conversation about
transgenderism and why it’s a mental disorder.
He was born in Los Angeles in 1940 and had a difficult childhood, being sexually abused by his uncle and physically abused by his father. As a result, he felt like he didn’t fit in with other boys and often wished he were a girl.
When Walt was 42 years old, he underwent gender reassignment surgery and “became” a woman named Laura Jensen for eight years, but eventually realised that he had made a mistake.
He “detransitioned” in 1991 and began speaking out against transgenderism.

Walt argues that “transitioning” is not the solution for people with gender dysphoria, and that underlying psychological issues need to be addressed. He also criticises the media and medical practitioners for promoting sex change as a successful solution without acknowledging the potential for regret.
Gender dysphoria is a
mental disorder in which an individual believes that he or she is the wrong gender.
He emphasises that, while hormones and surgery can alter appearances, they cannot change one’s biological sex.
To be clear, there is no such thing as gender reassignment surgery because one’s gender cannot be reassigned. A man cannot become a woman, and a woman cannot become a man.
There is no such thing as “transgender” either.
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and the sex chromosomes are X and Y. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome. This difference in chromosomes determines a number of physical characteristics, including the development of the reproductive organs, the growth of facial and body hair, and the voice.
Walt is the author of several books about his experiences, including
Gender Dysphoria: The Other Side of Transsexualism and
A Transgender’s Journey Back to Reality.
I stumbled across his story in a documentary called
I Want My Sex Back.
Walt Heyer tried to be a woman and regretted his decision. He joined me for a conversation about transgenderism and why it’s a mental illness.