Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Well, LAC now has a division in the southern hemisphere of the world!

It was a long day of travel as one of my bags is still in Houston but no big deal!

One of my best friends that lives down here with his wife and my Godchildren picked me up at the airport.

Even the drive-in from the airport is stunningly beautiful see the first pic below!

This place is more amazing than I thought. It would be beyond my wildest dreams.

And yes, the rumors are true. I’ve never seen so many good looking girls, concentrated in one metro area, my entire life.

The girl working the duty-free shop at the Medellin men airport. Could’ve walked off the cover of Vogue magazine.

It was really late so I went to a little restaurant that was open and my waitress a little young, at 19-20 was very pretty.

Just driving and walking around on the streets tonight and it’s a Sunday night. There are beautiful girls everywhere.

There are multiple casinos literally 100 yards down my street restaurants, office spaces, clubs, bars, lounges, coffee shops for as far as I want to walk

There is a reason they call this area “The Golden Mile”.

There is a WeWork three blocks from my house. I think I’m going to set up shop there so I can separate work from living if it’s reasonable, which I can’t imagine it’s not.

That’s all for now. I’ll give you guys updates throughout the week..

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Edit - if you guys are single, and don’t come visit me down here and participate in this plethora of beautiful life in every way…

Then you guys are faggots 🤣
Just don’t stick your dick in the wrong chick and wake up dead.

Congrats on those big nuts the lord gave you. You said you were gonna do it, and you did.
No one ever lost money capitalizing on the unlimited nonsense spewed out by the collective deer-caught-in-the-headlights also known as Western mainstream media – complete with showering Person of the Year awards on a megalomaniac, cocaine-fueled lousy actor impersonating a warlord.

Putin's Meat Grinder. 400,000 Ukrainian Casualties.
Purty Good Analysis

Where can I find his podcast? I want to listen to that. Motherfucker, he gets it!

Please advise
Just check out RealAF on Spotify or Apple. He’s got some content on YouTube too. CEO of 1stPhorm. His content on events, business and self-motivation is great. I have been listening to him since before the pandemic. Here’s a good starting point for you while you are banging hotties in Columbia.
Buenos días de Medellín!!!

I can’t decide whether I like my night view from my place better or this fabulous morning view…

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Slept with windows open with lows in upper 50’s right now it’s 62 and we’ll have a high of 78….sorry I’m going to miss the incoming winter storm this year…y’all stay warm🤣
Who’s the hottie in pink on the rooftop? Might be time to invest in some optics.
@Cheddarwurst despite what some say on here, not voting is not the answer. We have to continue supporting America First candidates. We have to continue to heavily scrutinize local elections. We have got to get more involved in local elections. We are letting them steal these elections. We cannot give up, we have to continue to fight. In the end good will prevail over evil. That’s my take, right or wrong I stand by it. If some of the people in this thread were around during the revolution, we would’ve lost. Violence is not the way out of this. That is what the left wants and how they set-up everyone on J6. We cannot get sucked in again.

Sorry for one long paragraph. Typing on my phone.
We need one treason conviction/hanging for election interference and this shit is over.

Live look at the attorneys in those two cases after seeing the twitter files

Pure CIA Game. This is the same CIA scam that caused the Bay of Pigs, which got CIA Head Dulles fired which got JFK Murdered by the CIA.

The USA Government does not run shit since JFK's Murder. This should be obvious.
Some how the UKENAZI's found out the General's location. Then CIA says we told them NO.
But they went ahead anyway.
They said the same in Bay of Pigs. It was too late the plan was too far advanced and we could not stop them in time.
Americans will never be free until they free themselves of the Alphabet Agencies. Prisoners in our own land, they have made the Republic of Franklin and Jefferson into a Penal Colony for Americans.

I’d be cool with serving Milley up on a silver platter
What Covid Vaxxed are saying on Reddit. I was redirected there for a read. Crazy

Huh. Seems they’ll be up front and honest amongst “friends” also vaccinated.
Best ween off from all social media. The old conspiracy theories were right again. Total Deep State Spy Scam.
This is the only "social media" site I am on. I am sure we are being watched by someone here too. However I won't ever go on the other social media sites again. I was on them for a while and I hated them. That was before the real suppressing of conservative voices became more clear.

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