Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Well LAC it’s D-Day!

I’ve cleared customs and sitting in The United Club waiting for “Wheels Up” at 1015.

My mission is to Red-Pill Colombia 🇨🇴

Should any of you fine patriots want to help spread the word the invite is open.


WWG1WGTC (Modified version - Where We Go One We Go To Colombia)
Good luck and be careful brother, be safe
Everyone is talking about what an exciting World Cup final it was…

Let’s be real I’ve seen more exciting high school football playoff games in the great state of Texas!

Soccer can take a backseat to the real world of sports for the next four years!
What Covid Vaxxed are saying on Reddit. I was redirected there for a read. Crazy
Unvaccinated and just got over my second case of Covid, as did 3/4 of my family. 24 hours of a headache and lethargy. That’s it. I figure next time it will just be an hour or so. If I was vaccinated it would be fucking up my immune system and I’d have a week of Covid like all the people at my work. Glad some people are waking up.
Unvaccinated and just got over my second case of Covid, as did 3/4 of my family. 24 hours of a headache and lethargy. That’s it. I figure next time it will just be an hour or so. If I was vaccinated it would be fucking up my immune system and I’d have a week of Covid like all the people at my work. Glad some people are waking up.
I agree. Even a dumbass like me smelled BS. But take a look at the mental state of the dumb fucks at that link. I feel sorry for those forced by circumstance. But fuck this is like here you have to drink this glass of Roundup it will get rid of covid, which is a mild flu.

Honestly the vax was not about covid. Covid was the Fear Tool to stampede the sheep. The Vax has another purpose.
a sheeps.gif
Well, LAC now has a division in the southern hemisphere of the world!

It was a long day of travel as one of my bags is still in Houston but no big deal!

One of my best friends that lives down here with his wife and my Godchildren picked me up at the airport.

Even the drive-in from the airport is stunningly beautiful see the first pic below!

This place is more amazing than I thought. It would be beyond my wildest dreams.

And yes, the rumors are true. I’ve never seen so many good looking girls, concentrated in one metro area, my entire life.

The girl working the duty-free shop at the Medellin men airport. Could’ve walked off the cover of Vogue magazine.

It was really late so I went to a little restaurant that was open and my waitress a little young, at 19-20 was very pretty.

Just driving and walking around on the streets tonight and it’s a Sunday night. There are beautiful girls everywhere.

There are multiple casinos literally 100 yards down my street restaurants, office spaces, clubs, bars, lounges, coffee shops for as far as I want to walk

There is a reason they call this area “The Golden Mile”.

There is a WeWork three blocks from my house. I think I’m going to set up shop there so I can separate work from living if it’s reasonable, which I can’t imagine it’s not.

That’s all for now. I’ll give you guys updates throughout the week..



Edit - if you guys are single, and don’t come visit me down here and participate in this plethora of beautiful life in every way…

Then you guys are faggots 🤣
Well, LAC now has a division in the southern hemisphere of the world!

It was a long day of travel as one of my bags is still in Houston but no big deal!

One of my best friends that lives down here with his wife and my Godchildren picked me up at the airport.

Even the drive-in from the airport is stunningly beautiful see the first pic below!

This place is more amazing than I thought. It would be beyond my wildest dreams.

And yes, the rumors are true. I’ve never seen so many good looking girls, concentrated in one metro area, my entire life.

The girl working the duty-free shop at the Medellin men airport. Could’ve walked off the cover of Vogue magazine.

It was really late so I went to a little restaurant that was open and my waitress a little young, at 19-20 was very pretty.

Just driving and walking around on the streets tonight and it’s a Sunday night. There are beautiful girls everywhere.

There are multiple casinos literally 100 yards down my street restaurants, office spaces, clubs, bars, lounges, coffee shops for as far as I want to walk

There is a reason they call this area “The Golden Mile”.

There is a WeWork three blocks from my house. I think I’m going to set up shop there so I can separate work from living if it’s reasonable, which I can’t imagine it’s not.

That’s all for now. I’ll give you guys updates throughout the week..

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Edit - if you guys are single, and don’t come visit me down here and participate in this plethora of beautiful life in every way…

Then you guys are faggots 🤣
Have fun brother!
This is behind a paywall so had to cut and paste.
Of course I am no expert but I get it.

"Gary Heavin writes in the Epoch Times, Nuclear War: Why We Should Be Thinking About It Now

IMO he makes some important points and an interesting prediction. He writes that (Russian) hypersonic technology has made Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) obsolete. He says:

"How have the factors changed that have made MAD obsolete? First, Russia and China have surpassed the Western world’s nuclear capabilities to such a degree that the United States and its NATO allies are no longer considered equals. With hypersonic missile capabilities that our enemies possess and we do not, we’re no longer able to “mutually assure” their destruction. A missile that can travel at speeds faster than 10,000 miles per hour is unstoppable. Our missile defense system is useless against hypersonic nuclear attack, and we’ve allowed our enemies to advance their missile defense system capabilities to well exceed what we possess."

He goes on to say:

"Launch on Warning obsolete for US because with the threat of hypersonic missiles, the fire on warning protocol is simply irrelevant. The time from launch to impact of a hypersonic missile launched from a Russian submarine targeting Washington is less than 30 seconds."

He then makes this prediction:

"Without warning, Russia will target U.S. missile silos with hypersonic tactical nuclear weapons. These are low-yield, minimal fallout weapons, which will destroy our ability to significantly retaliate. They will also fire these weapons at our two primary submarine bases, where, at any time, half of our submarine fleet is at dock. This will all happen in just a few minutes. For good measure, Russia, North Korea, or China will fire a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse, or HEMP, weapon. This weapon would destroy the electric grid and leave the United States without power, water, internet, food supply chains, and fuel. Notice that with all these weapons, there’s no significant nuclear fallout, no nuclear winter.

Next, President Joe Biden will get a phone call from Putin, and it will sound like this: “Mister Biden, your nation has just been defeated. I have spared your cities. If you should decide to retaliate with your small remaining nuclear capabilities, within three minutes, New York City and Washington will be reduced to smoldering rubble. I will at this time accept your complete and unconditional surrender.”

I find this prediction quite interesting. Anyone care to comment?

I am curious about the claim that "The time from launch to impact of a hypersonic missile launched from a Russian submarine targeting Washington is less than 30 seconds." Any comments on that? I do know that to date the time has been 7 to 10 minutes for a SLBM warhead launched from a sub parked offshore to hit a target like Washington or Moscow."

@Cheddarwurst despite what some say on here, not voting is not the answer. We have to continue supporting America First candidates. We have to continue to heavily scrutinize local elections. We have got to get more involved in local elections. We are letting them steal these elections. We cannot give up, we have to continue to fight. In the end good will prevail over evil. That’s my take, right or wrong I stand by it. If some of the people in this thread were around during the revolution, we would’ve lost. Violence is not the way out of this. That is what the left wants and how they set-up everyone on J6. We cannot get sucked in again.

Sorry for one long paragraph. Typing on my phone.

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