From another board.
Can't pull for Ukraine because they are on Biden's side.
So have to be either neutral or pro-Russian.
Don't necessarily trust our media about Putin because they lie to me all the time.
Can't really cheerlead for the military because the DoD has identified right-wing conservatives as more of a threat than Russians, and the acting joint Chiefs wrote an open threatening letter to conservatives.
I mean we have a guy in the white house who takes Chinese Money and we're going to follow him into war against Russia. We're going to pretend that Joe Biden is a lesser threat than Putin?
So when you open borders, steal elections, take foreign money, threaten conservatives, force vaccines then you can no longer expect everyone to rally around the flag when it suits you
You're going to follow commies who shit on the constitution on a regular basis into war to defend your freedom?
My fear is that the Pentagon has some sinister plan to leave an American unit purposefully exposed to slaughter over there so that Fox News can announce to the naive old school "patriots" that Putin just slaughtered a good number of GI's triggering a whole bunch of blood lust and Russia hate.
Back in the '60s, when Mohammed Ali refused to go to Vietnam, he was quoted as saying that "No Viet Cong ever called me nword."
He was basically saying he didn't have to go all around the world to locate his enemies.
Man a lot of people hated him for saying that. He was supposed to jump to attention and go fight and be a good boy like Joe Lewis had been.
Lewis put on boxing exhibitions to fund raise for the war effort and donated 100% to the war effort. The IRS would later get him because he had donated 100%, including the IRS's portion. So they ruined him, taking everything, including the $67 his recently deceased momma left him.
Ali learned Lewis's lesson. And now 50 years later, we are learning both their lessons... we "ignorant deplorables".
There is nothing more dangerous or fearsome than the United States Government. And there are few entities as dishonest.
I'm done cheering it on. This massive, out-of-control central authority was never even meant to be by the founders. And it doesn't represent me when it lumbers around the world like Godzilla crushing the weak as a part of some new world order money-making racket.
So count me out of the big Russia hate fest.