Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Brandon’s America: Ribeyes wrapped in metal wire at Walmart to prevent theft​


Walmart has started securing high-priced steaks inside locked metal cages amid rising crime rates across the U.S., a new viral video has revealed.

Michael Fromhold, from Florida, was stunned when he noticed that the meat at his local Walmart had been locked up in what appears to be a rather dramatic attempt to prevent people from stealing it.

Michael took a video of it and shared it to TikTok where it quickly went viral - gaining more than four million views in a matter of days - and the clip lead some viewers to lament the fact that such measures have become necessary.

The video, which showed the Angus beef wrapped in chains with an electronic security tag, comes amid growing concern about the rising crime rates across the country - something that Michael quickly lamented in his post.

'You gotta be kidding me,' Michael began in the video, as he held up the protected meat. 'Walmart now has the steak locked up. Holy s**t it's come to this. This is getting bad.'


Brandon’s America: Ribeyes wrapped in metal wire at Walmart to prevent theft​


What a shit show.

I’ve been saying it for a while now but I think we’re about to see an economic collapse along with soaring inflation and interest rates.

We still have so many sheep in this country wearing masks and being sheep

Good time to stock up on gold ammunition maybe even food

Take care brother I hope you’re doing well
Wonder why this isn't on the news more? Oh right

Because, the news media and a very few on this board vilify the police as a whole, and not just ridicule the few that are bad.
Oh FFS. We are really screwed. Obama began purging the old war dawgs out of the Military and promoting his freaks who continued his policies even under Trump nose. Sailors that can't sail, a sorry state I do believe.
God Bless America and those who serve in the US MILITARY.
My water turned a dark brown the first time I used it. I heard heavy smokers water turns black or gray. Supposedly heavy metals and other toxins that accumulate in your body are extracted. Could be hokus pokus but I am a believer after doing the detox several times. my last one was very light in color. I take that as I have less toxins then before. Some review sites say the water changing color is because of the water used and the impurities in the water. I have used the same well water all three times and the water has become lighter after each use. I dont know what to really believe as far as that goes but I do feel better after the session. Could all be placibo and i am sure somebody will say it is junk science. Id argue the whole or most of our medical community has been shown to be farcical. Who to believe? SKOL!

With a grain of salt.

I would let a relative try it and observe the color change in the water.

If it goes back to being a dark color I would be more inclined to have more faith in it. If it stays light I would believe it to be the metals in the machine
Came across these. I wonder if this is why they are making Putin out to be the bad guy?

“Amongst the first things that Putin did when he came to power in 2000 was pay off all Russia’s debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) early and then shortly afterwards the so-called London and Paris Club debts left over from the Soviet Union days.”

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