Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Can someone copy & paste article? Don’t want to give out email
Here you go
ey State Department Email Detailing $7 Million Bribe Was Never Provided to Trump’s Impeachment Defense | Truth Over News
Truth Over News

A newly released email confirms that Burisma, the firm that gave Joe Biden’s son Hunter a lucrative position on its board, paid a $7 million bribe to the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office. The email also confirms that Obama’s State Department knew about the bribe.
Another email found on Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020 suggested that he was later tasked by a top Burisma executive to shut down an investigation into Burisma.
At the time the bribe was paid, Hunter was not only a Burisma board member, he was the head of Burisma’s legal unit.
The author of the newly released email, State Department official George Kent, testified at President Donald Trump’s 2020 impeachment. Kent never mentioned the explosive information from his email—information that would have cleared Trump.
Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.
Are you serious? Is this proven etc?
See if you can find La Quinta Columna on Bitchute or Rumble and the research these Spanish scientists are doing. A New Zealand health official was on camera backing up their findings a couple of weeks ago on a local news channel. Not sure you can find that on the web anymore but possibly. A few other doctors are confirming as well. Who knows? But their claims are down right chilling. Makes you wonder why we can’t find out what’s in it or what their research and trials concluded. The document release is being sped up and a Toronto Dr. is breaking them down. He is horrified at just what’s been released so far. They wanted us to wait 55 years to find this shit out. But, nothing to see here. SKOL!
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See if you can find La Quinta Columna on Bitchute or Rumble and the research these Spanish scientists are doing. A New Zealand health official was on camera backing up their findings a couple of weeks ago on a local news channel. Not sure you can find that on the web anymore but possibly. A few other doctors are confirming as well. Who knows? But their claims are down right chilling. Makes you wonder why we can’t find out what’s unit or what their research concluded. They wanted us to wait 55 years to find this shit out. But, nothing to see here. SKOL!
Full Disclosure #1: This is not financial advice.

Full Disclosure #2: I own some of these coins already.

Recently, Steve Bannon and Boris Epshteyn of the War Room began to sponsor the cryptocurrency $FJB coin. They are working toward developing a parallel economy where people can no longer be canceled due to their views, like the truckers with GoFundMe for instance. FJB crypto is apparently a big part of their plan. They are even working on an app to make it very easy for people to buy it and use it.

I really like Bannon, and if you judge a man by his enemies, well he is the only civilian in history sanctioned by the CCP, among other things. Because he is behind it, I think it has potential to grow. But more than that, I think if it starts to get any momentum a mass of people will be quick to jump at the chance to own it. Think about the FJB and LGB chants at almost every event over the last year. Or how motivated people will be to force the fake news to cover the fact that the fastest growing crypto on the market is a big F U to the President.

I think the coin has potential, which is why I bought some. Don’t take my word for it of course, think it through and never invest more than you can afford to lose. But if you jump in, do so with both feet and help people you know buy too, spending only what they can afford to lose as well of course.

The coin is dirt cheap right now so the potential for very large gains is there. And if you make some money, be sure to throw a few bucks to good folks at TFSF and to save some for Vegas!

FJB to the moon!

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