Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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First article I found. I hope these fuckers all fry.
"A spokesperson for the CDC said the previous definition could be interpreted to mean vaccines are 100% effective. This has never been the case for any vaccine."

Stuff like this instills so much confidence in those that are making these decisions doesn't it?
My cousin isn't doing well. He went on the tube the morning after he got a nurse to give him Ivm. He's gotten bad enough that one dr wants to pull him off the tube and let him die. The other dr is "willing to fight" by letting him lay there on a tube and die slowly. My aunt, her daughter and son got to go to into the hospital and talk to the dr today and they begged him to try the ivermectin treatment and he declined.

Greg wanted to beat the dog shit out of him at that point but they agreed they would try to transfer him and needed the dr to sign off on it.

I hate dr's at this point. If they don't transfer him I pray i never meet that mother fucker in public. I can't imagine taking that oath and doing fucking nothing.
Sorry this is happening. Ivermectin is usually effective much earlier, and supposedly less so later. But if he is already heading towards death now, maybe you should tell the hospital to release him to hospice, and then be ready at home with treatment.
Your wife drives a BMW so you’re supporting the cabal. You’re posting on a phone or computer so you’re supporting the cabal. You probably have appliances in your house so you’re supporting the cabal. I’m not watching the olympics either but stop acting like you have the moral high ground on not supporting the cabal.
To each his own. About 20 years ago I just decided that I wasn’t going to let somebody else’s politics keep me from things I enjoy. I grew up listening to a bunch of punk/alternative bands with lyrics full of liberal ideas. I decided it wasn’t going to keep me from the music I liked and I’ve pretty much stick with that.

I was just recently thinking, as I listen to the same music now I can identify much more with the anti establishment themes in the lyrics. I think I have a lot more views in common with some lefties (not progressives) than I do with uniparty regardless of the L or R next to their name.
Just dropped my kid off at Mother’s Day out at a local Episcopal Church. They put on a weekly food pantry. Long line of cars and not a single junker in the line. The erosion of the middle class is quite real.
Part of the problem, however, many of those in line don't need the food and may be running scams. Similar to going into a store, buying a bunch of stuff both eligible and not, then pulling out a Food Stamp card to pay for it. When some of the items are refused, the customer then pulls out a credit card, not debit, to pay for the overage. Then scurry off to a late model SUV. I see this often in my locale.

Years ago, I ran into a woman in a Sec 8 apartment complex who was running a well thought out scam. She used her Food Stamp card every month to get everything she could. Then went to every food giveaway place and got as much as she could. In her apartment, every cabinet and spare space (under her bed too) had can goods and other food products stashed. She could not put anymore inside. She would then trade the food for drugs which she sold to get her spending money for the month.
Pricks The Honk Ban Did Not Work. This Is Worse. The Native Bastard Guys Are Restless

The Ottawa gvt messed that situation up big time. They may have already relented on the honking if the gvt didn't acknowledge it bothers them. Like myself when someone tells me I am annoying them, while I am trying to do just that, I will only do it more and more obnoxiously at that.
Schoolchildren can’t vote..

It’s coming. Maryland delegates have introduced a bill that the student member of the board- can vote on all county issues. So basically. They have the same power as elected board members, while never elected.
While I think students should have input. They shouldn’t be the deciding vote.
The irony is that to be considered to be the “SMOB” you have to receive parental permission. Yet, in my county, 57000 students could be impacted by a 17 year old.
Another power grab to get a vote.
She is definitely not insightful enough to write this above. The reason I know? It is a well conceived thought that happens to be on point. Something that is rare in that woman's history in the public eye.

Of course she and whoever controls her words and thoughts will take the exact opposite of the protests going on by the brave heroes to the north.
It's not the country I am boycotting. I am boycotting the whole stinking apparatus. The same apparatus running and ruining this country. I am boycotting the cabal and their henchmen puppets. Watch all you want. But just know you are supporting the same evil fucks that are jabbing kids and making you wear a diaper on your face. I say fuck everything they stand for and don't give them a moment of your precious time. JMHO. SKOL!

I am boycotting the media. And the circus. All at once. Throw in the fact that alot of the Olympians are liberals.... even better... throw in the fact that China is mistreating them. GOLD STANDARD of fuck em!

Almost camping season here.

I’ve made a last minute decision to take my son to the Tech game in Norman tonight… gonna let him skip school tomorrow. If any of you Sooners are gonna be at the game, shoot me a PM. I’d love to drink a beer with you.

Down in San Antonio right now, otherwise I would make the 30 minute drive to meet up.

If anyone lives in SA, TX, let me know we might be able to toast one.
He's in medically induced coma and you can't enter the hospital. The 3 I named only got permission to come into the lobby to talk to the main dr. Its a fucking joke. Yea. i could storm the hospital and try to give him a pill while he has a feeding tube and breathing tube in his throat.

Its like im in an alternate universe. They won't even try and we are just trying to get him transferred to hospital that will try.

I read on another site that they are required to give family a moment alone with the dieing patient. Maybe she can slip him some.

If not:
1. We make the Dr famous.
2. File murder charges against him/her.
I read on another site that they are required to give family a moment alone with the dieing patient. Maybe she can slip him some.

If not:
1. We make the Dr famous.
2. File murder charges against him/her.
You need to sue for potential life saving treatment being denied that has no potential harm. For treatment now and litigation in the future. The problem with giving any anti covid drug late in the couse is the damage is already done. Depending on timing of infection, the virus is probably done replicating as natural immunity is already kicking in. These late treatments are generally not the reason why people get better, it’s the tincture of time.
Better stock up on Cilantro extract. These cock suckers are adding the vax to their aerosol weaponry. I doubt Anchorage is dense enough but I take it once or twice a week anyway. The shield maiden also bought one of those Ionic foot detox machines. The shit that came out of us the first couple of times was alarming. SKOL!
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So The Terrorist Trucker Arsonist In Ottawa turns out he was actually a Communist Antifa Freak, not a trucker. Will MSM correct their lies supporting the Antifa Communist?


^^first Mom better get to work^^

Better stock up on Cilantro extract. These cock suckers are adding the vax to their aerosol weaponry. I doubt Anchorage is dense enough but I take it once or twice a week anyway. The shield maiden also bought one of those Ionic foot detox machines. The shit that came out of us the first couple of times was alarming. SKOL!
What sort of stuff? I'm not familiar with a foot detox machine.
What sort of stuff? I'm not familiar with a foot detox machine.
My water turned a dark brown the first time I used it. I heard heavy smokers water turns black or gray. Supposedly heavy metals and other toxins that accumulate in your body are extracted. Could be hokus pokus but I am a believer after doing the detox several times. my last one was very light in color. I take that as I have less toxins then before. Some review sites say the water changing color is because of the water used and the impurities in the water. I have used the same well water all three times and the water has become lighter after each use. I dont know what to really believe as far as that goes but I do feel better after the session. Could all be placibo and i am sure somebody will say it is junk science. Id argue the whole or most of our medical community has been shown to be farcical. Who to believe? SKOL!

With a grain of salt.
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7.5% inflation wasn't enough...Biden wants more!​

Biden to propose a 4.6 percent pay raise for federal employees, the biggest hike in 20 years

WASHINGTON - Federal employees and military service members would receive average raises of 4.6 percent next January under the budget President Joe Biden will propose in March, marking what would be the workforce's largest salary hike in two decades, according to senior officials at two federal agencies.

The pay increase would follow an average 2.7 percent raise that took effect last month for 2.1 million executive branch workers, as Biden proposed early last year. The increase took effect by default under a federal pay law after Congress took no position on the increase by the end of December.
The salary boost Biden will propose for 2023 will be part of a wide-ranging budget the administration is expected to release in early March for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1. Raises are paid in January.

The Office of Management and Budget declined to comment. The senior officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the budget proposal publicly.

A 4.6 percent raise would be the largest since 2002, when the workforce received the same increase. The raise two years earlier, in 2000, averaged 4.8 percent, the largest since 1981.

Better stock up on Cilantro extract. These cock suckers are adding the vax to their aerosol weaponry. I doubt Anchorage is dense enough but I take it once or twice a week anyway. The shield maiden also bought one of those Ionic foot detox machines. The shit that came out of us the first couple of times was alarming. SKOL!
How much/often do you take CE?

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