Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
So Biden stumbled his way through the oath of office and clearly left out some words. Is it still legit or are they going to have to try again?
I’m about 50 yards from the tipping point. I’m sure I’ll finish the remaining 50 in no time, as anyone with a functioning brain understands that these people are about to get alllllllllllllll the revenge. THEY CONTROL EVERYTHING and you better believe they’re going to let you know about it. Idk when it happens, but our issues aren’t going to be solved peacefully.

You think they haven’t controlled everything for a long time? Even if Trump had somehow pulled this off, it was just a respite until 2024.
I keep trying to find it, but some posted a youtube video on here way back in the beginning of Q
Called white rabbit or something, it basically laid out everything that has just happened, i remember watching it thinking trump aint gonna do that (basically herd us all into a corner) and eff me if we aint here
Wish i could find that again so i could post it up here for us to re-review
Anyone renember??
Bizarro world to say the least. Very disappointing. I’ll never believe Biden got more legal votes than Trump. We were cheated and that stings!

How many coincidences until it is mathematically impossible? I’ll eat crow I believed and the plan didn’t come to fruition.

Where will the goalposts be moved to meow?

How was DT not prepared for the election fraud he knew was coming?

Corruption overtook The Constitution

I can’t understand any of this madness!!!

That said, I do know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

I’m not sure how we’ll do it but we will need to continue to fight the good fight Patriots.

Trust in the Lord, not man.
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Fox is dead.

Yes I stopped watching Fox when they called Arizona before the polls had closed on November 3. CNN is completely ridiculous. But the thing with CNN is you know what you’re dealing with just believe the opposite of everything they say and you’re fine. Fox and that whole organization is full of hypocrites
I will never ever watch Fox News again
I have followed this thread pretty closely since the beginning on rivals. I’m not sure how so many got duped into believing this Q shit considering it was completely implausible from the beginning. I think almost all you guys are intelligent good people, but I think now is the time for self reflection, which it appears many of you guys are already doing. Think about what made you susceptible to following which an outlandish movement. My guess is that many of you were unhappy with your own life and looking for someone or something to blame which is human nature. The government is never going to make you feel happy no matter who or what is in control. The only thing that can make you happy is you. Now is the time to stop obsessing over Washington and focusing on things that matter things that actually fulfill you. I have closely followed politics since I was a young teenager. Nothing has really changed over my almost 30 years of following it. The government has always had corruption. It has always favored the “elite”. It has been trending more liberal over those years. This didn’t start with Obama it has always been there in the underbelly. I have always viewed politics like a sport. There are always winners and losers but no one stays on top forever except maybe Bama haha. It is entertainment nothing more. What the federal government does on a daily basis has little to no affect on the average citizens daily life outside taxes.
One more thing on the election being stolen before I let you have your thread back. Was there fraud in the election? Yes there is in every election. Most of it is hard to find and prove because it is mainly done in hard to trace ways like ballot harvesting. Things that have been pushed like ballot stuffing and vote flipping are very unlikely. Just remember the people that were pushing those narratives are the same ones that were pushing the Q narrative. If they are willing to lie to you about one thing they are probably lying about everything. Good luck to you guys and try to find happiness.
Oh Fvck off
So was the Durham report a hoax too? The Social Delima documentary is really hitting home because I can't tell whats true and what's false in the news anymore. Only thing I can take from Q is think mirror.

When fluffbottom said he will get to the bottom of something = no he won't

Wait on the Durham report = there was never a report

Pedos will go to jail = Pedo Gaga gets to sing and dance at the event today

Man..chitty day
Durham will not have a report. It is either indictments or nothing. He has Special Prosecutor status and the Grand Jury is still going. It is a wait and see what happens. Could be everything or could be nothing.
Bizarro world to say the least. Very disappointing. I’ll never believe Biden got more legal votes than Trump. We were cheated and that stings!

How many coincidences until it is mathematically impossible? I’ll eat crow I believed and the plan didn’t come to fruition.

Where will the goalposts be moved to meow?

How was DT not prepared for the election fraud he knew was coming?

Corruption overtook The Constitution

I can’t understand any of this madness!!!

That said, I do know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

I’m not sure how we’ll do it but we will need to continue to fight the goods fight Patriots.

Trust in the Lord, not man.
In my opinion the deep state concocted a plan and executed it perfectly. The plan involved the use of main stream media as well as in my opinion the coronavirus.

I do not think this is the end of America. But to me it looks like we’re going to enter a phase like we did when Jimmy Carter became the president in the late 70s

Sleepy Joe will do everything he can to Erase everything President Trump did. in my opinion the stock market will come tumbling down and interest rates will skyrocket.

I’m hoping we have a Ronald Reagan come out of this 4 years from now
Bizarro world to say the least. Very disappointing. I’ll never believe Biden got more legal votes than Trump. We were cheated and that stings!

How many coincidences until it is mathematically impossible? I’ll eat crow I believed and the plan didn’t come to fruition.

Where will the goalposts be moved to meow?

How was DT not prepared for the election fraud he knew was coming?

Corruption overtook The Constitution

I can’t understand any of this madness!!!

That said, I do know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

I’m not sure how we’ll do it but we will need to continue to fight the goods fight Patriots.

Trust in the Lord, not man.
Bottom line- Trump couldn't find enough good guys. Said it a million times. Our govt will make sure a Trump type will never be allowed to run for POTUS.
I have followed this thread pretty closely since the beginning on rivals. I’m not sure how so many got duped into believing this Q shit considering it was completely implausible from the beginning. I think almost all you guys are intelligent good people, but I think now is the time for self reflection, which it appears many of you guys are already doing. Think about what made you susceptible to following which an outlandish movement. My guess is that many of you were unhappy with your own life and looking for someone or something to blame which is human nature. The government is never going to make you feel happy no matter who or what is in control. The only thing that can make you happy is you. Now is the time to stop obsessing over Washington and focusing on things that matter things that actually fulfill you. I have closely followed politics since I was a young teenager. Nothing has really changed over my almost 30 years of following it. The government has always had corruption. It has always favored the “elite”. It has been trending more liberal over those years. This didn’t start with Obama it has always been there in the underbelly. I have always viewed politics like a sport. There are always winners and losers but no one stays on top forever except maybe Bama haha. It is entertainment nothing more. What the federal government does on a daily basis has little to no affect on the average citizens daily life outside taxes.
One more thing on the election being stolen before I let you have your thread back. Was there fraud in the election? Yes there is in every election. Most of it is hard to find and prove because it is mainly done in hard to trace ways like ballot harvesting. Things that have been pushed like ballot stuffing and vote flipping are very unlikely. Just remember the people that were pushing those narratives are the same ones that were pushing the Q narrative. If they are willing to lie to you about one thing they are probably lying about everything. Good luck to you guys and try to find happiness.

You done fucked up now...

So what happened to all the stuff that was supposed to be declassified?
Yep...this is the part I simply do not get. It’s probably the part that’s going to stick with me the longest. If you had it all, then what the fuck happened? Let’s see it. If you over estimated, I’m fine with that, but to simply go away?

I’m at a loss for words, and at this point I don’t know what to think. I’m sort of just in a state of awe and pretty much numb to all of it once again. As far as Trump’s legacy goes, I have a feeling the history books won’t be kind to him.
I have followed this thread pretty closely since the beginning on rivals. I’m not sure how so many got duped into believing this Q shit considering it was completely implausible from the beginning. I think almost all you guys are intelligent good people, but I think now is the time for self reflection, which it appears many of you guys are already doing. Think about what made you susceptible to following which an outlandish movement. My guess is that many of you were unhappy with your own life and looking for someone or something to blame which is human nature. The government is never going to make you feel happy no matter who or what is in control. The only thing that can make you happy is you. Now is the time to stop obsessing over Washington and focusing on things that matter things that actually fulfill you. I have closely followed politics since I was a young teenager. Nothing has really changed over my almost 30 years of following it. The government has always had corruption. It has always favored the “elite”. It has been trending more liberal over those years. This didn’t start with Obama it has always been there in the underbelly. I have always viewed politics like a sport. There are always winners and losers but no one stays on top forever except maybe Bama haha. It is entertainment nothing more. What the federal government does on a daily basis has little to no affect on the average citizens daily life outside taxes.
One more thing on the election being stolen before I let you have your thread back. Was there fraud in the election? Yes there is in every election. Most of it is hard to find and prove because it is mainly done in hard to trace ways like ballot harvesting. Things that have been pushed like ballot stuffing and vote flipping are very unlikely. Just remember the people that were pushing those narratives are the same ones that were pushing the Q narrative. If they are willing to lie to you about one thing they are probably lying about everything. Good luck to you guys and try to find happiness.

I don’t post often and don’t pick fights. I don’t disagree with much of what you said, but sincerely and from the very bottom of my happy heart, fuck you.
Fox is dead.

He just watched Jim Boden talk about unity whilst in the last 10 days DC was turned into a military state right before our eyes while the swamp rats cheered and did a victory lap inside a cage with none of the people that "elected" him POTUS. We just watched true elites say fuck you to the American people and build a fence around the People's house with soldiers with guns peering out at the People. We just watched a facist regime come to power. Let that sink Chris Wallace, you fucking doosh.
R's need to embrace ballot harvesting. We have an aging population. Old folks homes and nursing homes are prime targets for prefilled out mail in ballots. VFW, American Legion, etc. etc. There should be a stack of mail in ballots in every company break room, oilfield trailer, and truck stop. Boots on the ground operations in all swing states to start collecting signatures as soon as they are eligible to mail in.

Shit's checkers it ain't chess. Just have to adapt to the new reality. Instead of fighting this last go round they should have embraced it and won the damn game. Now we are on the outside trying to catch up.
Doesn’t matter anymore, they just needed to win this election. Now they can flood the country with illegals and grant them citizenship. That in combination with MIV means millions of new votes. They will flip TX before the 2028 or 2032 at the latest and that closes any path for normalcy to return to this country.
Bottom line- Trump couldn't find enough good guys. Said it a million times. Our govt will make sure a Trump type will never be allowed to run for POTUS.
This. Imagine coming to work every day and 95% of the people in your office are actively trying to undermine your progress. That’s what Trump was dealing with and what Flynn was supposed to protect him against. When Flynn was outed, the DS had an open runway for sabotage...and here we are.
Please explain without using the letter “Q”, “17”, or whatever clue you may have been given anywhere in your explanation. Better yet, don’t worry about it. As far as I’m concerned it’s over with and I’m signing out for a while now! Over and out ✌🏼!
Just hop over to the main forum and catch some lulz with us. We need some more contributors over there
I have followed this thread pretty closely since the beginning on rivals. I’m not sure how so many got duped into believing this Q shit considering it was completely implausible from the beginning. I think almost all you guys are intelligent good people, but I think now is the time for self reflection, which it appears many of you guys are already doing. Think about what made you susceptible to following which an outlandish movement. My guess is that many of you were unhappy with your own life and looking for someone or something to blame which is human nature. The government is never going to make you feel happy no matter who or what is in control. The only thing that can make you happy is you. Now is the time to stop obsessing over Washington and focusing on things that matter things that actually fulfill you. I have closely followed politics since I was a young teenager. Nothing has really changed over my almost 30 years of following it. The government has always had corruption. It has always favored the “elite”. It has been trending more liberal over those years. This didn’t start with Obama it has always been there in the underbelly. I have always viewed politics like a sport. There are always winners and losers but no one stays on top forever except maybe Bama haha. It is entertainment nothing more. What the federal government does on a daily basis has little to no affect on the average citizens daily life outside taxes.
One more thing on the election being stolen before I let you have your thread back. Was there fraud in the election? Yes there is in every election. Most of it is hard to find and prove because it is mainly done in hard to trace ways like ballot harvesting. Things that have been pushed like ballot stuffing and vote flipping are very unlikely. Just remember the people that were pushing those narratives are the same ones that were pushing the Q narrative. If they are willing to lie to you about one thing they are probably lying about everything. Good luck to you guys and try to find happiness.
My dad and I got into a big fight about this last week. I am staunch righty but this q stuff has really got him messed up in the head. You talk to these people and they sound just like radical Muslims. Luckily he has been much more bearable since but damn people are putting politics in front of their own loved ones, family first people. My little girl and my wife are my number one priority, not some politician.
I have followed this thread pretty closely since the beginning on rivals. I’m not sure how so many got duped into believing this Q shit considering it was completely implausible from the beginning. I think almost all you guys are intelligent good people, but I think now is the time for self reflection, which it appears many of you guys are already doing. Think about what made you susceptible to following which an outlandish movement. My guess is that many of you were unhappy with your own life and looking for someone or something to blame which is human nature. The government is never going to make you feel happy no matter who or what is in control. The only thing that can make you happy is you. Now is the time to stop obsessing over Washington and focusing on things that matter things that actually fulfill you. I have closely followed politics since I was a young teenager. Nothing has really changed over my almost 30 years of following it. The government has always had corruption. It has always favored the “elite”. It has been trending more liberal over those years. This didn’t start with Obama it has always been there in the underbelly. I have always viewed politics like a sport. There are always winners and losers but no one stays on top forever except maybe Bama haha. It is entertainment nothing more. What the federal government does on a daily basis has little to no affect on the average citizens daily life outside taxes.
One more thing on the election being stolen before I let you have your thread back. Was there fraud in the election? Yes there is in every election. Most of it is hard to find and prove because it is mainly done in hard to trace ways like ballot harvesting. Things that have been pushed like ballot stuffing and vote flipping are very unlikely. Just remember the people that were pushing those narratives are the same ones that were pushing the Q narrative. If they are willing to lie to you about one thing they are probably lying about everything. Good luck to you guys and try to find happiness.
People followed it because Trump and his admin propagated and pushed it. Your post reads like it was a random larper in his basement everyone fell for which is a complete lie.
My dad and I got into a big fight about this last week. I am staunch righty but this q stuff has really got him messed up in the head. You talk to these people and they sound just like radical Muslims. Luckily he has been much more bearable since but damn people are putting politics in front of their own loved ones, family first people. My little girl and my wife are my number one priority, not some politician.
Radical Muslims? You might consider editing your post.

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