Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Now at the federal level the police will have no support. Local level already wants to defund the police and not prosecute crimes. Which major city has a George Floyd type riot?
Trump probably made a deal to save his family and businesses. What else did he have as leverage?
Now knowing the ending, hopefully he has for his and his families sake. It will be interesting to see what they do moving forward and how they carry themselves. Go quietly away, give the appearance of fighting on, or truly fighting for what they believe is right?

If any inkling of the pedo stuff has merit, it needs to come out and be dealt with harshly.

God wins in the end, and in that I have no doubt, but He wins on His timeline.
It's pretty simple in a way. We, the people, have no one to trust - so we grab on to what sparks our spirit

I don’t disagree, but I also don’t think people were searching for any port in a hurricane when this all started. Again though, let’s table the discussion for a bit or have it outside of this thread.

There are a lot of people who I like in this thread who are dealing with a lot of emotions right now and I don’t want to have a discussion about Q until the shock for them has passed.
after watching this, the one thing that is such a stark difference is that this whole production is dripping with complete bullshit. Trump, for all his faults, told you precisely what he was thinking. He may have changed his mind, or contradicted himself in the same paragraph....but at least it was genuine.
Libs are all sweet talk and then do the opposite. Trump told you exactly what he thought. I guess fuck your feelings could go for either. Fuck your constitution is only libs, though.
I don’t disagree, but I also don’t think people were searching for any port in a hurricane when this all started. Again though, let’s table the discussion for a bit or have it outside of this thread.

There are a lot of people who I like in this thread who are dealing with a lot of emotions right now and I don’t want to have a discussion about Q until the shock for them has passed.
Agree friend. It's not a time to point a finger at Trump by any means either.

Just time for us all to do some self reflection and look within
President Biden will give China a green light on Taiwan as some form of a great reset within the next 6-8 months. Russia and OPEC are going to love the US clamping down on domestic oil production. Prices for goods and services will increase bigly with all the new money handouts plus raising the minimum wage to levels where current prices cannot support it. Stagflation and a shitty economy here we come........
I've been thinking this for a long time. Glen Beck has been doing shows on this for a couple years now. As you said earlier, not only did they steal the election, they did it in the most sloppy, easy to see manner as possible. They were desperate to steal this election, and it had to be now. Waiting until 2024 wasn't an option for them. Why? Because the globalists have those dark plans not only for us, but the whole world, and those plans start this year. A Donald Trump led U.S. could bring most of those plans to a standstill. But when Joe Biden has the nuclear codes, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and the chicoms are essentially unopposed. Think about it. The Chinese could literally invade America, and Joe Biden would order the military to stand down, and few in a position of power would rebel against that order.

As cynical as I am, it surprised even me that the globalist tentacles into every U.S. institution were so deep that they could get away with such a blatant theft. Even when evidence was on video for all to see, they were able to ignore it. And by "they", I don't mean CNN and twitter and so forth, but all of them, up to and including most republican senators. They betrayed their country, they supported this theft, and though a bitter ending to America it may be, each and every one of them will one day stand before their creator, without excuse.
Like the video I posted last night of Canada inviting China to do war games in Canada. The US pressured them to stop. Biden probably doesn't do that and China could of had 10,000 troops just hanging out in Canada. Hell, I still think they use the UN for an eventual gun grab. I'll bet China would volunteer plenty of meat puppets for that gig.
So they totally booked the wrong Four Seasons? No wink at the deep state of burned ballots. Wtf.

No, they didn’t book the wrong 4 Seasons. Anyone who has ever planned an event of any size (more than 20 people) knows the difference between a local event hall and the 4 Seasons Hotel.

For instance, one would have several layers of people, contracts, professionally done literature while the other has none of those things.

What really happened though? Who knows? And we will never really know either. Such is life.
portland or seattle seem ready to implode and they are seemingly getting everything they want. I don't know how something wild doesn't happen there shortly.
To be fair(letterkenny style), he can say that or say "War." Those are our two choices at the moment. Somewhere the average joe has a tipping point and we haven't reached it yet, but we're getting there. When everyone else catches up and realizes we are now being ruled by autocrats then maybe we can start to plan to fix it. And no voting won't and can't fix it.
I’m about 50 yards from the tipping point. I’m sure I’ll finish the remaining 50 in no time, as anyone with a functioning brain understands that these people are about to get alllllllllllllll the revenge. THEY CONTROL EVERYTHING and you better believe they’re going to let you know about it. Idk when it happens, but our issues aren’t going to be solved peacefully.
It will never happen. Too many Americans are stupid and either buy into the media propaganda or are too comfortable in their lifestyles to risk anything. Keep everyone reasonably fat and comfortable and they will be easy to control
We don’t know the same people. There are no shortage of willing, the only thing lacking is organization. Plenty are preparing you can believe that.
One day when the dust settles I hope we can have a discussion about Q and how it all took root. It’s certainly not the time to do so now though.
I don’t mind talking about it now. It’s not so hard for me to reconcile how it started. Some sort of advanced AI/supercomputer creates all the “deltas” and the ones running the AI/Supercomputer are obviously as nefarious as an entity that exists.

What I can’t reconcile is why the FUCK Trump didn’t squash it right away, IF it was full of shit. He has to know this type of information would incite the masses and get them enraged. D
I'd love to see the local police in Seattle and Portland just all call in sick when it goes down. Let those cities burn.
So was the Durham report a hoax too? The Social Delima documentary is really hitting home because I can't tell whats true and what's false in the news anymore. Only thing I can take from Q is think mirror.

When fluffbottom said he will get to the bottom of something = no he won't

Wait on the Durham report = there was never a report

Pedos will go to jail = Pedo Gaga gets to sing and dance at the event today

Man..chitty day
I have followed this thread pretty closely since the beginning on rivals. I’m not sure how so many got duped into believing this Q shit considering it was completely implausible from the beginning. I think almost all you guys are intelligent good people, but I think now is the time for self reflection, which it appears many of you guys are already doing. Think about what made you susceptible to following which an outlandish movement. My guess is that many of you were unhappy with your own life and looking for someone or something to blame which is human nature. The government is never going to make you feel happy no matter who or what is in control. The only thing that can make you happy is you. Now is the time to stop obsessing over Washington and focusing on things that matter things that actually fulfill you. I have closely followed politics since I was a young teenager. Nothing has really changed over my almost 30 years of following it. The government has always had corruption. It has always favored the “elite”. It has been trending more liberal over those years. This didn’t start with Obama it has always been there in the underbelly. I have always viewed politics like a sport. There are always winners and losers but no one stays on top forever except maybe Bama haha. It is entertainment nothing more. What the federal government does on a daily basis has little to no affect on the average citizens daily life outside taxes.
One more thing on the election being stolen before I let you have your thread back. Was there fraud in the election? Yes there is in every election. Most of it is hard to find and prove because it is mainly done in hard to trace ways like ballot harvesting. Things that have been pushed like ballot stuffing and vote flipping are very unlikely. Just remember the people that were pushing those narratives are the same ones that were pushing the Q narrative. If they are willing to lie to you about one thing they are probably lying about everything. Good luck to you guys and try to find happiness.
Go fuck yourself and then hang yourself.

What’s funny is you fucking internet tough guys have no idea who you are talking to or the quality of the man. Literally... Teddy Jack is exactly who you want next to you “on the line”.

I’ve never seen so many people cry because another person has a different opinion. Oh wait. Yea I have. On TMB when hurricaneshaun and other liberals posted in our threads.

If anyone replied to my posts and said they agree with everything I say all the time and that my posts were most insightful that would be nice.

However, if they just kept rewording and regurgitating the same sentiment 5 or more times per page I would just have to ignore because it’s nothing new.

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